Summer Term Newsletter Year 1

We would like to welcome everyone back after the Easter break.

We are looking forward to some nice weather this term as our topics include Health and Growth and Homes From The Past both of which involve us going outside.


In Literacy, we will be doing stories about non- fiction texts, fantasy worlds, poems with patterns and predictable structures, thematic poems and recounts. Our theme week will be based around our fantasy world topic. We will give you more information regarding theme week nearer the time. In preparation, you could ask your child to draw their own fantasy setting and think about what characters could live there!

In Maths we will continue work in the following areas:

· Number bonds to at least 10, 20 and 100.

· Using coins to make amounts and giving change within £1.

· Partitioning to add and subtract.

· Describing 2D and 3D shapes.

· Recording addition and subtraction problems up to 20.

Our focus vocabulary for the topics covered this term will be add, addition, take away, subtract, subtraction, total, equals, sum, difference, altogether, change, 3D, 2D, face, edge, corner, cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder, pyramid and cone, partition, hundreds, tens, units, divide.

Make use of every day situations to practise maths skills, for example when you are out shopping, looking at coins used and prices of items.

Count things as you travel on a journey.

Describe the shapes of buildings and items in the supermarket when out shopping.

Our Science topic this half term is Health and Growth, we will be looking at healthy eating. The children will be learning about The

Eat Well plate, healthy foods, unhealthy foods and exercise. They will also be learning about the different food groups

(carbohydrates, protein, fats and sugars and vitamins). In the 2nd half term the topic is ‘Pushes and Pulls’. The children will be learning about direction and speed.

Our History topic is Homes From the Past. We will be comparing homes from the past with homes today. We will go outside and look at buildings surrounding our school, watch a video and use books and photographs to find out about the past. The children will be learning to look for differences and similarities and will be discussing how things have changed over time, creating a time line.

In Art/ DT we continue the homes theme; we will be designing and making dolls houses and gardens or playgrounds using various materials we have been collecting. We will make our own model of a house. This may include cereal boxes, toilet rolls and pieces of card and paper!

In PSHE we are learning about health and safety and the importance of our families.


Dance: Feelings and moods and thematic poems.

Gym: Climbing and swinging.

Outdoor: Net games.


Investigating pitch and changing sounds.


Jesus and his friends.

We be looking at the parables that Jesus told The lost sheep, The prodigal son.

Dates for your Diary

Year 1 visit to Tumble in the Jungle on with a picnic in the forest on 12th June 2012.

Year 1 visit to Suntrap on 19th June 2012.

Year 1 visit to The Science Museum 21st June 2012.

Year 1 Theme week WB 25th June 2012.

General Reminder

· Please name all school uniform and PE kits, it makes it so much easier to find lost items! Please ensure that your child has SHORTS for P.E.

· Please send your child into school with a named water bottle and named sunhat.


Practise spellings lots of times before you write in the little book.

Keep playing the games using the board you got from the IMPACT sessions.

Daily reading is very important if only for 5 minutes!

We will be sending home Word Walls and further spellings if your child has completed these.

Thank you for your support this year, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to speak to one of the Year 1 team.