Monroe City R-1 Middle School
Working Together For All Students
Registration Information Needed
Change of Information
Confidentiality of Records and Information
Custody/Court-Related Issues
Schedule Changes
Fees and Supplies
Permanent Records
Request for Transcript
Requesting a Certain Teacher
Grading Scale
7th Grade Exploratory Course Descriptions
8th Grade Exploratory Course Descriptions
7th and 8th Grade Elective Course Descriptions
8th Grade Selective Course Descriptions
5th and 6th Gifted Education
Course Changes
Guidelines for Honor Roll
Homework Policy
PAW Points
Panther Pass
Progress Report & Grade Cards
Promotion and Retention of Students
Attendance and Tardiness Guidelines 10
Arrival and Dismissal
Leaving School Early
Make-up Work
Perfect Attendance Awards
Tardiness to School
Tardies Between Classes
Bell Schedule
Classroom Preparedness
To and From School13
Pedestrian and Safety Patrol
Dress Code14
Meals15 Cafeteria
Current Prices
Lunch Accounts
In School17
Crisis and Adjustment Guidance
Developmental Education
Electronic Devices
Emergency Procedures
Grievance Procedure
Gymnasium /Auditorium
Lost and Found
Make-Up Work During Out-Of-School (OSS)
Nuisance Items At School
REACH Program
Remedial Counseling
Sexual Harassment of Students
Substitute Teachers
Weather or Emergency Dismissal
In-School Suspension (ISS)
Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)
Board Policy Updates23
Monroe City R-1 Educational Philosophy
The foundation of the Monroe City R-1 School District’s philosophy is to provide a quality education for all students. Mastery of the skills in reading, written and oral communication, mathematics, and the sciences are paramount for success in the world today. A quality education, however, is not complete without an awareness of health and physical fitness with an appreciation of the arts.
Each student is recognized and respected as a unique individual. The school acknowledges the dignity of the individual and aspires to offer opportunities for students to develop according to their needs, interests and abilities. On all matters, the highest priority is the best interest of each student.
The school, home and community share the responsibility of developing educated citizens capable of coping and contributing in a global society. Students will be capable of meeting the academic and technological demands of the future. They will appreciate the requirements necessary to become a productive member of society and have the realization that for every right and privilege enjoyed in life, there is a corresponding responsibility.
The Monroe City R-1 School District is committed to providing an environment for students that will both foster and accelerate their intellectual, emotional, physical, social and career development. This environment will not only develop their knowledge, but enable them to assimilate the skills which encourage creativity and nurture ideas, attitudes and values. Students will be knowledgeable of events around them, have respect of self and others, be self-disciplined and socially responsible, be competent in their chosen areas, be innovative in dealing with challenges, possess a desire to learn, and strive to achieve success.
This philosophy subscribed to by the Board of Education and staff shall be a guide in determining the policies, rules and regulations of the Monroe City R-1 School District.
School Colors: Black and Gold
School Emblem: Panther
In order to complete the registration process you must have the following documents:
1.Proof of Residency Documents: (a) sales contract on your residence or (b) current lease agreement or (c) tax receipt on your residence.
- Verification of Child’s Age: The birth certificate issued from the state in which the child was born will be required for all new enrollees.
- Verification of Immunization: Parents must provide a record of the student’s immunization record.
- Previous Academic Records: We will request official records from your previous school. However, if you have copies, they would be helpful to bring at the time of enrollment. These records should include: (a) latest report card, (b) standardized achievement test results, (c) reports of special evaluations, and (d) Individual Educational Program (IEP) and Diagnostic Summary – if applicable.
- Social Security Number: The student’s social security number will be requested before a child will be permitted to begin school.
Change of Information-For your child’s safety and well-being, please notify the school immediately if you have a change of address and/or phone number either at home or at work. If you have a change of address, documentation of such a change must be presented to the school office. Changes in address or telephone number may be sent with the child, but needs to be on file in the office in case of illness or emergency.
Confidentiality of Records and Information-The Monroe City School personnel respect the confidential nature of a child’s records. Information pertaining to the admission, progress, health, or discharge of an individual child is confidential and access is limited to the staff designated by the school district unless the parent/guardian of the child has granted written permission for disclosure or dissemination.
Custody/Court-Related Issues-If a change in custody arrangements for your child should occur, the school must be notified in writing. If the parent/guardian feels that another party might challenge their custodial rights, a certified copy of the court issued custodial agreement needs to be on file at the school. If a parent secures a court order or similar type of document, a copy should be furnished to the school for appropriate filing.
Schedule Changes– The deadline for all schedule changes is five days after the start of each semester. Any student dropping a course after the deadline will receive a failing grade for that course. After five days, teacher or principal requests are the only exceptions to the above.
Fees and Supplies-Common materials are furnished by the district and have no fees. A list of special needs appropriate to each grade level/teacher is distributed at the time of registration. These supplies will need to be replenished by the parents throughout the school year.
