December 1, 2004

Planned LERG Changes 3/1/05

The following describes planned changes to the Telcordia® LERG™ Routing Guide that is produced by Telcordia® Routing Administration (TRA). Please call TRA on 866-NPA-NXXS (i.e. 866-672-6997) or (732) 699-6700 if you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this notice. This notice is being sent to the party receiving the physical product (e.g. data transmission, CD) since that is often our only confirmed contact in your company. Please share this notice with those in your company that may be interested or may need to know. These changes may necessitate changes in how you or your company processes the LERG. A reminder will be issued the month before the updates are to take place. Any pertinent changes that may occur between now and the targeted implementation date in this notice will be noted to users as soon as possible.


These changes primarily reflect resolutions and agreements reached on a consensus basis by representatives from companies who attend various industry forums and who utilize the LERG. These forums provide TRA with insight into desired and necessary changes to the LERG.

The following files are impacted by these LERG changes. Please read the more detailed write-up in this memo to clarify the extent and nature of the changes:

  • LERG1

Planned availability of test files is described later in this document.

You may download a copy of the 3/1/05 LERG file specifications from (documents tab), or more precisely, . The specifications are written as a Microsoft® WORD document that includes yellow highlighting indicating where changes, text, field names, field positions, etc., occur. A summary of the impacted data files (from the specification document) is attached at the end of this memo. A copy of this document is also downloadable from the TRA website.

1.LERG file Updates – Detailed Overview

a. General notes regarding efforts to handle changes:

Although there are 13 LERG files being modified, your company may not be using all the files. For example, there are four LERG6 files impacted due to their having common data elements, however, you may only use one or two of the files in your interactions with the LERG.

If necessary, to save some up-front time and effort, you should be able to develop a local transition program that can read the new file structures and output the “current” file structures to minimize any downstream impacts. Then, as your time and needs permit, you can assess and flow-through the added data fields and/or other changes at a later date.

TRA has made efforts to address changes in a manner as to keep immediate user impacts low. For example, LERG9 and LERG12 changes simply involve redefined filler and do not impact record length or existing fields, and thus are relatively negligible in terms of immediate need to reflect the changes on the user end. To permit this however, the trade-off is to add new fields in other than the most logical position in the file.

b. File Specifics:

  • LERG1– record length, non-filler data field shifts, or block size changes have NOT occurred

A one-character field for Last Known Address (LKA) has been added into position 96 of the flat file record for LERG1. This field replaces the last position of the previously defined filler in this position. The remaining filler preceding the LKA field has been defined to be 5 positions. An “X” in this field indicates that the address information has been reported and confirmed to be invalid/questionable but new information is not currently available.

  • LERG6 – record length, non-filler data field shifts, and block size changes HAVE occurred

Beginning in position 120 of LERG6, LERG6ODD, and LERG6ATC, and position 130 in LERG6INS, fields have been shifted and/or added from the previous layout. Record length has increased by 20 in each file as follows: from 150 to 170 for LERG6; from 175 to 295 for LERG6ATC; from 160 to 180 for LERG6INS; from 222 to 242 for LERG6ODD.

  • A one-character TEST LINE RESPONSE field has been added and will contain a value of “A” (Announcement) or “M”(Milliwatt) to indicate the response to be expected when calling the TEST LINE. This will be required database entry for all new NPA NXX “A” records and optional for numeric block records. Embedded records will be addressed over the course of time.
  • A TEST LINE EXPIRATION DATE field (mmddyy) will be provided. This serves to uniquely identify the date the TEST LINE will no longer be active. If a TEST LINE value exists and the EXPIRATION DATE field is blank, this indicates there is no current planned expiration of the TEST LINE. Once the TEST LINE EXPIRATION DATE has passed, the TEST LINE, TEST LINE RESPONSE, and TEST LINE EXIRATION DATE will be blank for the given record in the LERG.
  • The CREATION DATE field that already exists in LERG6 files will be retained. However, the current population of the field occurs only when the NPA NXX is establishing in the future. Going forward, the field will be populated in all cases. Note that the CREATION DATE is specifically the date that the record currently shows as being created (entered) in the underlying database for the LERG, not any other definition one might have of the NPA NXX “creation”. CREATION DATE values, depending on the file, may be as old as the 1980’s. Please consider any Y2K treatment you may need to apply to these dates.
  • A new field called “E” STATUS DATE has been added. This field will be populated for all records and represents the “E” (establishing) view for the record as currently exists in the underlying database for the LERG. For records that are currently active, this will of course be a past date. Due to various database updating processes, re-assignments of NXXs, etc., this date is not necessarily the first “true” effective date of an NXX (e.g. use prior to splits) and will always be 010100 (i.e. January 1, 2000) or greater.
  • A new field called LAST MODIFICATION DATE has been added. This date could be the same as the “E” STATUS DATE, however, if there were modifications (“M” STATUS views) that occurred prior to a given LERG date, then this field would show the effective date associated with the last previous modification. This date will always be 010100 (i.e. January 1, 2000) or greater.
  • Additional notes:
  1. For purposes of grouping certain fields logically in the LERG6 file layouts, the Thousands Block Pooling Indicator, LATA (of the RateCenter location) and Creation Date fields have shifted a bit from their previous positions.
  1. Various filler fields have been added and/or changed in length from the point in the file where modifications have been made.
  1. The NOTES and OS CODEs fields in LERG6ODD and LERG6ATC respectively remain at the tail end of the files, although positionally shifted.
  • LERG7– record length, non-filler data field shifts, or block size changes have NOT occurred
  • Positions 238-292 in LERG7 were previously defined as filler but were populated with a hyphen “-“ due to previous use of this part of the record. These hyphens have now been made blanks and the trailing portion of these positions has been use to address new “date” fields.
  • CREATION DATE, “E” STATUS DATE, and LAST MODIFICATION DATE fields, as described in detail under “LERG6 files” have been added to these LERG7 files. Similar to LERG6, these fields will provide date information pertaining to the “switch” record keys in LERG7 files.
  • LERG7SHA – record length, non-filler data field shifts, and block size changes HAVE occurred

