Regional Housing Collaborative Steering Committee
June 17, 2015 3:00 – 4:30
Members Present: Daniel Gray, Joe Yancey, Teresa Brandon, Geoff Lowe, Karl Wilson, Mike Keller, Linda Huntspon, Wendy Orson, Jackie HudsonBy Phone: None
Call to Order / Welcome/Announcements
Joe called the meeting to order at 3:10PM. Introductions were made. July minutes were approved with one correction.No member updates.
Jackie stated that the Housing with Dignity Coalition had an upcoming meeting on 12/4 Their focus is on providing education and support to landlords, and they are looking for additional landlords to engage.
Crider/Laura Heebnerhave made it clear they are focused on housing development through Pathways. We will still encourage them to attend and share progress for their area, with an understanding that they may not be a part of the Collaborative’s future development scope
The BHN collaborative will meet quarterly, with a smaller steering committee meeting the other two months. The plan is to review some of the 2012 data and update numbers where possible. Liz Hagar-Mace has also agreed to be involved.
GHF Updates / Joe updated current projects:
- 4300 Lindell fell through, due to the owners wanting more money
- Giles is fully leased, GHF worked with different CMHC’s, but some residents are not CMHC-enrolled
- GHF is partnering with Winter Outreach to provide emergency shelter. GHF purchased and leased a 2-unit townhouse that provides shelter to 16 men throughout the winter. They plan to convert it to an SRO-style housing after the winter is over.
- Nat Rivers, a LIHTC project has been submitted (MHDC announced staff approval after the meeting occurred)
Regional Housing Plan Discussion / BHN has adopted three major goals around housing development. The three goals are listed, along with some of the discussion that occurred around each plan:
- Leverage DMH Supportive Community Living funding capacity for the region
- DMH has not pushed this much anymore, as the political crisis and concern over state budget cuts has subsided, but the potential for expansion of housing dollars is still there. It might be good to review the information that Rosie collected and re-assess providers to determine readiness and potential barriers to managing these T1 funds.
- Kansas City has historically had more innovation around housing. They may have done more with T1. North Central (in Trenton, MO) would be good to talk to, and Rediscover in KC is using a scattered-site model of IRTS that should be explored.
- Persons with BH needs will be able to access safe and affordable housing units and have fair and equitable access to resources available to the larger low-income population
- Need to complete a baseline/measurement of existing units… also need to determine how we measure these units (i.e. brick and mortar units versus subsidies, sometimes they are paired together but only result in one new unit)
- Examine other models/initiatives around the country, Tulsa MHA, Poughkeepsie/Duchess Co MHA
- Through the Collaborative, BHN will expand partnerships and continue to participate in regional planning with key stakeholders to address housing for individuals with BH needs.
- Need to explore ways of partnering with DD resources in the community, as they have also developed a number of funding resources for their population. Also, Val Huhn is the new DD Director at DMH and we should begin a conversation with her.
Next Meeting / Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 17th3-4:30 at Places for People.
Adjourn / The meeting was adjourned at 4:30.
Regional Housing Collaborative1