Gym Clothes- The Physical Education teachers will establish regulations for gym clothes. Dressing for Physical Education is mandatory in the 7th through 12th grades. Separate gym shoes are required for all students. Street shoes are not permitted for play on the gym floor.
Supplies-Students are responsible for their own supplies to be purchased outside of school. Supply lists will be available at registration.
Technology Fee- Students 2nd grade through 8th grade will need to pay a fee of $25.00.
Textbooks - Will be furnished to students at no cost, however, students will need to purchase all miscellaneous supplies (pencils, paper, etc.). Students will be financially responsible for lost books. Cost will be assessed according to the price of the book now and the age and condition (depreciation) of the book. Books will not be reissued until financial obligations are met for lost or damaged books.
Textbooks and workbooks will be furnished to students in all classes. Expendable supplies such as notebooks, paper, pencils, etc., which are for the sole use of individual students will not be included.
Dues/Fines – students are responsible for dues, fines, and fees incurred during the school year. Privileges can be suspended until the dues or fines are paid. This may include but not limited to ball game attendance and incentive card restrictions. Senior fines/fees must be paid before graduation; transcript and/or diploma will be held until fees are paid.
Student Charges – Students owing fees for ANY CHARGES will be ineligible to participate in
school activities.
Permanent Records – Permanent record folder is kept for each student in the Guidance Department. The record contains the student’s grades, attendance, conduct, test scores, achievements, and honors. This record serves as the basis of recommendations made to other schools, colleges, and employers. A parent or guardian shall be able to inspect and review their child’s educational file if they have legal custody of the child. The building principal shall provide appropriate school personnel access to student records.
Request for Transcript – Upon graduation transcripts are available with a signed permission slip and a $2 processing fee in the Guidance Office.
Withdrawals-Please notify the school as soon as possible if your child is going to be moving from our attendance area. Students withdrawing from school must notify the principal or counselor of intent to leave. A withdrawal conference will be held with the counselor and a withdrawal form will be presented to teachers for completion of a grade for work completed. Students whose parents or guardians move out of the attendance area may complete the current semester, as long as they continue to live with their parents or legal guardians. Transportation in such instances will be the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. Students are required to return all books/equipment owned by the school; pay all fees and dues; and request that official records be forwarded to the transferring school.
Grading Scale – Student grades will be earned based on the following scale:
Grade / Percent / GPAA / 96-100 / 4.0
A- / 90-95 / 4.0
B+ / 87-89 / 3.0
B / 84-86 / 3.0
B- / 80-83 / 3.0
C+ / 77-79 / 2.0
C / 74-76 / 2.0
C- / 70-73 / 2.0
D+ / 67-69 / 1.0
D / 64-66 / 1.0
D- / 60-63 / 1.0
Grades will be mailed and/or e-mailed to the parent/guardian every three weeks and quarterly. The report will convey to the student and parent the progress of the student. In cases of failing grades or obvious underachievement, letters will be written directly to the parents/guardians. If the reports are not being received, the parent/guardian needs to contact the office.
Curriculum-5th and 6th grade students receive instruction in Math, Social Studies, Communication Arts, Writing and Science. Special classes include: Library Skills, Physical Education, Art, Music, and Computers/Keyboarding: 6th grade students may enroll in band in place of some specials. The schedule of classes will meet seven periods per day with an advisory class.
7th and 8th grade students are required to take the Core Subjects of Math, Social Studies, Communication Arts, and Science. P.E. is also a required course. 7th grade students are required to take Writing, while 8th grade students take Mass Media, Study Skill, or Reading Interventions. The schedule of classes will meet seven periods per day with an advisory class.
7th Grade Exploratory Course Descriptions
Art-This course meets for one semester as part of the 7th grade year. The class will consist of introducing students to the basic principles and elements of design. A variety of projects are done to reinforce these principles. Students will be exposed to various crafts and have the opportunity to become familiar with the techniques involved in each. Tests and projects over the material will be assigned. Students must provide a few materials.
Foreign Language-This course meets for one quarter as part of the 7th grade year. The class consists of introducing students to the Spanish Language and Culture.
Health and Physical Fitness-This course meets for one quarter as part of the 7th grade year. The curriculum will extend beyond what is taught with PE and will focus on issues of maintaining a healthy lifestyle; in addition, it will consist of teaching the principals of physical fitness.
8th Grade Exploratory Course Descriptions
Agriculture, introduction to-This course meets for one quarter as part of the8th grade year. The class will consist of providing general information on agriculture and the industry. Students will learn information on topics such as: agriculture in America, animals in society, plants in our environment, products from agriculture, environment and resource conservation, pet care, lawn and equipment care, home environmental management, and safety.
Health 2 & Physical Fitness-This course meets for one semester as part of the 8th grade year. The class will consist of teaching the principals of physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle and informing students about nutrition, food, and issues of a modern family.
