HIMAWNY Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, March 5, 2012

Attendance: Matthew Greene, Dian Skelton, Susan Leteste, Barbara Falk, Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Piechocki, Darlene Nedwick

Excused:Diane Bongiovanni,Nicole Miller, Sue Dold

  1. Minutes of the meeting of November 14, 2011 were approved.
  1. Committee Reports


Jean Piechocki submitted a membership report indicating that there are currently 125 members. The membership breakdown is as follows: 74 active; 3 senior active; 18 associates; 29 students; and 1 corporate. Ms. Piechocki proposed the possibility of sharing the membership roster with all members. Ms. Skelton suggested that direct email may be the best way to share the roster so that the privacy of members is protected. Posting the roster to the website may be an option if it can be password protected for member access only. Matt will ask Nicole Miller to look into this.

Matt Greene discussed interest in increasing corporate members and suggested to board members that NYHIMA may have a list of potential corporate members in the Western New York region that may be helpful in increasing this category of membership.

Ms. Piechocki raised the issue of how other local chapters collect dues and other educational session payments. The use of PayPal as a way for members to pay dues through the website was discussed briefly and is discussed in depth under the Treasurer’s Report.

Matt will ask Chris Harrington about the best process for ensuring HIMAWNY applicants are already NYHIMA members.


Darlene Nedwick has lined up speakers; arranged sessions and is researching seminars to be held in 2012.A spring session on social networking is scheduled for 3/23/2012 in Batavia and an April session on Meaningful Use is tentatively set for 4/26/2012 at St. Joseph’s.

Susan Leteste described the process she used in purchasing NYHIMA webinars and offered assistance to Ms. Nedwick in choosing appropriate webinar sessions that would be of interest to membership. Barbara Falk stated that education sessions are an important service that HIMAWNY can provide to the membership and money is available to spend on webinars and other types of sessions.

Ms. Leteste also reminded the members that there are some complimentary webinars available at the CMS and HIMSS websites.

Ms. Nedwick asked members for input regarding conducting anevaluation at the end of each education session. Members were in agreement that this was a valuable tool for feedback.

Finance/Treasurer’s Report

Barb Falk presented the following report:

Balance forward 11/14/2011$7023.43

Income (to date)

Membership dues$ 400.00

Holiday Party$ 714.00


Holiday Party$ 674.82

Current Balance$7229.61

Ms. Falk stated the results of her research aboutusing PayPal to conduct transactions involving membership dues and educational session payments. After discussion of the costs and administrative components of the point, Ms. Skelton moved to request the Treasurer to make arrangements in order to establish a PayPal account as a payment option for dues and education sessions at the website. The motion was passed unanimously.

Public Relations/Newsletter/Website

Matt Greene reported that he had no feedback on the last newsletter. The website continues to progress and the members made suggestions for the possibility of setting up passwords for member access and PayPal.


Mr. Greene reported that there were no new items regarding bylaws at this time. We are still waiting for the AHIMA and NYHIMA changes.


Anne Miller has sent cards of congratulations to members in recognition of their accomplishments.


Past President Susan Leteste is beginning the nomination process in order to be able to have a timely vote and the installation of officers in the June meeting. There are four elected positions: president elect, secretary, treasurer and elected director..

Strategic Planning

Matt Greene reported there were no updates to the strategic plan at this time. He stated that updates will be relatively easy to make and should not be time consuming.

  1. Special Interest Groups

Ambulatory Care – There is no report for this group.

Coding – Susan Leteste reported that Angela Printup has beenassigned many new responsibilities in her work and has not been able to leadthis group. There is no report at this time.

Long Term Care – Cindy Mykins was not able to attend the meeting, but did provide the following report: The LTC SIG is still meeting every other month. Our next meeting is tomorrow, 3/8/12 @ Briody HCF. We have been discussing ICD-10-CM implementation and will be sharing what information we have with each other @ tomorrow's meeting. I am also sending Nicole our last meeting minutes to be put on the website for general membership review.

  1. Old business
  • Matt Greene stated that the group photo will be delayed until all board members can be present.
  • The use of LinkedIn and Facebook groups has become stagnant. Elizabeth Taylor suggested that we post event announcements to the Facebook page.
  • Two delegates are needed for the NYHIMA Conference Planning committee next year. Becky Pittler and Diane Skelton have agreed to serve on this committee.
  • We need to begin to prepare for the 2013 NYHIMA conference which will be in our region. We will need two leadership positions for hospitality and for program. NYHIMA takes a very strong lead on the conference and the people in those positions will have a great deal of support from the NYHIMA staff.
  • Barb Falk suggested that HIMAWNY seek guidance from NYHIMA in recruiting corporate members. Some of the NYHIMA corporate members are probably from western NY and may be interested in being HIMAWNY members as well.

Matt Greene reviewed the action items providing status reports on the progress associated with each item. See the attached appendix.

