BYHA Hockey Development Meeting02-26-12

Present: Tracy Pogue, Neil Huewe,Corey Ruup, Dan Alto,Wade Chiodo, Scott Andersen, Tony Mannausau, Chris Justice, Craig Larson, Kevin Waldhausen, Bob Brink

Absent: Tom Kuesel

  1. HDC welcomes Corey Ruup and Mike Tatro to the HDC.
  2. Goal & Vision:
  3. Discussed goals and vision for HDC for the next 10 years
  4. More info on this in future meetings
  5. Scheduling 2012-13
  6. Scott A will work up a schedule format that would become a template for BYHA.
  7. Each age group will have a “dream week” schedule and HDC will tweak each week to fit our 17 week winter schedule.
  8. Dryland Training
  9. Scott, Mike and Chris will contact Jeff Carr and will form a sub-committee to discuss possible options for BYHA to implement
  10. They will report back next meeting with ideas.
  11. ADM (Mite/8U)
  12. Chris, Craig & Cory will head up this committee and report back with options for next season.
  13. More coaches needed at this level next year
  14. Format of ADM each week discussed at length
  15. Coach Evals
  16. Tony Mannausau will head this up
  17. Evals will be sent out after the last team finishes the season
  18. Budget for HDC
  19. Much discussion here….HDC recognizes that in order to bring BYHA to the next level (produce a STATE CHAMPION at the HS LEVEL) it will involve resources that may not have previously been dedicated to this cause.
  20. Many ideas discussed and this will be an ongoing project over the summer of 2012.
  21. Girls Recruiting Coordinator
  22. Growing our girls program will take a larger, more concentrated effort.
  23. This position will need to be appointed by HDC and report to Coach Brink.
  24. More discussions here at next meeting.
  25. Culture
  26. Must change if we are to succeed and reach our goals
  27. More outdoor hockey, working with community leaders to make this happen.
  28. Recognition of past in the BCA (banners and other items) a must. Wade said he may have some funds in his HS budget to help this cause.
  29. Next Meeting 3-18-12 at a place TBD

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