Personal Finance-This course meets for one quarter as part of the 8th grade year. The class will consist of introducing students to the basic principles of personal finance and being a fiscally responsible member of society.
7th and 8th Grade Elective Course Descriptions
Band-A year long course offered to 7th and 8th grade students who have had 6th grade band or who have special permission from the band instructor. Tests of playing ability are given and practice at home is required. Students must provide their own instruments. Participation in concerts outside of regular class time is required and pep band participation will be based on instrumentation needs. In addition to regular band class, there is marching band, where students play more difficult music, and are involved in extra performances. Band is a yearlong commitment and my ONLY be dropped in the first five days of the school year or under extenuating circumstances approved by the principal and instructor.
Vocal Music-A year long course offered to 7th and 8th grade students. The class will consist of students learning by doing through singing with a group and performing. Students will learn about singing music and harmony. Students may be asked to participate in performances outside of the regular school day. Vocal Music is a yearlong commitment and may ONLY be dropped in the first five days of the school year or under extenuating circumstances approved by the principal and instructor.
8th Grade Selective Course Descriptions
8th Grade Algebra-This course is offered to a select group of students. Students who demonstrate a high level of knowledge and skill sets in middle school mathematics will be selected for this course. The selection will be determined by the 7th/8th mathematics teacher and middle school principal. Students will need to receive a grade of 84% or higher and score Proficient or Advanced on the Algebra 1 EOC to be able to continue to Algebra II their freshman year. Students will not participate in the math portion of the 8th grade assessment.
8th Grade Study Skills-Study Skills will be offered to a select group of student the selection will be determined by 7th/8th grade teachers, the Special Education teacher, and the middle school principal. The goals of this class are to help assure student success through assisting them with organization, time management, homework assistance, and academic remediation.
8th Grade Reading Interventions-Reading Interventions will be offered to a select group of student. The selection will be determined by the 7th/8th grade ELA teachers and the middle school principal. The goal of this class is to remediate the reading skills of the students in order to help assure their continued success in all academic areas.
5th-6th Gifted Education (REACH-Responding to Academic Challenges)
Grades 5-6 identified gifted students will meet during part of one day per week. Students will study a wide variety of interdisciplinary units. An emphasis will be placed on problem solving and divergent thinking skills and an independent project will be completed. Students will be required to make up tests and quizzes in classes they missed but will be excused from homework.
Course Changes-The only possible course changes are band, vocal music, or REACH. Changes must be made during the first five days of the semester with good cause, parental permission, and permission of the principal.
Guidelines for Honor Roll-A student must have a 3.000 grade point average to be on the Honor Roll list.Homework Policy- Homework is a key component to the educational process. It gives the student an opportunity to re-enforce what was learned in the classroom setting. Because we feel that it is critical students get this practice time, students that do not complete their assignments can be assigned to in-school tutoring time to ensure that the homework gets done. This will be assigned by the individual classroom teacher as they see fit.
PAW Points-Students will have opportunity to earn PAW (Positive Attitudes With Students) points throughout the year when a student demonstrates positive behavior with fellow students. Students have an opportunity to earn incentives for positive behavior.
Panther Pass-Each quarter, all students will be issued a “Panther Pass.” This pass is to be kept with them at all times and used in the event they need to leave the classroom (restroom, drink, nurse, etc.) If a student needs to leave the room and is either out of passes for a particular class or loses a pass, they may still leave the room, but must serve a lunch detention. The passes are used for math, communication arts, science, social studies, and writing lab.
Progress Reports/Grade Cards –All progress reports will be distributed via electronic mailing, 1st Quarter grade cards will be distributed at Parent/Teacher conferences, third quarter grades distributed via electronic mailing and semester grade cards will be e-mailed/mailed home.
The Monroe City R-1 Public School is committed to the continuous development of students enrolled in the district schools. A student’s achievement of the skills for the current grade assignment and readiness for work at the next grade level will be required before assignment to the higher grade.
Students will normally progress annually from grade to grade. Exceptions may be made when, in the judgment of the professional staff, they are in the best educational interest of the students involved. Exceptions will only be made after prior notification and explanation is given to each student’s parents/guardians, but the final decision will rest with the school administration.
Any student in the fifth or sixth grade level must pass nine of twelve semesters with eight semesters being in the core areas of math, science, social studies, language, and reading. The grade must be D average or better and be computed on the basis of the entire semester’s work.
Any student in the seventh or eighth grade level must pass nine of fourteen semesters with six semesters being in the core areas of math, science, social studies, communication arts, and writing. The average will be computed on the basis of the entire semester’s work. If a student fails two quarter exploratory courses it will equal a failing grade of one semester.
In evaluation of student achievement, each teacher will make use of all available information, including results of teacher-made tests, other measures of skill and content mastery, standardized test results, and teacher observation of student performance. The principal will direct and aid teachers in evaluations and review grade assignments in order to insure uniformity of evaluation standards.