Circular No Dated 8th July 2013
For All Members
Dear Comrades,
SSBEA Opposes Merger of Associate Banks with SBI
Demand delinking of Associate Banks from SBI
Members are aware that frequent statements are being made by Sh. Parteep Chowdhary, Chairman, State Bank of India, to merge Associate Banks with SBI. In this connection Central Committee of State Sector Bank Employees’ Association met on 1st June 2013 at Delhi and after threadbare discussions it was decided that any move of merger shall be fought with full strength as the merger of Public Sector Banks including Associate banks is detrimental to the interest of employees as well as public. This is being initiated by the Govt. as a part of its policy to shrink and privatize Public Sector banking and to encourage corporate, private and foreign banking in the name of banking reforms. Therefore it was decided that the preparations should be made to fight against merger. To mobilize the members at grass root level and to made them aware of the consequences after merger it was decided to hold Central Committee and General body Meetings at Head Quarters of all Associate Banks to be addressed by the General Secretaries of all Associate Banks. First meeting was held by All India SBBJ Employees’ Coordination Committee at Jaipur on 23rd June 2013, second meeting was held by All India SBH Staff Association at Hyderabad on 30th June 2013 which was addressed by Com. C H Venkatachalam. General Secretary, AIBEA along with SSBEA Leaders.
Com. C H Venkatachalam, General Secretary AIBEA, while addressing announced that AIBEA central Committee has resolved already to fight merger of Public Sector Banks through strike and strike actions in case it is initiated as it is undesired and against the interest of common masses. He also told that the employees of already merged Associate Banks are suffering a lot and we are struggling for their sufferings. Com. J P Jawar, Vice Chairman, SSBEA and General Secretary, All India SBI Employees’ Association also described in detail that how the Associate Bank employees are being discriminated and treated step motherly. He cautioned that this is the time to struggle in case you want to serve with dignity and self-respect.
Therefore a massive General Body cum Extended Central Committee Meeting was held on 7th July 2013 at Thapar College Auditorium, Patiala. We salute the unity and conviction of our members as they reached in an unprecedented strength. Their attendance in the meeting was evident of their commitment to struggle as many of them could not find the chairs even and they were sitting on floor with complete discipline. Meeting was presided over by Com. Jagdish Sharma, President, AISBOPEF and the proceedings started with floral tributes to the portraits of Com. Prabhatkar and Com. H L Parvana. Thereafter condolences were paid to the flood victims of Uttrakhand and Com. Sat Pal Daang a famous trade unionist and the leader working class. All the Leaders of State Sector Bank Employees’ Association addressed the meeting.
Com. N Venugopal, General Secretary SSBEA and State Bank of Mysore Employees’ Union explained in detail the illusion of more economic benefits in SBI as compared to the benefits prevailing in Associate Banks. He told the merger of Associate Banks is motivated to shrink Public Sector Banking and cost cutting in the name of consolidation by closing branches/offices. He called up on the members for further struggles to be decided in the next phase of agitation.
Com. Mahesh Mishra, Chairman SSBEA & General Secretary All India SBBJ Emp. Coordination Committee while addressing explained in detail that due to cultural importance fulfillment of banking needs of the people of the area by Associate Banks this move of merger is unwarranted and unjustified. He also told that the customer service and performance in various parameters of all Associate Banks is far better than SBI.
Com. J P Jawar, Vice Chairman SSBEA & General Secretary, All India SBI Employees’ Association (Erstwhile SB Indore Emp. Union) narrated the discriminatory policies of the SBI Management with the employees of Associate Banks and told how they treat them as 2nd class citizens. He cautioned that in case of any laxity of struggle on the part of employees will have to be paid heavily. He also told that how they are protecting their rights through litigation which are denied by the management.
Com. M Murlidharan Pillai, Vice Chairman, SSBEA & General Secretary, All India SBT Emp. Federation told that SBI Management is prohibiting Associate Banks to grow by imposing different restrictions and competing in business, opening of branches with its own subsidiaries but do not allow to take over their business. In case Associate Banks are delinked from SBI we can grow many folds. Hence we demand delinking Associate Banks from SBI.
Com. N K Gaur, General Secretary, PBEF stated that SBI Management is trying to merge Associate Banks since long but could not merge due to stiff opposition and struggle by the Unions under the banner of AIBEA. In case employees determine to fight to the last SBI Management can not dare to merge Associate Banks which has their own culture and traditions. He called up on all members to keep ready for grim struggle.
Com. S K Gautam, General Secretary, AISBOPEF & Joint Secretary AIBEA in his address congratulated for attending the meeting in large strength and for maintaining the discipline despite shortage of space. He told that in wake of increasing NPA’s Managements are emphasizing on retail business why they need big banks and for whom? He pointed the conspiracy under the garb of banking reforms to loot the public money. Nexus of politicians and corporates with the help of foreign capital is trying to vanish the public sector banking on the pattern of US where liquidation of banks is a common feature. He called up on all members to keep ready for a grim struggle against any move of merger of Associate banks.
The meeting ended with the vote of thanks by the President Com. Jagdish Sharma. He appealed all the members to keep ready to fight against merger.
Comradely yours,
S K Gautam
General Secretary