Sr. No. / Name of Faculty / Research Paper / Hyperlink / Date of Publication / Name of the Journal (refereed)
1. / Dr. Aneet / Global Warming: It’s Causes and Solutions (Article) / 2014 / Gyan Management, Vol 8, Issue 2, pp. 98-102
2. / Dr. Aneet / Social crisis of Modernity-Collateral Damage / 2014 / Gyan Management, Vol 8, Issue 1, pp. 164-165.
3. / Mr. A.K. Mittal / Urbanisation In India: Opportunities and the Way Forward / 2014 / Gyan Management, Vol 8, Issue 2, pp. 118-119
4. / Sneha Sharma / Causality Relationship between Advertising Expenditure and Sales: A Study of Indian Service Sector / / August 2014 / Management and Labour Studies, 39(3) 1–18
5. / Sneha Sharma / Gender influence in e-Learning Platforms: An Exploratory Study of Punjabi University, Patiala, India / Platforms_an_ Exploratory_Study
/ Oct-Dec 2014 / SPCERA International Journal of Business and Mgmt., Vol-2, Issue No-6, pp. 77-856. / Sneha Sharma / Student’s Attitude towards e-Learning: A Case Study of Panjab University / /
November 2014
Journal, Volume no. X, Issue-I, 38-42
7. / Sneha Sharma / Why Do People Shop At Malls? A Study On Mall Attractiveness Factors Of Consumers OfTier-IICities. / / April 2015 / International Journal of Retailing & Rural Business Perspectives, Volume 4, Number 2, 1578-15838. / Dr. Aneet / Digital India : A Mega Project of Indian Government to provide internet and Connect 250,000 Villages by 2019 / 2015 / Gyan Management, Vol 9, Issue 2, pp. 111-116
9. / Mr. Gurpartap Singh / An Investigation into Measurement of Sport Sponsorship Effectiveness by Indian Companies / 2015 / International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprises Applications (IJEBEA), Issue 12, March-May, 2015
10. / Prof. A.K. Mittal / Ten Tales of Exceptional Entrepreneurship from Bangalore’s Software Miracle / 2015 / Gyan Management, Vol 9, Issue 2, pp. 111-116
11. / Dr. Aneet / Mantras for Success / 2015 / Gyan Management, Vol 9, Issue 1, pp. 135-136
12. / Prof. A.K. Mittal / Make in India : A Visionary Campaign of Government of India / 2015 / Gyan Management, Vol 9, Issue 1, pp. 105-108
13. / Gurpartap Singh / A Study on Decision Making about Sport Sponsorship by Indian Companies / June 2015 / TIJRP’s Research Journal of Social Science and Management (RJSSM), Volume: 05, Number: 2, ISSN 2251 1571, pp. 210-225.
14. / Gurpartap Singh / Important Objectives and Important Considerations in Objective Setting for Sport Sponsorship by Indian Companies. / July 2015 / International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics (IJMAE), Volume 2, Issue 7, pp. 646-655.
15. / Rajneesh Mehra / Effect of Product Cues on the Purchase of Private Labels of Food Products from Organised Retailers in Chandigarh / / October 2015 / International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics
For Indian Journals - 2014-16
Sr. No. / Name of Faculty / Research Paper / Hyperlink / Date of Publication / Name of the Journal (refereed)
1. / Col S.C. Sood / Online Descriptive Examination System / 2014 / Gian Jyoti E-Journal Vol-IV . Iss 2 (ISSN 2250-348X)
2. / Mr. Rajneesh Mehra / R “Consumer Behaviour – A Practical Orientation” / 2014 / Gian Jyoti E-Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp 24-25
3. / Mr. Gagandeep Chawlal / Phising “A Technology Trap” / 2014 / GNA – Journal
4. / Mr. Gangadeep Chawla / Emotional Intelligence in Machines / 2014 / GNA – Journal
5. / Prof.A.K.Mittal and Dr. V.K. Aggarwal / Stocks Traders Perception towards Stock Market Variability and Trading / June 2014 / Gyan Management
ISSN 0974-7621 Vol.(8), Issue (1)
6. / Mr. Gurpartap Singh / Use of Information Systems in State Planning Departments in India / June 2014 / "Research Journal of Science & IT Mgmt. - RJSITM" Vol. 3, No. 8 (ISSN2551-1563)pp.59-72
7. / Dr. A.N. Garg / NPAs and their assignment to Assets Reconstruction Companies (ARCs) / 4_Dr.-A.N.-Garg_NPAs-and-their-assignment-to-Assets-Reconstruction-Companies-ARCs.pdf
/ Oct-Dec 2014 / Gian Jyoti E-Journal, Volume 4, Issue 4ISSN 2250-34
8. / Sneha Sharma / Product placement effectiveness in Bollywood Movie with Debutant Actors: A Case Study of the movie ‘Student of the Year’ /
/November 2014
/Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume 44, Number 11, 22-35
9. / Gurpartap Singh / Unleashing the Potential of SMEs for Defence Procurement / /Dec. 2014
/Journal of Business Analysis — TIT-MBA, Bhopal, Vol. 4, (ISSN 2231-1165) pp. 62-67.
