Pulling Together Summary – 1/15/17
Introduction to Pulling Together -Laura Groshong, LICSW, MH Advocate
All of you are here because you want to do something and stop feeling helpless as a result of the Presidential election and the government we see taking shape that seems to be opposed to the values that we hold. We will start here today the process of becoming the grass roots that will turn into a sturdy highway to preserve the values that once were self-evident, and will be again. NASW, the Clinical Social Work Society, and the Coalition have come together to start the process. How many have been involved in advocacy? Good start.
There is one problem for us as a community that I would like you all to keep in mind. All of us here have tended to focus on one area of the mental health, substance use, social services or social justice arenas. We need to put that time in the past and educate ourselves in all these areas. For too long we have stuck to our own silos and it has not served us well. To protect our patients and our fellow citizens, we must find common ground and work together to maintain the goals of the Affordable Care Act, the Mental Health Parity Law and all the other ways that the vulnerable are protected in our country and state.
Here are some words from our President for six more days that capture what I hope we will accomplish today:
….[O]ur democracy demands, it needs you. Not just when there's an election, not just when your own narrow interest is at stake, but over the full span of a lifetime. If something needs fixing, then lace up your shoes and do some organizing. If you're disappointed by your elected officials, grab a clipboard, get some signatures, and run for office yourself. Show up. Dive in. Stay at it. Sometimes you'll win. Sometimes you'll lose. Presuming a reservoir of goodness in other people, that can be a risk, and there will be times when the process will disappoint you. But for those of us fortunate enough to have been a part of this work, and to see it up close, let me tell you, it can energize and inspire. (President Obama Farewell, 1/10/17)
Summaries of 2017 State Issues (Melanie Smith, WSSCSW Lobbyist, and Ann Allen, NASW LAC Chair)
Volk Decision – sudden decision by Supreme Court that all clinicians are responsible for any violent actions taken by any patient whether the patient has mentioned they had any intention to do so or not – bill being developed to return to original mandatory duty to warn third party – only if mentioned specifically
CDP Changes – bill to take out abstinence only language in RCW and replace with any accepted treatment methods
“Surprise” Billing –physicians do not need to be paid separately from hospital by consumers if not covered by patient plan
ACA Repeal on Washington Plans – bill to preserve essential benefits in any plan offered in WA even if ACA is repealed
Defining School Social Workers (partnership with the WA School Association of Social Workers) – improve access and scope of practice for mental health clinicians in schools, including social workers
Strengthening the Health Professional Repayment Account –improve loan repayment coverage for mental health clinicians in rural areas or inner cities
Maintain and Improve Funding for Behavioral Health Services – support Governor’s budget for increasing funding for Western State Hospital, addiction services, community hospital beds.
Improve Child Welfare Caseloads-hire and retain clinical social workers with caseloads of 18 families in child welfare.
Improve Welfare Coverage –eliminate the resource limits for TANF, SFA, and ABD. Increase the cash grant for TANF, Family Assistance and Refugee Cash Assistance program
Summary of 12 Small Group Priorities
(based on Survey of national issues)
Mental Health Parity Priorities
Protect mental health treatment as part of health care =4
More education of public=3
Maintain mental health parity-2
Additional funding of mental health -2
Single payer system=3
Preserve Parity law, the rules
Unify all issues
ACA Priorities
Preserve addiction treatment=2
Oppose elimination of pre-existing conditions=6
Oppose overturn of ACA=3
Oppose health care vouchers-2
Maintain coverage of working poor=3
Combine all health and mental health issues in health care plan
Medicare and Medicaid Priorities
Stop privatization of Medicare=6
Maintain Medicaid expansion=2
Oppose raising age of eligibility for Medicare
Oppose block grants
Diversity and Civil Rights Priorities
Standing with people of color and improving race relations=4
Protect rights of all citizens=4
Oppose failures in criminal justice system that impact mental health
Combine all civil rights issues
Protect women’s rights
Mental Health Treatment Priorities
Oppose limits on mental health coverage=6
More coverage for opiate addiction
Support CARA and funding
Oppose “fail-first” programs
Other Priorities
More education of the public on all issues
Have another meeting on dealing with insurance
Address immigration and protections
Disseminate accurate information on all issues