Issues in Political Philosophy: Extending Theories of Justice

Taught by Elizabeth Finneron-Burns

Week 1: Past People

Sher, George, 2005, “Transgenerational Compensation”,Philosophy & Public Affairs33: 181–201

Butt, Daniel, 2013, “Inheriting Rights to Reparation: Compensatory Justice and the Passage of Time”, Ethical Perspectives 20: 245–269

Waldron, Jeremy, 2004, “Redressing Historical Injustice”, inJustice in Time: Responding to Historical Injustice, Lukas H. Meyer (ed.), Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 55–77.

Callahan, Joan C. Callahan, 1987, ‘On Harming the Dead’, Ethics97.

Week 2: Future People

Reiman, Jeffrey, 2007, “Being Fair to Future People: The Non-Identity Problem in the Original Position”,Philosophy & Public Affairs, 35: 69–92.

Robert Elliot (1986) ‘Future Generations, Locke’s Proviso and Libertarian Justice’, Journal of Applied Philosophy, vol.3 no.2,pp.217-227.

Axel Gosseries (2001) ‘What Do We Owe the Next Generation(s)?”, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review vol.35, pp.293–354.

Brian Barry (1978) ‘Circumstances of Justice and Future Generations’ in Obligations to Future Generations (Philadelphia: Temple University Press) edited by R. I. Sikora and Brian Barry, pp.204-248.

Week 3: Global Justice

Simon Caney, Justice Beyond Borders (2005), ch. 4

Thomas Pogge, World Poverty and Human Rights (2002/2008), ch. 5 & 8

David Miller, National Responsibility and Global Justice (2007), especially ch. 2-3, 5-7 & 9

Week 4: Immigration

Wellman, C., 2008, “Immigration and Freedom of Association,”Ethics, 119: 109–141.

Miller, D., 2014, “Immigration: The Case for Limits,” inContemporary Debates in Applied Ethics, Second Ed., A. Cohen and C. Wellman (eds.), Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 363–375.

Oberman, K., 2013, “Can Brain Drain Justify Immigration Restrictions?”Ethics 123: 427–455.

Blake, M., 2003, “Immigration,” inA Companion to Applied Ethics, R. Frey and C. Wellman (eds.), Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 224–237.

Week 5: Multiculturalism

Will Kymlicka, Multicultural Citizenship (1995)

Brian Barry, Culture and Equality: An Egalitarian Critique of Multiculturalism (2001)

Paul Kelly (ed.) Multiculturalism Reconsidered (1992), papers by Caney, Mendus, and Miller

Bhiku Parekh, Rethinking Multiculturalism (2005)

Week 6: Justice the Disabled

Henry Richardson (2006) ‘Rawlsian Social-Contract Theory and the Severely Disabled’, The Journal of Ethics, vol.10 no. 4, pp.419–462.

David Wasserman (2006) ‘Disability, Capabilities, and Thresholds for Distributive Justice’, in Capabilities Equality: Basic Issues and Problems (New York, NY: Routledge) edited by Alexander Kaufman, pp 214–225.

Wolff, Jonathan, 2009, “Disability Among Equals,” inDisability and Disadvantage, K. Brownlee and A. Cureton (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp 112–137.

Christie Hartley (2009) ‘Justice for the Disabled: a Contractualist Approach." Journal of Social Philosophy vol.40 no.1, pp.17-36.

Week 7: Justice & Children

Brighouse, Harry and Adam Swift, 2006, “Parents' Rights and the Value of the Family,”Ethics117(1)

Clayton, Matthew, 2006,Justice and Legitimacy in Upbringing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, chapter 3.

Archard, David and Colin Macleod, (eds.), 2002, The Moral and Political Status of Children: New Essays, Oxford: Oxford University Press, chapter 12.

MacLeod, Colin, 2010, “Parental Responsibilities in an Unjust World,” in Archard and Benatar 2010, pp. 128–150.

Lafolette, Hugh, 2010, “Licensing Parents Revisited,”Journal of Applied Philosophy, 27(4): 327–343.

Week 8: Justice & Animals

Laura Valentini, 'Canine Justice: An Associative Account' 62(1) Political Studies 37-52.

Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka, Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights (OUP: Oxford), chapter 5

Alasdair Cochrane, 'Do Animals Have an Interest in Liberty?' 57(3) Political Studies 660-679.

Peter Singer, Animal Liberation, ch. 1-3