10. / Meenakshi Malhotra / Impact of Futures Trading on Volatility of Spot Market - A Case of Guar Seed. / / 2015 / Agricultural Finance Review; 75 (3), 416 – 431.11. / Meenakshi Malhotra / Evaluating the Hedging Performance of Oil & Oilseeds Futures in India / / 2015 / Paradigm, 19 (2), 184-196.
12. / Meenakshi Malhotra / Volatility Dynamics in Oil & Oilseeds Futures Market in India / 2015 (Accepted) / Vikalpa. IIM-A
13. / Gurpartap Singh and Monika Aggarwal / The Punjab Security Training Institute – A Case Study on Govt.’s Role in Skill Development / Jan-Mar 2015 / Gian Jyoti E-Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN 2250-348X, pp. 34-38.
14. / Sneha Sharma / A Study of Punjabi Univ. Students on relationship between their Age and Attitude Towards e-learning. /
/Feb 2015
/ Journal of Env. Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering and Technology, Volume 4 Issue 1, 104-11115. / Jagvinder Singh / “Punjab Economy: Challenges & Strategies” / 25.04.2015 / Twenty First Century Publications , Patiala ISBN 9789380144375
16. / Gurpartap Singh and Monika Aggarwal / Training in Forensic Audit in the Banking Sector: A Status Report of Banks in Chandigarh, / / Apr-Jun 2015 / Gian Jyoti E-Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2, ISSN 2250-348, pp. 4-16.
17. / Gurpartap Singh / Buying of Strategic Stake in Indonesia Carrier by Singapore's Tiger Airways -- A Case Study / Apr-Jun 2015 / Gian Jyoti E-Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2, ISSN 2250-348, pp. 3.
18. / Prof.A.K.Mittal and Dr. Vimal K Aggarwal / ‘Make in India’: a Visionary Campaign of Government of India / June 2015 / Gyan Management
ISSN 0974-7621 Vol.(9), Issue (1)
19. / Sneha Sharma / Exploring Computer Activities of Students: A Study on Punjabi University, Patiala , India / 08/1_ Gurman-Gunmala-Navkiran-Sneha_ Exploring-computer-activities-of-students.pdf / July-Sep 2015 / Gian Jyoti E-Journal, Vol 5, Issue 3, 1-8
20. / Dr. A.N. Garg / Much Ado about GST / 08/4_Dr.-A.N.-Garg_Much-Ado-about-GST.pdf / July-Sep 2015 / Gian Jyoti E-Journal, Vol 5, Issue 3, 24-29
21. / Jagvinder Singh / The Trend of Increasing Online Shopping –
A Bane or Boon for Retailers / in/wp-content/ uploads/ 2016/01/ Jagvinder-Thakur_The-Trend-of-Increasing-Online-Shopping.pdf / 19.12.2015 / Gian Jyoti E-Journal ISSN 2250-348X
22. / Meenakshi Malhotra / Efficiency and Volatility Spillover in Guar Seed Future Market in India: An Empirical Study. / 2016 (Accepted) / Finance India. Indian Institute of Finance, N. Delhi.
23. / Prof. A.K. Mittal / Case Study of Smartest Cities in North America / Jan. 2016 / Gian Jyoti E-Journal
24. / Charan Singh / Step Ahead to Digitization of Prepaid recharge using IVR and M-Commerce: a Comparative Study / / Jan-Mar 2016 / Gian Jyoti E-Journal
Volume 6, Issue 1 (Jan-Mar 2016),ISSN 2250-348X
Gian Jyoti institute of Management & Technology, Mohali