“2028 END” Movie Script
Written by Gabriel Ansley Erb
Copyright © 2013
(Opening Scene) [0:00]
Revelation Pictures Presents:
“2028 END”
Based Upon Book:
“Undeniable Biblical Proof”
Written By:
Gabriel Ansley Erb
Produced By:
The Holy Spirit
Directed By:
The Creator God
(Scene 1: Creation Day 1)[1:24]
Will it be much longer, Father. I’m ready to embrace my bride, and to live with her for a thousand glorious years.
You know how long it’ll be, Son. For you know ALL I’ve prophesied about you in my Holy Word. You know I chose to create the world in 6 days, followed by a 7thday of rest, to secretly tell the time of the “end from the very beginning”.
“Declaring the End from the Beginning” (Isaiah 46:10)
Each one of my Creation days represented a future 1,000 year period on planet Earth – or 1,000 trips of Earth around the sun – for a total of 7,000 years. This is my Master Time Plan for planet Earth!
“One day is with the Lord as a thousand years” (II Peter 3:8)
I even established the 7 day week in honor of this, and mankind unknowingly celebrates it every 7 day week they live!!! Therefore, Son, you know you’llget to meet your brideat the end of Creation Day 6when planet Earth is 6,000 years old, because your glorious and restful 1,000 year Earthly reign is the prophetic fulfillment of the 7th daySabbath in my Creation story.
Creation Prophecy: Day of Sabbath rest (Genesis 2:1-3)
Millennial Fulfillment: Christ’s 1,000 year Sabbath reign (Revelation 20:1-6)
Now,because I knew my Earthlings would be under much deception about the age of planet Earth near the end of 6,000 years, Idid something else to prove this is ALL true! I not onlyprophesied about Earth’s 7th millennium through day 7 of the Creation story, but I foretold things about EACH of Earth’s 6 millenniums before it through each of their respective Creation days! And I did this all so mankind would have ironclad proof that I am God, and that my 7,000 year Master Time Plan is TRUTH!!!
“I am God, and there is none like me” (Isaiah 46:9)
So, Son, do you remember what I prophesied in Creation Day 1 concerning something that would happen duringmankind’s first 1,000 years on planet Earth?
(Flashback Scene) [4:27]
Year 1 (3972 BC)
We may eat the fruit of any tree, except this one. God said that if we eat its fruit, we will die.
What about that tree? The fruit over there looks very tasty!
God said that we cannot eat from that tree, or even touch it. He said that we can eat the fruit of any tree in the Garden, except that one! If we do eat from that tree, we will die!
Did God say that? You will not die. God knows that when you eat the fruit of that tree you’ll be just like Him! You’re eyes will be opened, and you will know the difference between good and evil.
God said No!
That is because God does not want you to be the same as Him! The fruit will do that. It will make you great and powerful, just like Him.
Woman, where are you?
And that was it! That was the moment Adam & Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. After this, mankind became like us, to know the difference, between what is good and what isevil.
“Man is become as one of us, to know good and evil” (Genesis 3:22)
And how did I prophesy that this would happenduring mankind’s first 1,000 years on Earth? I created light, and then I divided the light from the darkness during Day 1 of Creation!
In my Word, I often refer to light as “good” and darkness as “evil”.
“Every one that doeth evil hateth the light” (John 3:20)
Therefore, mydividing of “light and darkness” foretold of mankind’s Fall in the Garden of Eden, afterwhich good and evil became separately discernable in their hearts.
Creation Prophecy: Divided light from darkness (Genesis 1:3-5)
Millennial Fulfillment: Mankind knows good from evil (Genesis 3:22)
(Scene 2: Creation Day 2)[8:24]
Now, Son, do you remember what I prophesied in Creation Day 2 about some major event that would occur during Earth’ssecond 1,000 year period?
Yes, I do, Father! That was the millennial day of Noah and the destructive world-wide flood!
That’s right, son! The Great Flood occurred 1,656years after Creation, and it was the event I had prophesied of happening in Day 2 of Creation. But the reason whyI chose to prophesy of this event is the bigger story!!! It’s because the entire story of Noah, the Ark, and the Global Flood was to be a prophetic picture of your Second Coming!!! In other words, the story reveals what will happen on planet Earth during its 6,000th year.
(Flashback Scene) [9:30]
Year 1,656 (2316 BC)
Shem, more pitch! Ham, we have need of more pitch! Japheth, take the bucket and fill it and our work is done! Shem!!! Ham!!! Japheth!!!
Wife! Sons! Daughters! Fear not, the Lord has spoken and said, ‘Bring two of every kind into the ark to keep them alive.’ So they have followed me and put there trust in us, to mind them, and to bring them to safety. They’re good beasts in their hearts. They will do no harm to you, nor to each other, for in them is the knowledge of the great waters that will fall upon the Earth. And God has chosen them above all others.