Beginning in position 417 in LERG7SHA and position 427 in LERG7SHI, fields have been shifted and/or added from the previous layout. Record length has increased by 20 in each file, from 428 to 448 for LERG7SHA and from 438 to 458 for LERG7INS.

  • CREATION DATE, “E” STATUS DATE, and LAST MODIFICATION DATE fields, as described in detail under “LERG6 files” have been added to these LERG7 files. Similar to LERG6, these fields will provide date information pertaining to the “switch / SHAIND” record keys in LERG7HSA files.
  • LERG9 – record length, non-filler data field shifts, or block size changes have NOT occurred
  • The previous 17-character long fillers at the end of the LERG9 record, and preceding the OS Code fields in LERG9ATC, have been defined as 1-character filler, a 2-character HOMING SWITCH SHA IND field, and 14-character filler. The HOMING SWITCH SHAIND field serves to assist users in correlating the homing arrangement information provided in LERG9 to that provided in LERG7SHA. The SHA IND has been placed at this position in lieu of following the HOMING SWITCH field to avoid added record format changes and implied user efforts.
  • LERG12 – record length, non-filler data field shifts, or block size changes have NOT occurred
  • The previous 30-character long filler at the end of both the LERG12 and LERG12IN files have been re-defined as 1-character filler, a 2-character HOMING SWITCH SHA IND field, and 27-character filler. The SWITCH SHA IND field serves to assist users in correlating the homing arrangement information provided in LERG12 files to that provided in LERG7SHA and LERG6 files. The SHA IND has been placed at this position in lieu of following the SWITCH field to avoid added record format changes and implied user efforts.

c. Test Files:

Given the number of files impacted by this release, plans are to provide “test” files that correspond to the noted changes on or before 1/31/05. The test files will contain a small number of representative records with the new data fields appropriately populated in a manner as to be expected when real time production begins. Current plans are to provide only ASCII versions of these test files. They will be available as a downloadable “zip file” at (documents), where the revised specifications are provided.

In addition, LERG subscribers who receive the LERG via the NDM data transfer process will be contacted during February to arrange ‘test’ transmissions should they so desire.

2.Microsoft Access Version of LERG (CD ROM only)

The LERG provided on CD ROM contains LERG data in both ASCII files as well as the same data in a pre-loaded Microsoft Access database. Those using the Microsoft Access version of the data should note the following.

To access the new and revised file tables (effective with the 3/1/05 LERG), previous users of the LERG database application MUST replace versions of the front-end database that are effective prior to 3/1/05 with the appropriate new front-end, based on the version of Microsoft® Access being used. However, if you simply copy the new front-end database file to the working folder that you have been using on your hard disk (such as C:\ACCESS\LERG), you may overwrite your previous front-end database if it has the same name as the new one (LERGAP97.MDB, LERGAP00.MDB, or LERGAP02.MDB). This would result in losing any user-created or user-modified Forms, Queries, Macros, Reports, etc. that may have been created and saved in the previous front-end database. Special action may therefore be required to rename and save the previous front-end database PRIOR to copying the new front-end(s) to your hard disk. You can then copy or import the previous user-created or user-modified Forms, Queries, Macros, Reports, etc. from the renamed database to the new front-end database.


Although not part of this update, please be aware that the current Microsoft® Access LERGDATA database file that currently is developed using Access97 will, beginning with the 6/1/05 LERG be provided using Access 2000. In addition, the LERGAP97.MDB file (front end) will no longer be provided. Reminders of this change will provided several times prior to the 6/1/05 LERG. This change should be of no consequence to users unless you are using Access97, in which case you should upgrade to a more recent version of Access.

