Instructions: The ULM Institutional Biosafety Committee requires the reporting of any teaching laboratory protocol utilizing biological materials and/or biohazardous materials. This form must be submitted by the Department Head to the IBC by April 1 for summer and fall semester courses and October 1 for winter session, spring semester, and Maymester courses.

Applications and other information can be obtained from the ULM Office of Sponsored Programs and Research. Applications can be sent by e-mail to the Chair of the IBC (Dr. Chris Gissendanner, ). A copy of the application should also be forwarded to the Office of Sponsored Programs and Research ().

1. Protocols using biohazardous materials.

Protocols that fall into any of the categories below will require the submission of a standard operating procedure (SOP) and completion of an IBC protocol submission form. Submissions must follow the guidelines found in the “IBC Review Process” document.

-Use or generation of recombinant DNA that is propagated in a host or vector organism

-Use or propagation of infectious microorganisms (both animal and plant)

-Use or generation of biological toxins (toxins produced by an organism)

-Use of toxins applied to plants or animals as part of a research project

-Use of carcinogens or mutagens applied to plants or animals as part of a research project

-Use of human and/or other mammalian tissue including cell lines and blood/other body fluids

2. Protocols not using biohazardous materials.

Protocols that do not fall into any of the categories above do not require IBC approval. However, the IBC requires that the Department Head submit a COURSE EXEMPT form to the IBC that includes the course titles and numbers and a brief description of the lab activities and organisms utilized. The COURSE EXEMPT form will only need to be submitted once unless new lab protocols are planned or existing lab protocols are modified. Any changes must be reported to the IBC using the COURSE EXEMPT form prior to implementing any protocol changes.

For further information, contact:

Dr. Chris Gissendanner

Department of Biology


Phone: 342-3314

Office: CNSB 326




List the titles and numbers of all course protocols utilizing biological materials. Also disclose all off-campus courses or internships involving faculty from your Department so that the committee can determine if the activity requires IBC oversight.

List all biological materials utilized in the course protocols and a brief description of the protocols using these biological materials. “Biological material” refers to living organisms or any material derived from living organisms (living or dead animal and plant tissue; nucleic acids, proteins, and other cell-derived material, etc). Descriptions can be submitted as separate documents.

Department Head Signature Date:

Department Head Name