(Administrative HUB2)

BAND: Band 3

REPORTS TO: Hub 2 Team Leader

ACCOUNTABLE TO: Head of Administration

HOURS 37.5 worked on a mixed shift rota basis during the hours of 8 am to 9pm 7 Days per week including bank holidays and weekends


St. Joseph’s Hospice is a health care charity established in 1905 to offer patients diagnosed with a life limiting illness a range of care and professional advisory services. It currently provides high quality palliative and end of life care to a significant and growing number of people living in East London and beyond. It employs a large team of clinical staff, including medical practitioners who work across community, in-patient and out-patient services delivering individualised, responsive and holistic support to patients and their families/carers.

Administrative Hub 2 provides a responsive administrative service clerical and administrative support to facilitate the smooth running of the following services:

·  First Contact and 24/7 Advice and Support Line

·  Community Palliative Care Team (CPCT)

·  Inpatient and Respite Wards

Administrative Assistants participate in a rota that facilitates our and 24/7 Advice and Support service. This will include responding to telephone calls and taking referrals from people with serious life limiting or end of life illnesses or bereaved relatives and friends.


·  Information Management Team, Lead Nurse, Nurse Consultant (Community Palliative Care), CPCT Nurses, Team Managers and Ward Managers


Telephone Enquiries and Patient Referral

·  Respond to enquiries by both telephone and face-to-face in a calm, sensitive and professional manner taking accurate messages as required and ensure these are passed onto the appropriate person.

·  Deal appropriately with callers who may be upset, distressed, angry, aggressive or abusive and maintaining a professional standard of behaviour at all times referring to senior staff where necessary.

·  Take referrals using effective communication skills and pass on to an appropriate healthcare professional.

·  Liaise with internal departments, i.e. social work therapies, day hospice as directed to convey or request information.

·  Respond to routine correspondence and emails received internally or externally.

Administrative Duties

·  Create and update data on Cross Care interrogating the database as required in response to queries regarding the patients.

·  Provide clerical and administrative support including photocopying, sending and collecting faxes, filing typing (of documents in excess of two pages), and dealing with manual files and electronic patient records.

·  Scan documents in accordance with current guidelines for the maintenance of Electronic Patient Records

·  Maintain an adequate level of stationary and supplies and produce and/or replenish master copies of forms and documentation used by the services.

·  Collect, open and distribute mail to the appropriate team/office.

·  Process outgoing mail in accordance with current procedures and timescales

·  Request maintenance or repair requests and follow up as necessary

·  Assist in the maintenance of IT equipment, reporting faults and replacing printer cartridges etc.

·  Take bookings for the CPCT Board Room and maintain the record of bookings.

·  To maintain and co ordinate the AV equipment booking.

·  Book and set up rooms for teaching/ meeting sessions and ensure it is tidied for and left in order.

·  Update and Distribute extension numbers to appropriate departments

Medical Records including Electronic Patient Records

·  In conjunction with other administrative staff, participate in maintaining medical records in the Hospice; including extraction and retrieval of files whilst strictly observing tracking procedures.

·  Ensure computerised and manual records and files are kept in strict accordance with the Hospice’s Confidentiality Policy and Data Protection regulations.

·  Archive files in accordance with Hospice Retention policies and procedures

·  As directed participate in dealing with queries regarding former patient records from relatives in accordance with the Data Protection Act.


These duties must be covered at all times and override other tasks. All staff in Inpatient and Community Services will participate in these duties during planned and unplanned absences

·  Taking referrals including Cross Care administration

·  Administration around admissions, discharges and deaths –

·  Preparing paperwork for death certificates

·  Organising transport for admission to inpatient wards

·  Covering CPCT, inpatient and Respite reception services

·  Scanning documents in accordance with Hospice Policy

Other Duties

·  Participating in ensuring that CPCT office windows are closed / doors locked, and the keys returned to the safe and locked at the end of the day.


Discuss own performances with the Clinical Administration Team Lead and CPCT Manager, setting, agreeing and evaluating key objectives on an annual basis. Undertake relevant courses following discussion and agreement with CPCT Manager.

Attend mandatory training sessions as per hospice policy.


All staff must have an understanding of St Joseph’s Mission & Core Values (details attached).


Comply with and promote St Joseph’s Convent Equal Opportunity Policy and avoid any behaviour which discriminates against colleagues, potential employees, patients/clients or their families on the grounds of sex, marital status, race, age, belief, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, religion or disability, political opinion or sexual orientation.


Ensure a safe working environment and be aware of responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act, taking appropriate action in the event of an accident to patients, staff, self or any other person in the work area.


Our Mission is:

1)  To treat each individual as unique

·  Valuing them without distinction or judgement

·  Respecting their culture

·  Respecting their beliefs – be they religious or otherwise

2)  To enable all to reach their full potential until death

·  Valuing what they have to offer

·  Respecting the autonomy of the individual

·  Encouraging them to participate in their own care, together with

their family and friends

3)  To confront the patient’s pain and distress whether physical, mental, social or spiritual

·  Through close co-operation between all of the disciplines involved

in the care of the patient and family members

4)  To encourage openness and honesty when communicating with the patient and family members

·  By respecting the patient’s wish to question or remain silent

·  By respecting the patient’s confidentiality at all times

5)  To create an atmosphere where healing can occur

·  Through meeting the patient’s needs as a person

·  Through accepting the terminal dimensions of the illness

·  Through a holistic approach of care

6)  To show particular concern for staff at all levels

·  Through consultation and participation in decision making

·  Through staff support

7)  To be committed to education, research and an ethical approach to care

·  Through the work of the Study Centre and Ethics Committee

·  Ensuring that research projects are carried out when deemed appropriate

8)  To be committed to the development of palliative care

·  Throughout the United Kingdom

·  And further afield

9)  To participate actively in National Associations

·  Of the various palliative care disciplines – medical, nursing, social work and chaplaincy



We respect human dignity when we:

·  Respect the sacredness of life

·  Care for the whole person

·  Demonstrate unity of purpose, while recognising individual differences

·  Value each person’s contribution

·  Act in a culturally appropriate manner


We provide service when we:

·  Create an environment of welcome and hospitality

·  Promote quality care and excellence

·  Encourage and demonstrate team spirit

·  Recognise the value of individual initiatives and ideas

·  Show an openness to constructive criticism and feedback


We care for the poor and vulnerable when we:

·  Listen attentively to identify unmet needs

·  Respond in a practical way to those in need

·  Collaborate with others to share resources

·  Create access to needed services

·  Provide basic resources for daily living to those in need


We show compassion when we:

·  Act with understanding and sensitivity

·  Work cooperatively with others

·  Are available to those we serve and to each other

·  Respect and nurture the environment


We promote justice when we:

·  Act with integrity

·  Respect the rights of others

·  Take responsibility for our actions

·  Preserve resources

·  Provide quality without extravagance

·  Demonstrate fairness in decision making

·  Affirm, celebrate and develop the gifts and talents of each person

·  Model justice in all aspects of business practice