BYHA Hockey Development Meeting02-26-12
Present: Tracy Pogue, Neil Huewe,Corey Ruup, Dan Alto,Wade Chiodo, Scott Andersen, Tony Mannausau, Chris Justice, Craig Larson, Kevin Waldhausen, Bob Brink
Absent: Tom Kuesel
- HDC welcomes Corey Ruup and Mike Tatro to the HDC.
- Goal & Vision:
- Discussed goals and vision for HDC for the next 10 years
- More info on this in future meetings
- Scheduling 2012-13
- Scott A will work up a schedule format that would become a template for BYHA.
- Each age group will have a “dream week” schedule and HDC will tweak each week to fit our 17 week winter schedule.
- Dryland Training
- Scott, Mike and Chris will contact Jeff Carr and will form a sub-committee to discuss possible options for BYHA to implement
- They will report back next meeting with ideas.
- ADM (Mite/8U)
- Chris, Craig & Cory will head up this committee and report back with options for next season.
- More coaches needed at this level next year
- Format of ADM each week discussed at length
- Coach Evals
- Tony Mannausau will head this up
- Evals will be sent out after the last team finishes the season
- Budget for HDC
- Much discussion here….HDC recognizes that in order to bring BYHA to the next level (produce a STATE CHAMPION at the HS LEVEL) it will involve resources that may not have previously been dedicated to this cause.
- Many ideas discussed and this will be an ongoing project over the summer of 2012.
- Girls Recruiting Coordinator
- Growing our girls program will take a larger, more concentrated effort.
- This position will need to be appointed by HDC and report to Coach Brink.
- More discussions here at next meeting.
- Culture
- Must change if we are to succeed and reach our goals
- More outdoor hockey, working with community leaders to make this happen.
- Recognition of past in the BCA (banners and other items) a must. Wade said he may have some funds in his HS budget to help this cause.
- Next Meeting 3-18-12 at a place TBD
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