MHS Seven TraitsEssayRubricName/Period:
The Deal Breaker: Does this essay fulfill the rhetorical task? Y / N
Traits / 1 Beginning / 2 Emerging / 3 Developing / 4 Capable / 5 Experienced / 6 ExceptionalIdeas/Content / Does not reflect a main idea/thesis or purpose; content may be off topic. / Main idea/thesis is emerging, but direction is unclear. / States or implies a main idea/thesis but is unclear, unfocused, inaccurate, or underdeveloped. / Conveys a focused and accurate main idea/thesis with adequate evidence and reasoning. / Produces a focused, accurate and complex main idea/thesis supported with convincing evidence and reasoning. / Conveys a focused, accurate, and significant main idea/thesis including unique, substantial insights supported with evidence and reasoning.
Organization / No lead or conclusion; no transitions; no claim, evidence or reasoning. / Unclear lead; weak or sporadic transitions fail to connect ideas; unclear conclusion. / Inadequate lead; weak transitions; missing claims, evidence or reasoning; inadequate conclusion. / Recognizable lead; transitions connect ideas; paragraphs have claims, evidence and reasoning; recognizable conclusion. / Lead creates anticipation; developed reasoning; varied transitions build smoothly between ideas; satisfying conclusion. / Inviting lead; seamlessly developed reasoning; compelling transitions clarify relationships among ideas; powerful conclusion.
Voice / Tone is indistinguishable from a list of facts, may be inappropriate or offensive to the audience. / Tone reveals little of the author's perspctive or may not support purpose. / Tone is flat and disinterested. Avoids originial insight. Author prefers safe generalities. / Tone is appropriate and honest, but may not consistently engage the audience. / Tone engages audience revealing the author's personality and sincerity.
Moments of thoughtful experimentation appear. / Tone resonates with the topic and the audience, revealing the author's personality and investment.
WordChoice / Uses limited vocabulary; attempts to use words to convey meaning are unsuccessful. / Has flawed or simplistic vocabulary, resulting in impaired meaning; reader has difficulty understanding the message.
Clichés and colloquialisms are prolific. / Has vocabulary that is understandable yet lacks energy and imagination; some interpretation may be needed to understand parts of the piece. Colloquialisms and clichés may be present. / Uses correct vocabulary with some imagery and/or unique word choices; author's meaningis easy to understand and fits audience andpurpose. / Incorporates precise vocabulary to enrich the message; uses imagery and/or figurative language. / Creates vivid imagery, with powerful and striking vocabulary; uses precise words and/or figurative language to enhance meaning and recall of significant phrases.
SentenceFluency / Choppy sentence structure is incomplete, rambling or awkward. / Sentences vary little; overly simplistic sentence structure; reader stumbles when reading aloud. / Sentences are technically correct but not varied; sounds mechanical when read aloud. / Sentences flow smoothly and tend to be pleasant but mechanical; sentence styles may be repetitive. Easy to read aloud. / Some sentences are rhythmic, using a variety of correctly structured sentence types; flows well when read aloud. / Sentences have rhythm, and are well built, with strong, varied structures that invite expressive reading.
Conventions / Errors make text unreadable. / Convention errors scattered throughout text. / Inconsistent errors impair readability; displays a lack of skill with particularconvention(s) through repeatedmistakes. / Standard grade-level conventions accurately used on most occasions. / Conventions demonstrate few errors with only minor editing needed to publish. / Grammar, punctuation, spelling and capitalization used effortlesslywithout significant errors; may use conventions to creatively enhance message.
Presentation / Presentation or formatting makes text unreadable. / Presentation or formatting makes text confusing. / Presentation or formatting makes text difficult to read or understand; piece lacks a finished appearance. / Presentation or formatting supports a clear message. / Presentation or formatting makes text generally easy to read and enhances understanding. / Professional-looking presentation or formatting; makes choices to enhance meaning.