BUSINESS PLAN 2010 / 2011
The vision
People who use health and social care services will be able to exercise choice and control, confident that care services are of a high quality, safe, sustainable and efficient; and promote their own individual requirements for independence, well being and dignity. Yorkshire and Humber Branch of ADASS is committed to working with all partners to ensure this vision is a reality.
The Yorkshire and the Humber branch of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) represent all the Directors of Adult Social Services in the region. ADASS members are jointly responsible through the activities of their departments for the well-being, protection and care of their local communities, and for the promotion of well-being and protection throughthe commissioning and provision of services as well as the co-ordination of and liaison with the NHS, voluntary sector agencies, private companies and other public authorities.
ADASS regional networks are aligned with national ADASS policy networks. Locally policy networks have workinglinks with the programme areas of the Deputy Regional Director for Social Care, JIP, YHIP and the SHA. Where possible ADASS intends to take a collaborative approach, integrating and pooling resources; ensuring maximum use and efficiency of all available improvement resources in the region. A nominated DASS is the senior responsible officer (SRO) leading the programmes of work / policy network. It will be the SRO’s responsibility to drive forward the agenda, progress work plans and report back to the ADASS Branch.
Draft version 4
Yorkshire and Humber Branch of ADASS Objectives 2010/2011
The programme and workstreams
Workstreams 1 – 6 are supported by funding through the Joint Improvement Partnership Programme; each has a DASS lead as the senior responsible officer (SRO).
1. Personalisation Senior Responsible Officer Martin FarranOutputs / Success measures.
A regional programme to support personalisation / Local Authorities equipped to deliver the transformation agenda with progress shown through meeting national and local targets through inspections
New systems and services available to service users / Personalisation of services and support, people experiencing high quality information, advice information of services and support
Sharing of learning on personalisation / Framework in place for sharing learning amongst all interested parties.
Effectiveness of personalisation under continuous evaluation / Service user confidence in the value and effectiveness of services. greater choice and control ,robust quality assurance measures in place with high levels of customer satisfaction
Work to develop approaches and methods that enable the introduction and operation of personalisation across a range of services / Increase in number of individuals who have been allocated a personal budget across all service user groups
Activities / Specific Tasks completed by March 2011
Regular network meetings of the strategic personalisation group / Establish a personalisation consultancy framework for the planning, development and delivery of transformation. Co ordinate and share learning from 13 pilot projects and knowledge from LA’s advanced in transformation .Enhance capability to deliver a regional step change
Agree a common framework for support brokerage across the region / Focus session with strategic leads to identify potential for sub/regional commissioning opportunities
Publish report on commissioning proposals
Support the cultural shift towards a self directed support approach within care management/social work. / Set up regional action learning sets
Run 4 regional workshops aimed at care managers.
To develop internal mental health day care services, to respond to the personalisation agenda / Report produced evidencing of service users review, movement of service users to other forms of provision using PB’s
Identify barriers to small providers / Regional event to disseminate learning /outcomes of evaluation and accompanying publication
Co produces an outcomes framework to form the basis of delivering individualised support across social care and other areas of the personalisation agenda. / Regional event
Draft outcomes developed and tested with people undergoing self directed support process
Solution document published,outcomes framework available
Disseminate findings regionally
To bring together external providers in ERY to develop innovative and flexible support to people in receipt of PB’s / Bench marking and analysisproduced
Training tool kit for training providers available and used by LA’s
To identify best practice in relation to the delivery of reablement services / Criteria for identifying good practice agreed
share analysis of existing practice
Publish best practice guide
Identify and disseminate good practice in relation to the universal offer of information / Evaluate and share best practice, setup website/web link publicity materials including A-Z directory/ posters , specific target groups
Each LA in the region has a universal information offer that is fit for purpose.
Support the creation of a PA peer support group
Training resource developed, competencies agreed / Training resource developed, competencies agreedtraining programme delivered. Capacity to deliver quality support and care through personal assistants is increased.
A resource allocation framework for continuing health care.
Develop key elements of RAS, Draft RAS and associated governance documents test out at regional event / LA’s are ableto adopt a tested resource allocation system for continuing health care.
Engage with excluded groups,develop tool kit to reach seldom heard groups, regional event to disseminate learning from engagement activities / Improved uptake of PB’s for seldom heard/ hard to reach people.
Staff meet cultural and religious needs of service users
Develop a learning network to share existing good practice in relation to community capacity building. Hold 6 regional workshops and establish a web based learning network / Local Authorities will have tried and tested models of developing community capacity models and examples of good practice.
2. Commissioning Senior Responsible Officer Sam Pratheepan
Outputs / Success measures.