There are more beasts yet to come. Japheth, help them find their way. Ham, Shem, load hey and grain. Wife, thou and the daughters put oil into the lamps and get thy house aboard the ark in order.
I know the meaning of this story, Father; Noah was a picture of me, and the Ark was a picture of Heaven. Each day Noah worked, building rooms in the Ark, it was a picture of me preparing rooms for my bride in Heaven.
The Ark had 3 levels, as does Heaven!
“…caught up to the third heaven” (II Corinthians 12:2)
The Ark had windows, as does Heaven!
“…open the windows of heaven” (Malachi 3:10)
And the Ark had 1 door in its side, which represents me! For I AM the ONLY door through which mankind can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven!
You are correct, Son! I gave Noah detailed plans for building the Ark, and it was ALL for the reasons you say!
But the real prophetic action concerning your Second Comingbegan when the Ark was completed and Noah reached 600 years old, for his age was to represent Earth’s 6,000 year!
It was then, that I told Noah and his family to enter the Ark, and I shut the door!!! For this is how it will be the day of your return Son!
And then I unleashed atorrential Flood to utterly destroy every wicked person living on Earth’s surface, as at the same time, Noah’s house rose up high into the air to safetyabove the carnage below.
I know, I know, Father! And you did it ALL because this is EXACTLY how it will be on the day of my return … onerighteous house of people (my sons and daughters!) will be raptured up off planetEarth,high into the air, to meet me in the clouds, as Earth’s surface and a world of ungodly, beast-marked people will perish in a horrendous global flood of fire!
Time, Time is ticking bye, and I can feel an explosion inside
And Time, Time is ticking bye, and I can feel an explosion inside
As in the days of Noah, as in the days of Noah
They’ll be drinking, marrying, laughing, as in the days of Noah
What a fool they say to build a boat on sand, what a fool they say
It’s never rained before, it’s never rained before, it’s never rained before
But when the rain starts falling, it’s too late, it’s too late
And when the rain starts falling, it’s too late, it’s too late
“And the flood came, and destroyed them all, even thus shall it be
in the day when the Son of man is revealed” (Luke 17:26-30)
Noah’s Wife:
Is it the wind that waileth?
No, wife, it is the chaff which the wind driveth away.
The Lord has taken hold of the ends of the Earth, and shaketh it.
Oh, what a Great and Terrible day it was for Noah, my son! And oh, what a Great and Terrible day it will be for you, on the day of your return.
And how did I prophesy this event would happen during Earth’s second 1,000 year period? I created the sky in the midst of the waters, and then I divided the waters above and below it during Day 2 of Creation.
Before the Great Flood of Noah’s day the skies had never seen clouds or rain. The Earth was watered by a mist coming up from the ground.
“There went up a mist from the Earth,
and watered the whole face of the ground” (Genesis 2:6)
But at the time of the Flood, the fountains of the deep burst open, and the skies were in the midst of the water, being full of rain. And afterward,I divided Earth’s water above and below the sky by clouds above and the ocean beneath!
Creation Prophecy: Sky in midst of waters (Genesis 1:6-8)
Millennial Fulfillment: Fountains of deep broken up (Genesis 7:11-12)
(Scene 3: Creation Day 3)[24:36]
Now, Son, do you remember what I prophesied in Day 3 of Creation concerning Earth’s third 1,000 year period?
Yes, I certainly do, Father! This was the millennial day of Moses and the Israelites’ Red Sea deliverance event!!!
You got it, Son! My parting of the Red Sea happened 2,638years after Creation, and it was the event I had prophesied about in Day 3 of Creation. But again, the reason WHY I chose to prophesy of this event is the bigger story!!! And it’s because what happened at the Red Sea, thru Moses, was to be a prophetic picture of what YOU would accomplish, Son, dying on a cross for the sins of mankind!
(Flashback Scene) [25:42]
Year 2,638 (1334 BC)
Go down, Moses, way down to Egypt land
Tell ole, Pharaoh … let my people go!
I know what this story is about, too, Father! For you planned, designed, and controlled it ALL to tell the Earthly story of mankind’s souls! The Kingdom of Egypt represented the Kingdom of Darkness. And Pharaoh and his army were a picture of Satan and his demons. The Israelites represented all of mankind.And Moses was a picture of me!
You’re right again, Son! It was Satan who held the souls of mankind in bondage to sin and death, just as I planned for Pharaoh in this story to hold the Israelites in bondage to slavery and death. Oh, but I sent the Israelites a Saviour, to deliverer them out of the hand of the enemy …the man Moses!
Come on!
Here, we stop here!
Israelite 1:
You fool!
