R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2007-5
EFFECTIVE DATE: May 28, 2007
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 5109.34_30
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FSH 5109.34 – interagency incident business management handbook
chapter 30 – property management
/ Forest Service Handbook
northern region (region 1)
missoula, mt

FSH 5109.34 – interagency incident business management handbook

Chapter 30 – property management

Supplement No.: 5109.34-2007-5

Effective Date: May 28, 2007

Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.

Approved: /s/ Kathleen A. McAllister for:
Regional Forester / /s/ Thomas A. Corbin
Chair, NRCG
Date Approved: May 25, 2007

Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was 5109.34-2007-4 to chapter 20.

New Document / 5109.34_30 / 10 Pages
Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date / 5109.34-2005-5 (4/22/05) / 9 Pages


35 - Updates procedures for contractor property replacement on incidents.


Property received from the incident support system is generally identified as Government property. If the property is received directly from a commercial vendor or GSA, it must be marked as State or Federal Government property.

1. Accountable Property. Items with a purchase price of $5,000 (USDA, USDI, DNRC), or $500 (State of Idaho) or more, or items which the incident agency considers sensitive, such as cameras, computers, chainsaws and radios, are accountable and are marked with an agency identification number.


4. Damage/Loss. When property theft has occurred the law enforcement agency, with jurisdiction, shall be notified. The incident agency is to be provided with the appropriate documentation:

Report of Unserviceable, Lost, Stolen, Damaged or Destroyed Property, AD-112, (USDA and IDL)

Report of Lost or Stolen Property, DS-92 (MT DNRC)

Report of Survey (DI-103)

Incident Replacement Policy for Government Property

Follow the incident replacement process as outlined in the NWCG National Fire Equipment System Catalog under Incident Replacement Orders.

The Supply Unit Leader approves replacement requests.

If equipment and supplies are available at the incident for replacement, the request is filled at the incident.

If equipment and supplies cannot be obtained before requesting resource is demobilized, an OF-315 Incident Replacement Requisition will be completed. S numbers will be given for each replacement item.

The process for approving request follows:

Chainsaw parts such as air filters, bars, chains, bar nuts, sparkplugs, etc., will be reviewed and approved by the Chainsaw Repair Specialist on the incident or the Receiving Distribution Manager if one is not available.

Radio or other communication equipment, not issued from the National Cache System (i.e., personal or District owned), will be reviewed and approved by the Communication Unit Leader on the incident.

Firing device requests will be reviewed and approved by the Operations Section Chief or the Division Group Supervisor on the incident.

All personal and specialized equipment considered nonstandard by the Cache System (i.e., packs, sleeping bags, Kevlar jeans, headlamps, etc., not purchased from General Services Administration) needing to be replaced due to normal wear and tear will be done so at the expense of the home unit using preparedness (WFPR) funds and not on the incident.

Repairs and replacement of these items due to legitimate fire cause; i.e., lost/stolen, damaged (repairable), or destroyed (beyond repair) will be reviewed and approved by the Supply Unit Leader on the incident by signing the Incident Replacement Request and obtaining S Numbers through established channels. This process is also used for standard Cache items.

The process to receive S numbers for replacement items can take time. Crews are to provide the Supply Unit Leader an OF-315 Incident Replacement form at least two shifts prior to demobilization.

What does this mean to Agency crews, engines, and single resources that request replacement items?

Supplies used on the incident will come from inventory available at the Supply Unit on the incident or through the completion of the OF-315 Replacement Resource Order, which will later be filled by the home unit National Cache and/or procurement personnel.

Outdated items (expired) or property that is worn out (i.e., outdated radios, GPS units, sleeping bags, packs, tents, etc.) will not be replaced by the incident. This is a home unit purchase and Incident Finance code will not be used.

Expect to receive a like item from the Supply Unit at the incident or home unit servicing cache.

Expect to be denied specialty item replacement unless adequate documentation is provided.

Expect to complete proper paperwork before lost or destroyed Government property items are replaced by the incident.

