ENG020N253H: Magic Murder & Mystery in London Literature


Core Texts: While it is recommended that you read the core texts in full, a module reader of key extracts from these texts will be provided for all students. Many of the older texts are out of copyright and available for free online!

Aaranovitch, Ben, Rivers of London (Hachette, 2011)

Carter, Angela, The Magic Toyshop (Virago, 1967)

Gaiman, Neil, Neverwhere (Hachette, 2010)

Lyn, Euros ‘The Blind Banker’, Sherlock Series 1, episode 2 BBC 1 (2010)

Mieville, China, Un Lun Dun (Pan Macmillan,2011)

Moore, Alan, From Hell (Top Shelf Productions, 2006)

Pratchett, Terry, Dodger (Random House, 2012)

Rowling, J.K., Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Bloomsbury Children’s Books, 2004)

Stevenson, Robert Louis The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Tales (Oxford World Classics, 2006)

Travers, P.L., Mary Poppins (HarperCollins, 2010)

Wilde, Oscar, The Major Works includingThe Picture of Dorian Gray (Oxford University Press, 2000)

Secondary Material: Your tutor will direct you to key secondary and critical texts for each topic on a class-by-class basis. This list is intended to offer broad overviews of the key topics and themes for the module.

Histories of London

Ackroyd, Peter, London: The Biography (ChattoWindus, 2000)

Ball, John Clement Imagining London (University of Toronto Press, 2004)

Hebbert, Michael, London: More by Fortune than Design (John Wiley & Sons, 1998)

Groes, Sebastian, The Making of London, (Palgrave, 2011)

Inwood, Steve, A History of London (Macmillan, 1998)

Jerrold, Blanchard and Gustave Doré, London, A Pilgrimage(Anthem Press, 1968)

Porter, Roy, London: A social History (Penguin, 1996)

Wheatley, Henry Benjamin andPeter Cunningham, London Past and Present:Its History, Associations, and Traditions, (Cambridge University Press, 2011)

Williams, Raymond, The Country and the City (ChattoWindus, 1973)

Victorian London

Dickens, Charles, A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Writings (London: Penguin, 2003)

Freeman, Nicholas, Conceiving the City London, Literature, and Art 1870-1914 (Oxford University Press, 2007)

Horn, Pamela, The Victorian Town Child(Sutton Pub Limited, 1999)

Mayhew, Henry, London Labour and the London Poor, (Oxford University Press, 2010)

Ridenhour, Jamieson, In Darkest London:The Gothic Cityscape in Victorian Literature (Rowman & Littlefield, 2012)

Thomas, Donald, The Victorian Underworld(John Murray, 2003)

Winter, James, London's Teeming Streets, 1830-1914, (Routledge,2013)

Modern London

Head, Dominic, The Cambridge Introduction to Modern British Fiction, 1950-2000 (Cambridge UP, 2002).

Kerr, Joe and Andrew Gibson (Eds), London: from Punk to Blair, (Reaktion Books, 2004)

White, Jerry, London in the Twentieth Century: A City and its People (Viking, 2001)

Detectives and Criminals

Doyle, Arthur Conan, Adventures and The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (Penguin, 2001)

Duckworth, Jeannie, Fagin's Children:Criminal Children in Victorian England, (Continuum,2002)

Lauterbach, Edward S., "Murder Will Out": The Detective in Fiction, and:Sherlock Holmes in London: A Photographic Record of Conan Doyle's Stories, and:On the Scent with Sherlock Holmes(review)” MFS Modern Fiction StudiesVolume 36, Number 2, Summer 1990pp. 285-28

Porter, Lynnette R. (ed),Sherlock Holmes for the 21st Century:Essays on New Adaptations, (McFarland, 2012)

Shpayer-Makov, Haja, The Ascent of the Detective: Police Sleuths in Victorian and Edwardian England(Oxford University Press,2011)

Walking and mapping the city

Allinson, Kenneth, London's Contemporary Architecture:A Map-based Guide (Routledge, 2006)

deCerteau, Michel, ‘Walking in the City’ in The Practice of Everyday Life, trans. (1925) by Steven Rendall (U of California P, 1984)

Dickens, Charles, Night Walks (Penguin, 2010)

Deborah Parsons, Streetwalking the Metropolis (Oxford UP, 2000) pp. 188-208

Gay, John, Trivia:Or, The Art of Walking the Streets of London: a Descriptive Poem(Ballintine & Law, 1807)

Jacks, Ben. “Reimagining Walking: Four Practices” Journal of Architectural Education,Vol. 57, No. 3 (Feb., 2004), pp. 5-9 Stable URL:

Whitfield, Peter, London:a life in maps (British Library, 2006)

Fantasy and Magic

Bowers, Maggie Anne, Magic(al) Realism(Routledge, 2013)

Butler, Andrew M. “The Tainand the Tain: China Miéville’s Gift of Uncanny London”, CR: The New Centennial ReviewVolume 13, Number 2, Fall 2013pp. 133-153

Cantrell , Sarah K., "I solemnly swear I am up to no good": Foucault's Heterotopias and Deleuze's Any-Spaces-Whatever in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series,Children's LiteratureVolume 39, 2011pp. 195-212

Doyle, Arthur Conan, Through the Magic Door(The Floating Press, 2012)

During, Simon, Modern Enchantments:The Cultural Power of Secular Magic(Harvard University Press, 2009)

Ho, Elizabeth, “Postimperial Landscapes: "Psychogeography" and Englishness in Alan Moore's Graphic Novel From Hell: A Melodrama in Sixteen Parts”, Cultural Critique63, Spring 2006, pp. 99-121

Rankin, Sandra K., China Mieville and the Misbegot: Monsters, Magic, and Marxism (Proquest, 2009)

Tranter, Kirsten,China Miéville, “An Interview with China Miéville”, Contemporary LiteratureVolume 53, Number 3, Fall 2012pp. 417-436


Lysack, Krista, Come Buy, Come Buy:Shopping and the Culture of Consumption in Victorian Women's Writing (Ohio University Press, 2009)

Fiction and the City

Guignery,Vanessa and François Gallix,(Re-)mapping London:Visions of the Metropolis in the Contemporary Novel in English(Publibook, 2008)

Lefebvre, Henri, The Production of Space, trans. by Donald Nicholson-Smith, (Blackwell, 1991)

Lefebvre, Henri, Writings on Cities trans. by ElenoreKofman and Elizabeth Lebas, (Blackwell, 1996)

Lehan, Richard, The City in Literature: An Intellectual and Cultural History (U of California, 1998)

McHale, Brian, Postmodernist Fiction (Routledge, 1999)

Manley, Lawrence, The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of London (Cambridge University Press, 2011)

Todd, Richard, ‘Fantasies of London: Past and Present’, in Consuming Fictions (Bloomsbury, 1996), pp. 164-198.

Wolf Levy, Diane, ‘City Signs: Toward a Definition of Urban Literature’, Modern Fiction Studies, 24 (1978), 70-81

Wolfreys, Julian, Writing London: The Trace of the Urban Text from Blake to Dickens (St. Martin’s Press, 1998)

Useful websites