College Planning Council Agenda
January 27, 2011
2:30 p.m. – 5:00p.m.
Winter ParkCampus – Room 108
The meeting will lasttwo hours and 30 minutesif the time targets are met, including a 15-minute break.
I.Welcome and Introductions(5 minutes) – Ed Frame will convene the meeting and welcome members.(See Attachment A – Membership Roster)
II.Action Item:Minutes of September 23, 2010 Meeting(5 minutes) – Susan Kelley
(See Attachment B – Minutes of September 23, 2010)
III.Action Item: Budget Principles and Narrative (10 minutes) – Ed Frame
(See AttachmentsC, D and E from the Budget and Financial Advisory Group)
Ed Frame will present on behalf of himself andKeith Houck, co-chairs of the Budget and Financial Advisory Group (BFAG), on the recommendations of the BFAG on the budget principles and on the narrative describing the relationship of the budget to the strategic plan.The Council will be asked to act on the recommendation from the BFAG that these documents be approved.
IV.Report: Budget Update (10 minutes) – Susan Kelley
In Keith Houck’s absence and at his request, Susan will provide an update on the 2010-11 operating budget, and on the process underway to develop the 2011-12 operating budget.
V. Action Item: Annual Reports from Goal Teams (15 minutes) - Amy Bosley and Susan Kelley – 2009-10 CPC Co-chairs
See Attachment F for the report summaries. Full reports may be found at the following web address:
The annual reports on each of the four goals from the 09-10 goal teams will be presented, along with summaries of the reports that were prepared by Amy Bosley and Susan Kelley, CPC co-chairs in 2009-10.
These reports will be the basis for the annual report to the District Board of Trustees, scheduled for the February Board meeting, presented by Amy and Susan. The 2010-11 goal teams are in the process of completing the identification of the baseline data.
VI.2010-11 Goal Teams and Plans for Big Meeting(20 minutes) Ed Frame and Susan Kelley
(See Attachment G for the roster of team members.)
New goal teams for 2010-11met jointlywith Dr. Shugart on October 22, 2010. A team roster is attached.
The teams are working on reports on progress in the past year, updating strategic issues reports, and updating the progress on strategic initiatives associated with each of the four goals. All teams have met once. A second round of meetings will have been held by February 7. A third meeting will take place prior to Spring Break, finalizing reports to be shared at the Big Meeting, set for March 18.
Conveners are:
Goal 1 – Jeff Golz
Goal 2 – Suzette Dohaney
Goal 3 – Angelique Smith for objective 1, Joe Nunes for objective 2, and Shauna Anstey for objective 3
Goal 4 – Dave Heffernan
A CPC data task force will be recruited and convened in February and March to review data on which the strategic plan is based, in order to call attention to significant changes for consideration at the Big Meeting on March 18.
VII.Governance Review Steering Committee (10 minutes) Amy Bosley
Amy Bosley will present a proposal developed with Dr. Shugart, asking the CPC to commission the work of a Governance Review Steering Committeethat will undertake a review of shared governance, as called for in the strategic plan.
BREAK – 15 minutes
VII.Learning Activity– (55 minutes)Kurt Ewen will lead the Council in discussing a report on CCSSE, the Community College Survey of Student Engagement, which provides insight into efforts in support of our strategic goals. Please review the attachments prior to the meeting so that we are all prepared to discuss.
(See Attachment H, I, and J)
VIII.Next Meeting Date and Time (5 minutes) – Susan Kelley
The next meeting is scheduled for February 24, 2011. We noted in our plan for the year that we may not need to meet in both January and February, and that appears to be the case. Since there are no Strategic Budget Initiatives this year, and the Council acted on the budget principles and priorities at today’s meeting, it does not appear that a February meeting will be necessary.
A draft of the plans for the March 18 Big Meeting will be sent to the Council electronically for comment and input.
If the February meeting is cancelled, the next regular CPC meeting will be held April 28, at Osceola Campus, 2-219B. Meantime, goal teams and the data team will complete their work to prepare for Big Meeting on March 18. All CPC members are urged to attend the Big Meeting.