Andrew Bryant, Chris Smith, , Charly Curtis, Debbie Connolly, John Mulholland, Rob Cree, Wade Hall-Craggs, Barbara Millns, , Pauline Higgins., Sarah-Louise Milsom, Alan Granlund, John Green, Wendy Capes, Hazel Stainforth.
Apologies for absence
Eric Henderson
Minutes of previous meeting [10/1/7]
Were agreed as a true record.
Matters arising
Re; regional land training centre. Both parties content to change the lease, clubs still welcome to use the centre, formal written agreement needs to be drafted and agreed.
Di Ellis visit in February to present medals to Kate O’Sullivan and Bill Parker went off well; Di promises to visit again during the next year.
Treasurer’s Report
Written report received and accepted [attached]
Div Rep’s Report
No written report.
Forms for Tees Adaptive Regatta and Newcastle v Durham boat race signed.
C&CDF reported as separate item.
Safety Advisor’s Report
No written report.
Incident summaries now due.
Due submission dates to change next year; details will follow.
Thanks to all for our clean sheet re safety audits.
Coaching Commissioner’s Report
Written report received and accepted [attached].
CDO Report
Written report received and accepted [attached].
Umpire Commission Chair’s Report
No report received.
For information [from John Mulholland] 12 umpires presently training @ Tyne RC
Vets rep Report
Vets commission is looking at options for novice vets / vets handicaps etc
The meeting supported Hazels request for £50 toward a national vets training day.
LDSS; Meeting with Berwick
Written report received and accepted [attached copy of email previously circulated].
It was agreed that there should be a formal division of responsibilities between NRC as series co-ordinators and the individual clubs.
It was agreed that RED SEAL should be used where appropriate and the cost spread over the whole series.
Proposed ARA boundary changes
Proposed to align with Sport England boundaries; potential move for Talkin Tarn to North West division.
Club Development Conference
Cost £301.98; worth doing again.
Clubs to be consulted as last year re topics.
Early decision on date could attract national figures.
Club & Coach Development Fund [Legacy Bid]
The Region’s bid has been successful, meeting with Sport England this week to finalise details.
It was confirmed that the Group retained their delegated authority to act on behalf of the NRC.
National Development Ctte Meeting
This Saturday.
NRC is being “encouraged” to do equity training.
Review JIRR 2007
We came 6th; the results seemed proportional to the number of juniors in each region.
There was some discussion re further developing regional team spirit.
Any other business
Congratulations to DUBC & NUBC who came respectively 1st and 2nd @ BUSA regatta.
Tyne @ Home regatta; date now changed to 16/6/7
Date of next meeting
5/9/7 @ Chester le Street 19.00hrs
AGM 6/11/6 venue to be confirmed.