This policy is not for use with National Guard Personnel, Military Personnel or for Employee Claims for personal property. This policy is also not for use with Contractors, as their replacement is handled through the Claims Process. See below.

Incident Replacement Policy for Contractors:

Consumable Property – Contractors will be charged for Consumable Goods supplied by the Government and used by contractor’s employees while under hire. The cost of all consumable goods, with the exception of those specifically listed below, shall be deducted from payment to the Contractor. At the Government’s discretion, the government may provide the following incidental consumable goods at no cost, if available: one-quart plastic canteens, plastic sheeting, replacement radio batteries and replacement headlamp batteries, as required while under hire.

Accountable or Durable Property – To ensure continued safe, efficient service at the incident, government may loan Accountable Property or Durable Property to the Contractor for use at the incident. The Contractor shall maintain all loaned Accountable or Durable Property in good condition during use and shall return all Accountable or Durable Property loaned to the contractor prior to demobilization to their designated dispatch point. Federal Acquisition Regulations prohibit the Government from exchanging or replacing Accountable or Durable Property. The Contractor may be liable for the loss, damage or destruction of government property in accordance with FAR clause, 52.245-5.

Government Furnished Hose and Components - The Contractor is required to arrive at an incident equipped with hose as required in Exhibit H of the contract. The Government may require that Contractor-owned hose and complements be left at the incident and the Contractor equipment be reassigned or demobilized without picking up that hose and/or complement. In these cases the following procedure shall be followed:

a. When the Government requires the Contractor to leave Contractor- owned hose and/or complements on an incident, the Government will provide the Contractor with Form AD-107 Report of Transfer of Property (or equivalent) to transfer the Contractor’s property to the Government.

b. In the case of reassignments, the Contractor shall present the form to the supply unit at the incident who will loan the Contractor Government-furnished hose and/or complement. This will be done to ensure that the Contractor maintains viability (the ability to continue operations) at the reassigned incident. Refer to section on “Transferring Supplies Between Incidents or Agencies” for proper transfer procedures. At the time of demobilization to the Designated Dispatch Point, all accountable/durable property shall be returned to the government.

c. If the Contractor is being demobilized, no government hose or complement is issued. The Contractor may present a signed AD-107 form and a receipt for their Contractor-owned hose and complements left during performance of the work to the Incident Procurement Unit Leader or Contracting Officer. The amount of reimbursement will be negotiated and may be paid as an adjustment to the invoice or filed through the claims process.

d. Contractors must not expect to be re-supplied by the Fire Cache.

5. Fire Loss Tolerance. Loss of durable goods exceeding 6 percent is considered excessive in the Northern Rockies Geographic Area. Loss rates over 6 percent indicate a need for increased management emphasis.

Caches within the Northern Rockies Geographic Area charge individual flat rates to cover refurbishment of each item used on the incident rather than actual refurbishment costs. Refurbishing costs are charged accordingly (see NRCG Mobilization Guide), for all items that are opened (seals broken) regardless of the amount of use.

Incident Ordering Policy

Resource orders in the Northern Rockies Area will be executed as prescribed by the National Mobilization Guide, supplemented in the Northern Rockies Mobilization Guide, and subject to Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook direction, with the following exception:

Type 1 and Type 2 incidents with qualified Incident Management Teams may submit requests for NFES Cache Items directly to the Cache, if the servicing Interagency Support Cache permits direct ordering, and at the discretion of the Agency Administrator.

All other supply orders must be submitted via the servicing Dispatch Center and/or buying team, including initial attack and initial orders for all new incidents.

Supply Ordering Procedures

At the initial briefing, the Agency Administrator will clarify the ordering procedures for the Incident Management Team, including:

1. Identity, location, phone and fax numbers, and contact personnel of:

·  Dispatch Center (expanded dispatch operations may have several telephone numbers).

·  Servicing Interagency Support Cache.

·  Buying Team (if established).

·  Agency contacts available to clarify ordering procedures as needed.

·  Area Command Team (if established).

2. The assigned window (timeframe) for placing supply orders with the Cache, Dispatch Center, or buying team, if established.