3. One-Day LERG processing

Changes effective with the 3/1/05 LERG will bring about corresponding changes to files available in the LERG One-Day Changes Process as follows:

Field / Record Length
File / Changes / Old / New
LERG1 / Y / 360 / same
LERG6 / Y / 160 / 180
LERG7 / Y / 322 / same
LERG7SHA / Y / 438 / 458
LERG12 / Y / 146 / same
LERG67 / N / 450 / same

Changes will become effective with files reporting activity for 3/1/05 (sequence number 60) which will be released Wednesday, 3/2/05.

er 12/04

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LERG - Data Set / File Specifications - (03/01/05)

Seq No / Connect:Direct
Dataset Name / CD ROM
File Name / Record Length / BLK
SIZE / Approx.
Tracks / Approx.
# Bytes / Primary
Sort Key / Information Contained -
1 / COPYRGHT.TEXT / COPYRGHT.TXT / 133 / 6118 / 1 / 5K / None (text) / Copyright Statement
2 / LERGNOTE.TEXT / LERGNOTE.TXT / 133 / 6118 / 2 / 10-100K / None (text) / Important near-term information, etc.
3 / LERGINFO.TEXT / LERGINFO.TXT / 133 / 6118 / 1 / 5K / None (text) / References LERGINFO.DOC
4 / LERGSPEC.TEXT / LERGSPEC.TXT / 133 / 6118 / 1 / 5K / None (text) / References LERGSPEC.DOC
5 / LERG1.DATA / LERG1.DAT / 350 / 6300 / 100 / 5M / OCN / OCN/Company Names/Routing Contact
6 / LERG1CON.DATA / LERG1CON.DAT / 172 / 6192 / 60 / 3M / OCN / OCN/Additional Contacts
7 / LERG2.DATA / LERG2.DAT / 90 / 6480 / 1 / 30K / Country Code / Country Code Assignments
8 / LERG3.DATA / LERG3.DAT / 480 / 6240 / 4 / 200K / NPA / NPA Information
9 / LERG4.DATA / LERG4.DAT / 120 / 6480 / 10 / 500K / SS7 Code / SS7 Assignments (network, cluster, member)
10 / LERG5.DATA / LERG5.DAT / 165 / 6105 / 1 / 40K / LATA / LATA Codes by Region
11 / LERG6.DATA / LERG6.DAT / 170 / 27880 / 1400 / 70M / NPA NXX BLK / NPA NXX Block Assignments
12 / LERG6.ATC.DATA / LERG6ATC.DAT / 295 / 27730 / 2 / 100K / NPA NXX BLK / LERG6 - Operator Services ATC data
13 / LERG6.INS.DATA / LERG6INS.DAT / 180 / 27900 / 1-1300* / 1-65M / NPA NXX BLK / LERG6 - Change Activity (see Note 3)
14 / LERG6.ODD.DATA / LERG6ODD.DAT / 242 / 27830 / 20** / 1M** / NPA NXX BLK / LERG6 - Oddball NXX Codes
15 / LERG7.DATA / LERG7.DAT / 312 / 27768 / 300 / 15M / LATA / Switching Entities
16 / LERG7.INS.DATA / LERG7INS.DAT / 322 / 27692 / 1-310* / 10K-16M* / LATA / LERG7 - Change Activity (see Note 3)
17 / LERG7.SHA.DATA / LERG7SHA.DAT / 448 / 27776 / 500 / 25M / LATA / Switch Homing Arrangements
18 / LERG7.SHAINS.DATA / LERG7SHI.DAT / 458 / 27938 / 1-510* / 10K-26M* / LATA / LERG7SHA - Change Activity (see Note 3)
19 / LERG8.DATA / LERG8.DAT / 172 / 27864 / 80 / 4M / LATA / Rate Centers
20 / LERG8.LOC.DATA / LERG8LOC.DAT / 125 / 27875 / 160 / 8M / LATA / Localities within States / RateCenters
21 / LERG9.DATA / LERG9.DAT / 135 / 27945 / 1500 / 75M / LATA / Homing Arrangements, by Homed -to
22 / LERG9.ATC.DATA / LERG9ATC.DAT / 260 / 5980 / 10 / .5M / LATA / LERG9 - Operator Services ATC data
23 / LERG10.DATA / LERG10.DAT / 203 / 27811 / 700 / 35M / LATA / Operator Service Codes by NPA/NXX
24 / LERG11.DATA / LERG11.DAT / 203 / 27811 / 400 / 20M / LATA / Operator Service Codes by Locality
25 / LERG12.DATA / LERG12.DAT / 136 / 6120 / 100 / 5M / LATA / Location Routing Numbers
26 / LERG12.INS.DATA / LERG12IN.DAT / 146 / 27886 / 1-100* / 1-5M* / LATA / LERG12 - Change Activity (see Note 3)
27 / LERG14.DATA / LERG14.DAT / 48 / 27984 / 20# / 1M# / Alternate Tdm / Diverse Toll Routing
28 / LERG15.DATA / LERG15.DAT / 58 / 27956 / 10# / .5M# / State/County / 911 Tandem / County
29 / LERGEND.DATA / LERGEND.DAT / 80 / 1600 / 1 / 5K / Seq # / Record counts for files

* File size can vary widely month-to-month.Notes -1 -Tracks assume IBM 3390 system storage at 50000 bytes per track.

** Size is estimated based on full population of data.2 -File Seq No, Block Size (BLK SIZE), and TRACKS pertain to datasets transmitted via

# Estimate of a fully populated file.Connect:Direct. (text files=FBA ERGSPEC=FB).

3 - Identifies records changed between one monthly LERG and the next.

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