Quality of care services are improved / All commissioning is evidence based
Performance management of contracts demonstrates quality standards have been achieved
Joint, collaborative and leadcommissioning / There is an increase in appropriate Joint , collaborative and leadcommissioning and it is used whenever services will be enhanced
Meeting care needs. / Care needs are met effectively, people with PB’s are exercising greater choice and control
Every local authority has a published clear and accessible market intentions statement / There is an increase in providers tendering for services who meet the required criteria and the mix of the market is appropriate to meet local needs. Number of ULO’s and/or social enterprises are increased
Increase in capacity and capability of commissioners / 90% of commissioner who attended the certificate course achieve accreditation
Sharing of learning on commissioning and promotion of best practice / Feedback from certificate courses, seminars, events and web site
Continuous increase in best practice examples posted on website and increase in number of hits and registrations on web site. Feedback from ADASS regional commissioning group members
Use of resources and value for money is maximised / Evidence from unit cost, quality and safety monitoring
Every Local Authority has a strategic commissioning strategy / Published on Regional or LA web site
Activities / Specific Tasks completed by March 2011
Build capability to integrate demand forecasting and capacity planning resources into commissioning. / Develop a framework and agree with partners
Develop commissioner’s capability to commission for personalisation outcomes. / Support commissioning certificate course participants to complete assessed work based assignments and where appropriate share on the web site
Deliver Action Learning sets 6 cohorts 5 – 6 sessionsSustainable learning / problem solving /information sharing networks
Further develop commissioning website.
Publish paper on outcome based commissioning
Work in collaboration with skills for care to ensure commissioning of a competent workforce
Develop links with the safeguarding work stream
Map service user and carer involvement in commissioning across the region and share best practice. Look at the potential for cross regional work to add value and promote efficiencies - e.g. advice and information services
Support networks and share best practice and innovation / Develop networking facility on web site. Post best practice and alert commissioning and other networks to new postings. Facilitate events that disseminate best practice and innovation
Bench mark commissioning capacity and capability and plot progress / Develop/agree a framework to benchmark commissioning capability, capacity and outcomes. Identify outliers and explore ways of driving up standards by sharing best practice and finding appropriate support where it is requested. Plot progress across the region (common strengths and weaknesses)
Through ADASS commissioning group and other networks explore the possibilities for common tools / Support the ADASS regional commissioning group and follow up potential for use of common tools and frameworks _ (use of analyst resource)
Provide strategic leadership to promote health, well being and inclusion.
Build a strong voice for regional priorities and resource allocation based on shared understanding of the role of commissioning / Hold 6 senior managers seminars and 4 think tank sessions disseminate papers following ‘Think Tank ‘ sessions
Work with the ADASS Regional Commissioning Group to develop ideas to reduce health inequalities and promote prevention and well being
Develop proposals for a sustainable legacy for maintaining/improving commissioning capacity an capability across the region / Continue to build the resource
Build productive alliances with strategic partners e.g. NHS and other stakeholders
Consult on regional requirements
Look at viable options within the region alongside regional partners and stakeholders e.g. NHS, housing etc
Look at options across adjoining regions(e.g. NW)
Consult with regional and other academic institutions
Prepare options appraisals and bring to ADASS and JIP/YHIP
Work collaboratively with strategic partners to deliver better outcomes / Meeting with SHA world class commissioning leads and other NHS colleagues to
Ensure synchronicity with NHS WCC programme and to explore potential for efficiencies/innovation and value for money. Co-ordination on issues of common interest. Explore the possibility of working together to ensure sustainability of commissioning capacity and competencies in the future for Y+H
3. Learning disability Senior Responsible Officer Moira Wilson
Outputs / Success measures
To modernise learning disability day services / Service users have greater choice and control
Personalisation is embedded in service design and development / Care plans clearly reflect a person centred approach
To support councils in delivering improvements in services in line with Valuing People Now. / Region performs well against Valuing People Now targets
To develop greater use of advocacy for people with LD and their family carers / People can make their views and needs known more effectively
Activities / Specific Tasks completed by March 2011
Implementation of self assessment tool for LD Partnership Boards
Shared learning events / Quarterly regional meetings
Planning meetings with individual LA’s / Project plans with key milestones and targets developed for each LA
Regional events / Training and workshops to support the personalisation agenda
Phase 2 / Action plan to be developed into a change management program for key personnel ( subject to year 2 JIP funding)
4. Safeguarding Senior Responsible Officer Mike Briggs
Outputs / Measures of success
Establish a regional safeguarding network / Improved standards of safeguarding of vulnerable adults in the Yorkshire and Humber region.
progress shown through meeting national and local targets through inspections
Produce written guidance for SAB’s regarding the personalisation agenda
Activities / Specific Tasks completed by March 2011
Introduce standardised protocols for safe guarding across the Yorkshire and Humber region / Develop good practice guidance / frameworks for integrating safeguarding across all aspects of work within the health and social care arena. Protocols tool kits available to LA’s
Cross boarder working protocols agreed
Develop best practice that balances choice flexibility and risk with safe services for individuals / Personal support plans will address safeguarding /risk assessment issues.
