September 28th, 2017
Roll Call
President: James Sweat (not present)
Vice President: Vacant (resigned on 19 November 2017)
Welcoming Committee: Tiffany Dean: (not present)
Treasurer: James Kaster
Board Member at Large: Justin Pearson:
Secretary: Rachel Wood (not present)
Board Email: (click: contact us)
- Beth McDowell (Community Manager, Cedar Management Group)
- Current Board Members
-Financials current as of 30 November 2017were covered during meeting
-Financials should be removed from the website (not public business), and provided to HOA board via email, and HOA members at meetings or as requested.
- Financial reports will be removed due to confidential information and can be provided to residents at meetings or as requested.
Specific Issues For Beth
-Financial Reports
- Admin fee; this is in addition to the management fee and fluctuates a great deal from month to month. No record of what this goes towards.
- Cedar Management Group (CMG) looking into it; likely ‘mailers’ and other administrative things. *Will be audited*
- Tax of $75.00 paid to Cedar Management.
- Working w/ CMG to figure it out
- Cost of mailings, why is snail-mail the preferred method of correspondence in the 21st Century (Unreliable, expensive, slow, no proof of receipt, etc.)
- Previous board requested this. Henceforth, and per non-profit governance, annual notices & financials will remain snail mail, all others will be emailed, unless approved by board.
- What is the process for registering new homeowners and why is it $395?
- $395 fee is written into the contract w/CMG. “When purchasing, it ensures the property is up to date and clear of all financial issues prior to closing.” ~Beth McDowell
- “Signed documents at closing, should be provided by attorney at closing. Delinquent fees will be taken to court and could result in foreclosure of property. Will be conducting email blast/newsletter with information, to include common violations.” ~Beth McDowel
-How is CMG shopping around for Hunters Crossing, and are there documentation of quotes from others?
- Irrigation test was contracted out of Lexington, HOA was billed a seemingly excessive amount in addition to mileage. Why wasn’t a local company utilized?
- Will be looking into this in the future. Provided Beth w/names of better orgs.
- Sidewalk repair originally quoted and approved for approx. $300-$400 per President but billed at $1450, and paid by Cedar Management.
- President was incorrect about the original quote. Actual quote was substantially higher.
- Second repair @ 1716 Mossberg will be taken care of by homeowner due to vehicular damage. CMG will send violation and their quote for demo / haul away and re-pour at $1775.00. Homeowner is welcome to shop around and has 90 days to comply.
-Landscaping Contracts
- Landscaping by pond (over by cell phone tower) was not being covered as agreed upon in landscaping contract. Kaster personally sought them out to correct it.
- Landscaping is being done there. No further issues.
- Beth will get with contractors in regards to tree pruning at park
- Trash removal at park was an emailagreement, sent to President and Vice President, for an additional $10 per bag. “This could get pretty pricey (9 bags total), but we don’t mind picking up.” Is this $10 per bag of trash?
- Yes, $10/bag; agreed upon via email. Contract is coming up for renewal. Need to fix this in new contract.
- 2x abnormal checks; 1 for $10 to NC Sec of Treasury, $15,000 voided check.
- NC check was typo… should be SC Sec of State. Beth is following up.
- Approved to pay at change over to CMG, vendor sent it back. OBE
-How are noted violations followed up? From what the board understands, the same violations are issued repeatedly to the same households with no increased citation/penalty if identified a second time. No follow up is done to verify if they are corrected.
- Violations will be enforced! 1 warning, then fines.
- “Delinquent fees will be taken to court and could result in foreclosure of property.” ~Beth McDowel
- Beth will be looking into violation process. Violation follow-up will happen w/in 30-45 days.
-Request quarterly CMG representation at meetings
- Agreed upon
For Community/Board
-Security System installed.
- It functioning properly
- Need a “consent to surveillance” note for legal purposes?
- Have video of damage to park. Speaking with parents.
-Who is up for Board elections in February? Are all positions being filled?
- Kaster, Barclay, Dorris, Oliphant, Gause
- All positions are being filled
-3x street lights out. Need to get them repaired:
- #17 @ 1752 Musket
- #7? @ 1727 Musket
- #10 @ 1800 Benelli
- Beth will contact Black River for repair
-Kaster/Beth, is there word on bids for updated signs at entrances (to post towing if parking on the street); possible LDC display? This was not discussed at 26 Oct mtg.
- Still researching.
-Need to finish and approve 2018 budget before January meeting.
- Need bank statements from CMG to accomplish this.
- Beth is working to get them.
-Board has requested Beth (Cedar Management) attend the next meeting on December.
- Cancel December mtg due to holidays
- Cancel January mtg due to annual mtg on 1 Feb
-Location for Annual meeting
- Need to change date to avoid additional charges from CMG. Tentatively 1 February @ 6:30
- Still need to find suitable location for meeting. Suggestions from Beth: church, school, fire hall, etc.
- Post board nomination letter notice to Facecbook. Request emailing to Beth as opposed to snail mail. Due 7 Dec.
-2x Broken sprinkler heads (vehicle damage to one)
- Covered under contract, working w/CMG to get repaired.
-Playground repair/refurbishment
- Intentional damage to playground recorded on camera system on getting warranty work
- Parents have identified children and are correcting the issue
- Parts replacement should be covered under warranty (shipping/labor not included)
- Warranty parts to be ordered and installed by Justin Pearson
- General wear & tear on playground; sun/weather damage and loose bolts
- Company charges $450 for refurbishment/refinishing
- Barry Barclay will look into prices for a do-it-yourself refurbishment
- Additional damage to bottom of the slide
- Parts were broken and removed by James Sweat (safety)
- Need broken parts for warranty replacement
- Disposition of parts is currently unknown
- Grace Dorris suggested rubberized mulch to take care of mud problem at playground.
- CMG will get quote for it.
-Petty Cash Fund ~$1,000
- Account is authorized
- President & Treasurer (or other delegated board member) will have access.
Concerns from Residents
-Tiffany Renoylds: Stand up 3x trees on the berms after hurricane. $100 each and are laying down.
- CMG will have landscaping put the trees put back in ground