Israelite 2:
We’re trapped! You’ve led us into a trap!
Israelite 3:
What kind of a leader are you?
Israelite 2:
You’ll have us killed! All …
Moses! You know my voice?
You know who I am?
Do you trust me?
Israelite 3:
This is whichcraft!
Israelite 1:
It must be!
Israelite 4:
Or God’s work!
Israelite 3:
I say whichcraft!
Israelite 2:
No, it’s the only way to escape!!!
Oh Father, standing there in front of the Red Sea, with Pharaoh’s army closing in fast from behind, it was an utterly HOPELESS situation for the Israelites, for Pharaoh held the “power of death” over them! But this is exactly how you wanted the scene to play out, wasn’t it, Father! Because in the same manner, ever since Satan deceived Adam & Eve into sinning in the Garden of Eden, ALL mankind was born into sin and death, and thus, it was Satan who held the “power of death” over mankind’s souls!
Oh, but you told Moses to “stretch out his arms” over the Red Sea, and in so doing, Moses became a picture of me “stretching out my arms” on the cross! And then you divided the Red Sea, helped the Israelites across to freedom, and then destroyed ALL of Pharaoh’s army,including Pharaoh himself, by collapsing the Red Sea in on them! And all of this was done by you to show the complete and utter victory my Red Blood won over Satan and his demons, as I hung on the cross.
Yes, Son, the wages of sin is death! But your righteous death became the acceptable sacrifice able to pay mankind’s death sentence. The moment you died on the cross, and your atoning death became a reality, Satan and his “power of death” over mankind’s souls was destroyed!
Don’t look back! Don’t look back!
Come on! Come on!
“That through death he (Jesus) might destroy him that had the
power of death, that is, the devil” (Hebrews 1:14)
Now here’s one of the biggest secrets I’ve keptin my Word, my Son … In this salvation story of Moses & the Israelites, unbeknownst to mankind, I prophetically declared the year (from Creation)that you would die on the cross! How? It’s in the fact that I chose to deliver the Israelites after 400 years of bondage. In this way, I foretold that YOU, Son, would deliver mankind’s souls out of bondage, dying on a cross, during Earth’s 4,000 year!
And how did I prophesy the Red Sea event would occur during Earth’s third 1,000 year period? I gathered the waters together, and let the dry land appear, during Day 3 of Creation. And this is precisely what I did at the Red Sea; I gathered the waters together, so the Israelites could cross over to freedomon dry land!
Creation Prophecy: Gathered waters, dry land appeared (Genesis 1:9)
Millennial Fulfillment: Gathered waters, dry land appeared (Exodus 14:21-30)
(Scene 4: Creation Day 4) [37:33]
Well, Father, there’s no need to ask me about the 4th Day of Creation, and what you prophesied in it concerning Earth’s fourth 1,000 year period, for I know exactly what it’s about! Earth’s fourth millennium is when you planned for John the Baptist and I to live & die, fulfilling our Earthly missions.
Yes, Son, I prophesied the coming of you, the Messiah, and John the Baptist, the forerunner, in Day 4 of Creation! And when the time came, I sent the angel Gabriel to make the announcements!
(Flashback Scene) [38:28]
Year 3,966 (6 BC)
High Priest:
This honor is for you, oh Zachariah, and your village.
Angel Gabriel:
Zachariah! Zachariah! Zachariah!
You’re wife will bear you a son. You will call him, John!
My wife is too old to bear a child.
Angel Gabriel:
And he will be the prophet of the Most High! For he will make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
I am an old man.
Angel Gabriel:
You will be struck down, and not be able to speak, because you believest not my words!
Elizabeth’s Friend:
What’s wrong, Zachariah?
He has seen a vision! A vision from God!
(6 months later …)
Angel Gabriel:
Hello, favored one! The Lord is with you. Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Come, you will conceive in your womb, and give birth to a son. And you will call his name, Jesus.
How can this be, since I’ve been with no man?
Angel Gabriel:
The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power from the Most High will overshadow you. And the holy offspring shall be called … the Son of God!
Son of God?
Angel Gabriel:
Mary, even your cousin, Elizabeth, has conceived a son in her old age, for nothing said by God can be impossible!
Let it be done to me, according to your word!
(3 months later …)
A son!
(8 days later …)
What name have you given him?
He shall have the name of John.
John? But Elizabeth, there is no one in your family who bears that name. Zechariah would not wish for this!
If he could speak, he would want a name that honors such a blessed child.
Where does this name come from, Elizabeth?
Where all names come from …
His name is John!
He speaks!
His name is John.
Year 3,967 (5 BC)
Joseph, the child is pressing.
The child … now!
Yes … we’re very close!
Bethlehem! We’re here! We will find a place! I promise!
God be with you. Is there a place for my wife and me to stay?