January 7, 2015
Genesis 1-11; Job 1-16
Teacher – Joe Deweese
I.Genesis 1-11: from Creation to Abram (~2000 years of history, Gen. 5 and 11)
II.Job 1-16: Job’s character, his losses, and initial exchanges with his friends
A.Job maintains his integrity (6, 7, 13) while not necessarily blaming God (9, 10, 12, 14).
B.Job’s friends claim that he needs to repent (8), deserves worse (11), and doesn’t fear God (15)
I.Quick review of the early chapters of Genesis
A.Genesis 1:1-2:3 - beginning of time, beginning of earth, beginning of life on earth
B.Genesis 2:4-25 – more detail regarding creation of man and woman
C.Genesis 3 – fall of man and consequences of sin
D.Genesis 6-9 – global flood and salvation of Noah’s family and the animals in the Ark
II.Increasing skepticism regarding early chapters of Genesis
A.Many questions are asked about these chapters:
1.Are they literal descriptions of history or are they metaphors?
2.Are they adaptation from other ancient writers? (e.g., Enuma Elish)
B.Challenging concepts of the Genesis creation account:
1.Heavens and earth created before light; Sun not created until day 4; what is a “day”?
2.Plants created before the Sun/Moon/stars; air creatures created before land creatures
III.Scripture and Science support the Creation account as historical rather than metaphorical
A.Examples of references to Creation:
1.Exodus 20:11; Nehemiah 9:6; Psalm 8
2.Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6; Luke 3:38; John 1:1-4; Acts 17:24-25; Romans 1:20; Colossians 1:15-20; Hebrews 11:3
B.Scientific evidence – modern findings that support Creation rather than evolution
1.Vast complexity of living organisms at the molecular and biochemical level (far more complicated than ever conceived!)—interdependence of molecular systems
2.Genetic (DNA) evidence does not support “common descent” – the evidence does not show gradual changes from one form to another
B.Theistic evolution is an attempt at a compromise but fails to hold up scientifically and scripturally
1.True evolution requires a random process (did God guide it? Set it and forget it?)
2.No form of theistic evolution fits with scripture (what do we have to “cut out”?)
I.Read each day’s assigned material.
II.Steve Baggett will be teaching. Focus particularly on Job 38-40.
A.How did God respond to Job?
B.How did Job react?
January 1-7: Chapter Summaries
January 1
Genesis 1Creation of the earth, sun, moon stars; creation of plants, animals, and mankind
Genesis 2Description of the seventh day, followed by a non-chronological description of the creation; description of the naming of the land animals by Adam and creation of woman from man
Genesis 3Temptation and fall of man; consequences of the fall declared by God; expulsion from the Garden of Eden
January 2
Genesis 4Cain and Abel; Cain’s descendants
Genesis 5Descendants of Adam and Eve (Seth to Noah)
Genesis 6Wickedness of man and God's judgment; Noah chosen to be saved and instructed on making the ark
Genesis 7Noah, family, and animals enter the ark; flood begins
January 3
Genesis 8Flood subsides; God makes a covenant regarding destruction of the world
Genesis 9God's directives to man; freedom to eat animals; sign of the rainbow; vineyard incident (curse placed on Ham)
Genesis 10Generations of Noah and his sons
Genesis 11Tower of Babel, languages confused, generations of Shem leading to Abram
January 4
Job 1Introduction to Job and challenge from Satan and Job's loss of children and wealth
Job 2Job’s loss of health after a second challenge from Satan; Job’s friends arrive to grieve
Job 3Job’s lamentation over his birth
Job 4Eliphaz: the innocent prosper
Job 5Eliphaz: turn and seek God
January 5
Job 6Job’s plea for vindication
Job 7Job’s despair over his hopeless estate
Job 8Bildad calls for Job’s repentance
Job 9Job acknowledges God’s sovereignty
January 6
Job 10Job pleas to God
Job 11Zophar argues that Job deserves worse punishment
Job 12Job acknowledges God’s hand in his sufferings
Job 13Job maintains his innocence and maintains his hope in God
January 7
Job 14Job’s discussion of the fate of man
Job 15Eliphaz argues that Job doesn’t fear God
Job 16Job complains that his friends are “miserable comforters”