Our Ref: / AM/DD
Your Ref:
Date: / As postmark
Contact: / Deborah Doel, HR Manager
Tel: / 01443 232116

Dear Candidate


Thank you for the interest that you have shown in the above post.

The Application Pack

Within this pack, you will find the following:

·  Job Advert

·  Job Description

·  Person Specification

·  Equalities Monitoring Form

·  General standing Order 15 – Appointment of Staff


Should you wish to be considered for this role, it will be necessary for you to submit a CV. It is important that you provide clear evidence to demonstrate each area highlighted on the Person Specification. Please provide practical examples of your actual experience wherever possible. This should be based on your skills, knowledge, experience and abilities relevant to the post. Please note that the Essential Criteria marked with an asterix will be used for short-listing purposes. Candidates will be required to provide evidence against each of these criteria, using no more than 500 words for each.

In order to ensure the Authority’s continued development of equal opportunities in employment, please complete the Equalities Monitoring Form, which forms part of this application. All the information provided will be treated as confidential and will be used for monitoring purposes and not selection.

Your attention is drawn to the Authority’s General Standing Order (GSO) 15.5 and 15.6 – Appointment of Staff which relates to attempts to influence an appointment and candidates related to any Member or Senior Officer of the Authority. A copy is enclosed with the application pack for your attention.

Completed CVs should be returned by email to Deborah Doel, HR Manager, Recruitment & Assessment to the following address:-

If you have completed a Strategic Management ADC outside of the All Wales Strategic Management ADC, you must also include a copy of the ‘Overall Performance Summary’ detailing the scores attain at the ADC, together with details of the date and location when you completed it.

Candidates successful at shortlisting with a Strategic ADC pass from outside of the All Wales ADC process will have to complete and pass a SWFRS Strategic Managers ADC process before progressing to the final interview.

The successful candidate must be screened for their fitness to undertake the role and will be given a Medical Questionnaire to complete. Occupational Health will assess the form and may require you to attend a medical examination.

The closing date for applications is 12:00 28th February 2018.

Further details regarding the selection process and formal interview will be supplied to shortlisted candidates.

If you require any further assistance or have any queries relating to this process, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01443 232116.

Yours sincerely

Deborah Doel

HR Manager, Recruitment and Assessment