Ensure that the relationship between safeguarding and personalisation is explicit in all developments / Research current safeguarding training; disseminate findings to inform training developments, baseline and progress.
Achieve better outcomes from safeguarding inspections / Work with CQC regarding consistent approaches to safeguarding Provide specific work in authorities to ensure good safe guarding practice
5. Workforce Senior Responsible Officer Joan Beck
Outputs / Success measures
To provide regional leadership for local employees for workforce planning. development modelling and commissioning. / Public , private and third sector staff are better equipped to meet the needs arising out of the personalisation agenda
Workforce issues are addressed throughout the regional transformation work programmes / The social care workforce including personal assistants are equipped to meet the needs of individuals who access health and social care services
Workforce and people development / Validated evidence demonstrating increase in qualified workforce
Activities / Specific Tasks completed by March 2011
Actively promote the use of NMDS across the public private and third sector employers / Work with Skills for Care across the region to set and achieve MNDS targets for Yorkshire and Humber
Regional working group linking the NQSW outcome statements to common induction and post qualification courses. / Regional conference
Workforce profiling / Produce workforce profile reports
Recruitment and retention / Regionally coordinated recruitment campaigns, dissemination of pathway career e-tool.
6. Older People / Assistive Technology Senior Responsible Officer Derek Law
Outputs / Success measures.
To support the development of a regional approach to telecare/telehealth care. / Increase in numbers of services users who have assistive technology as part of a health and/or social care support
Assistive technology is part of a standard service offer for those needing support / Evidence of increased independence and quality of life for service users
Activities / Specific Tasks completed by March 2011
Best practice guidelines agreed and guide on tools and products available / Regional dissemination through YoHr space website
Common data /contract template available
Telecare business case produced
Regional Launch event / High profile regional event and master class workshops and seminars
Regional marketing to increase the numbers of people who access assistive technology / Base line questionnaire completed,
assistive technology care pathway agreed
Action learning sets produced
Plan for assistive technology published / CSED funded evaluation of regional progress to assess benefits for service users and efficiency savings for commissioners
Yorkshire and Humber Policy Networks
Policy Networks / Lead DASS / With support from / Funded projectStandards and Performance / Tom Cray Rotherham
Carers / Angela Dunn
Hull / Tony Pugh Team Lewer DRD / DRD Funded project
Housing / Merran Mcrae
Physical Disability and Sensory Impairment / Andrew Milner
NE Lincs
Continuing Health Care / Sandie Keen
Leeds / Anne Russel SHA
Complaints / Martin Farran
Barnsley / Julie Ross North York’s / pending JIP funded project
Mental Health / Jonathan Phillips Calderdale / Ian Smith Kirklees / SHA PCT funded programme
Older people/ assistive technology / Derek Law
North York’s / Adrienne Lucas / Assistive technology JIP funded
Learning Disabilities / Moira Wilson
Bradford / Jenny Anderson VPN lead
The policy networks consider and address strategic and policy issues relating to their area of expertise/specialism. The networks will make recommendations to the Yorkshire and Humber branch of ADASS, bring to their attention any matters of regional concern and when required, respond tonationalADASS reference groups and others, conducting consultation exercises on behalf of the region.
Mental Health
The Yorkshire and Humber ADASS mental health policy network works closely with and is an integral part of the Yorkshire and Humber PCT collaborative mental health programme. The PCT mental health programme is aligned with the regional and local mental health priorities and supports implementing healthy ambitions. The collaborative has nine work streams, delivering 35 projects.
The newly formed social care strategic group meets quarterly. Its role is to consider and address strategic and policy issues relating to mental health responsibilities across the health and social care arena. It supports the work of four other regional multi-disciplinary strategic groups. The social care group also responds to and is represented at the National Mental health ADASS policy network. Priorities for 2010—2011 include:
- Personalisation
- The implementation of the Care Programme Approach
- Employment
- Developing and sharing best practice
- Advising on the implementation of legislation and guidance.
Various reporting mechanisms are in place, including a monthly communications brief and the circulation of minutes of key meetings to members of the Yorkshire and Humber branch of ADASS.
Physical Disability and Sensory Impairment
A new regional forum is planned for 2010. It is anticipated that a regional strategy group will be established to consider and address strategic policy issues relating to physical and sensory impairment services. The group will also ensure appropriate linkages are made with the emerging TASC 1 and TASC 2 agendas.
Work programme priorities for 2010 have yet to be agreed , but are likely to focus on OT equipment and re-enablement services, the prevention agenda , the development of universal information and the impact of long term conditions.
Standards and Performance
Reliable and accurate information systems underpin the quality and performance of all social care services. Working closely with key stakeholders, the standards and performance policy network seeks to ensure effective systems are in place to capture information and share data. The Yorkshire and Humber branch of ADASS intends to work closely with CQC as they take over the regulatory role for social care.