Annual Meeting

Diane Bongiovanni was not in attendance. She submitted a report stating that she is planning the Annual Meeting and requested input from Board members regarding the place and the date for the event. The two restaurants in consideration are the Dock of the Bay or Romanello’s South. She also proposed several dates for consideration. Members felt that due to the NYHIMA Conference in June, the Annual Meeting should be held at a date later in June. Members expressed support for the Dock of the Bay site, but was not against Romanello’s South.

  1. New business

Matt Greene alerted members to the joint HIMAMNY/RRHIMA meeting on 3/23/2012 at Batavia. He encouraged Board Members to attend if possible.

We need to identify delegates for this year’s NYHIMA conference. The President and President-Elect are required to be delegates.

New Action Items

Nonew action items were introduced.

Appendix 1

Action Item / Contact / Status / Comments
Send congratulations card to Nicole Miller for obtaining her Masters Dual Degree in Health Information Management and IT Leadership and a Certificate in Health Informatics. / Anne Miller / Completed / Anne sent a congratulations card to Nicole.
Establish contact with local AAPC Chapter / Cindy Mykins / In Progress / Cindy will complete in November.
Send all planned local meetings to Vinnie Martiniano and Lance Smith, including speaker, dates, times and locations. / Darlene Nedwick/ Matt / In Progress / Darlene is sending information about educational sessions to Vinnie and Lance.
Schedule Manager's Hot Topics Roundtable / Diane Skelton/ Matt / In Progress / Still need a member to lead this activity.
Post officer and chair responsibilities to website / Matthew Greene / In Progress / Matt sent the documents to Nicole to post. Need to determine which committees are no longer active.
Linked In Group / Matthew Greene / In Progress / Add members to the HIMAWNY Group. Identify value for members.
Facebook Group / Matthew Greene / In Progress / Add members to the Facebook Group. Identify value of members
Recruit 2 delegates for NYHIMA Annual Conference Committee / Matthew Greene / Completed / To review annual conference and expenses. Becky Pittler and Diane Skelton have volunteered.
Recruit a local Legislative Liaison to NYHIMA / Matthew Greene / In Progress / Includedrequest in last newsletter, but no volunteers yet.
Identify members within locals currently volunteering for AHIMA / Matthew Greene / In Progress / Include in next newsletter
Research local candidates for NYHIMA awards / Matthew Greene / In Progress / So far, Joanne Muller for Hall of Fame Award. Jean Jurek suggested that Matt call Carolyn Cave for more information.
Plan Annual Meeting / Diane Bongiovanni / In Progress / Diane has identified two possible locations and dates. Board provided suggestions to Diane.
Send congratulations card to Liz Taylor for new Roswell job. / Anne Miller / Completed / Anne sent a congratulations card to Liz.
Send Congratulations card to Teresa Reinhardt for Medaille position / Anne Miller / Completed / Anne sent a congratulations card to Teresa.
Recruit Corporate Sponsors / Jean Piechocki / Not Started / Included request in last newsletter, but no feedback. Matt will contact NYHIMA for recommendations.
Update Strategic Plan / Matthew Greene / Not Started / Gabriela Jenica and Matt will begin work on this in January. Matt will send current plan to Gabriela to review.
Recruit new Ambulatory Care SIG Chair / Matthew Greene / Not Started / Included request in last newsletter, but no volunteers yet.
Group Photo / Meeting attendee / Not Started / Photos will be taken at the next event where all board members are present.
Bylaw Changes / Gabriela Jenica / Pending / NYHIMA will notify us when local bylaw changes can be made. They will send a template we can use.
Send Congratulations card to Cindy Mykins for RHIA / Anne Miller / Completed / Anne sent a congratulations card to Cindy.
Provide report of September LTC SIG meeting / Cindy Mykins / Completed / To be presented at November board meeting. Cindy provided a report of the September and November meetings. The minutes will be included in the next newsletter.
Schedule Fall Educational Session and Speakers / Darlene Nedwick / Completed / Darlene has sessions scheduled for the Christmas meeting and another in December.
Schedule Holiday Meeting / Diane Bongiovanni / Completed / Held at Milo's on 12/13.
Get Happy Hour sponsor for Christmas Party / Diane Bongiovanni / Completed / Jean Jurek was sponsor.
Research ways to increase corporate memberships / Jean Piechocki / Completed / Matt to send Jean Kris Spada's email address. Will request ideas from members in next newsletter.
Mail membership acknowledgements to paid members / Jean Piechocki / Completed / Matt to contact Jean about this. No longer needed.
Send Kris Spada's contact info to Jean Piechocki for Membership Assistance / Matthew Greene / Completed / Sent 10/17/2011
Identify Student Board Liaisons from ECC and Trocaire / Matthew Greene / Completed / Identified ECC liaison. Trocaire will not have a liaison this year
Establish contact with NY HIMSS Chapter / Matthew Greene / Completed / Contact made. Need to discuss attendance at educational sessions
Create Fall Newsletter / Matthew Greene / Completed / Distributed a February newsletter.
Publish new website / Nicole Miller / Completed / Nicole adding content. Requests other content from members.
Send Christmas Party Save a Date message to members. / Nicole Miller / Completed