Senior Ad Order Form
To reserve your space in the 2012-2013 volume of The Umpqua yearbook, return all materials (including payment, pictures and order form) to the main office no later than February 15th 2013.
Mail it Drop it off
RoseburgHigh SchoolDrop it off in the front
Attn: Lauryn Perrigooffice in a sealed envelope
400 W Harvard Aveaddressed to:
Roseburg, OR97470Lauryn Perrigo
Your Student’s Information
Is this ad a surprise for your student? Yes No
Your information
Purchaser’s name:
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Phone number to reach you during school hours: -- Type:
*Please indicate type of number: Home, Work or Cell
*Proof of ad will be sent electronically before submission of yearbook.
Your Ad Size:
Select your size (please check the appropriate line)
1/8 page:$25
1/4 page:$50
1/2 page:$100
Full Page:$200
Your Ad’s Design
We offer several unique ad templates that you may choose from. Please review templates and choose one that best suits your needs.
Template design number:
Your Message
Use the following space to write out what you would like your ad to say, or use a separate sheet of paper to this packet if necessary. Please follow the word allowance for your specific template. Any messages that exceed the allowance will be edited at the yearbook staff’s discretion.
Your Ad’s Pictures
INSTRUCTIONS: Your template includes numbered boxes; you must include numbered photos for your template. For printed pictures please number the picture on the back (Tip: Use either – permanent marker, making sure that it is completely dry before it comes into contact with anything else; pencil, sticky note on back;) If submitting electronically either on disk or via email, please name the files according to their number, i.e.: 1.jpeg, 2.jpeg
Sending pictures via email? Send to
Subject heading please include student’s name. Please include purchaser’s name in the body of email.
Guidelines for pictures:
Do not send photos that:
- have been cut out
- are printed on non-photo paper
- any digital photo that is less than 300dpi (Photos taken with a digital camera will have 300 dpi. Photos taken with phones or other devices usually don’t. Please do not try to take photos off the Internet, i.e. Facebook. The resolution is NOT high enough.
If you would like to have your pictures returned to you, please send along a self-addressed, prepaid envelope.
Terms and Conditions:
We reserve the right to alter any design for any reason at our discretion, and will make every effort to contact the purchaser about the alterations made. Failure to fill out the above contract completely or correctly will result in a possible alteration of your ad size, template design, number of pictures or picture selection. If any design element is not complete as it should be, the design will be completed at the discretion of the design staff, and refunds for such an occurrence will not be made. If you do not contact us about changes to the ad before the due date on your proof, you will no longer be eligible for a refund. It is understood that full payment must be received with this contract.
Final designs for all ads will be sent via e-mail out to the purchaser for review. Minor changes may be made to the ad during this period, and this will be the only opportunity to make changes to the ad within the processing system.
By signing the contract above, I agree to the terms and conditions stated herein, including any terms expressed directly or implicitly elsewhere on the worksheet/contract.
Your Signature: ______date: ______