3. Assignment and tracking of request numbers.

·  It is recommended that Cache orders, local purchases and buying team orders have separate and distinct blocks of request numbers to facilitate management, control and tracking.

·  It is recommended that the incident keep the master list of all request numbers and closely coordinate with the Cache, Buying Team, and Dispatch Center.

4. Operational hours for Dispatch Center, cache and buying team.

5. Expected average lag time between order and receipt of supply shipments.

6. Procedure for reconciling orders.

7. Documentation requirements.

8. How local purchases will be handled.

9. Copy of this procedural document.

Cache Order Procedures

1. Cache orders will be placed by facsimile machine.

2. Each incident will have a telephone contact for direct and immediate communication with the Cache. Communication will be between the ordering person (manager) or Supply Unit Leader and the Cache for the following purposes:

a. Clarify orders (description, unit of issue, quantity).

b. Notification whether an order can be filled or partially filled.

c. Determination whether to forward an order to NICC or another Cache.

d. Substitutions.

e. Status.

f. Understanding tactical plans in order to weigh scarce resource decisions.

g. Advise the incident of options when requested items are extraordinary in kind or quantity.

3. Orders to the Cache will be for NFES items only. Local purchase items will be ordered separately through the buying team or Dispatch Center.

4. The Cache will communicate shipping status directly to the ordering unit. This will occur when the shipment leaves the Cache or soon thereafter.

5. The Cache will not supply any item that is primarily a component of kits, or parts of equipment (e.g., spark plugs).

6. Any item that the Cache is unable to fill or pass on to another Cache and is still required by the incident will be treated as a local purchase item, which the incident will place through the buying team.

7. Priority for fill and shipment will generally follow MAC direction, particularly for items in short supply. The Cache will make every effort to equitably distribute scarce resources.

8. Prestructured Orders, Canned Orders and orders for the Mobile Cache Van cannot be directly ordered from the Cache and must be placed through the Dispatch Center servicing the incident.

9. Prestructured Orders, Canned Orders and orders for the Mobile Cache Van will not be accepted after the initial establishment of an incident.

10. The Supply Management Officer or Cache Manager may terminate Direct Cache Ordering from an incident and transfer the responsibility to the servicing Dispatch Center if negotiation with Agency Administrators and Incident Commanders fail to resolve any or all of the following conditions:

a. Ordering skills and knowledge on the incident are inadequate to maintain an efficient and effective supply ordering process.

b. Communication has broken down or is not continually maintained.

c. The total order volume from a dispatch zone overwhelms the Cache’s ability to process individual incident orders.

Individuals may have skill or knowledge levels that need the support of incident management personnel. Unless management is notified of deficiencies, timely change will probably not take place.

Shipping and Packing Lists will, on occasion, show the quantity requested differently than originally ordered due to a limitation of the computer application. These items, if still needed, will require reorder through the Cache system or possibly local purchase. Check with the Cache for guidance.

Despite the possibility that orders may not be completely filled, the Cache is always working to replenish its stock. If an order is short, or cannot be filled, and cannot be supplied locally, or via the buying team, reorder the item in the next ordering window.

If a decision is made to purchase locally, or via a buying team, be sure the items purchased meet NFES or Cache specifications. Items not meeting specifications cannot be accepted when returned to the Cache. Contact the Cache for guidance.

Other Tools and Resources Available:

NWCG National Fire Equipment System Catalog

NWCG Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook

Incident Ordering Checklist (Exhibit 06) (www.fs.fed.us/r1/fire/nrcg/—click on Committees, Business)

National Interagency Mobilization Guide

Northern Rockies Interagency Mobilization Guide


General Policy

·  The term “transfer” used herein refers to possession, not ownership. Ownership of property is retained by the original supplier or by the incident’s agency if directly purchased.

·  Transfer of supplies will be permitted only under the following conditions:

a. The logistics support system breaks down (verification by the Northern Rockies Supply Management Officer and the Northern Rockies Coordinator is required), or