President- Keyana Boka

Spring elections are coming up on April 8 and 9. These elections will also include officer elections. The location of the debate is TBA, but will be held on April 2 at 6:00. The Lady Toppers will be playing Baylor this Saturday for the NCAA tournament. A location for a viewing party is TBA. President Boka represented WKU in Washington, D.C. at the AICAP Conference. The Board of Student Body Presidents has sent a resolution to Frankfurt regarding the proposed budget cuts to university funding.

Executive Vice President- Mark Reeves

The University Senate will meet this week. They are recommending for the university to make a policy that all prayers at university functions are non-sectarian. This has been protocol but no university policy has been made on it. Keep an eye out for state budget news.

Administrative Vice President- Nicki Seay

Next week, Seay will deliver a full budget update. Will attend the CPE meeting in Frankfurt this Saturday.

Speaker of the Senate- Paige Settles

Not among us.

Chief of Staff- Brad Cockrel

If anyone has any negative experiences with SGA offices, please give Brad any comments.

Director of Public Relations- Laura Harper

The resolution passed on e-mail policies has been implemented by the university. Has been working on campaign promotions.Looking at offering a free iPad mini during the presidential debate.

Director of Academic and Student Affairs- Hannah Garland

Society of Distinguished Graduates application will be online this evening on the SGA website. Attended the International Education Advisory meeting last night.

Director of Information Technology- Sarah Hazelip

The roster has been updated along with the summer session applications. Just looking to update

Academic Affairs

Moved deadlines back for the Study Abroad scholarships and grants.The scoring of the applications has commenced.

Campus Improvements

Will have a new bill next week for a project that the campus improvements committee is working on.

Legislative Research

The author of future bills must submit it to LRC before it comes to Senate.

Public Relations

Currently working on the Street Team campaign to show campus what SGA has to offer students.

Student Affairs

Summer scholarship application was just completed and uploaded to the site. Deadline will be on April 4. Discussion will be held on test prep materials and the Preston Center.

University Committee Report

Sarah Hazelip attended the University Athletic Committee, which just approved the WKU Men’s and Women’s Tennis Team schedule.

Judicial Council Report

Election Codes are up today for first read. Yard signs and sidewalk chalk will be allowed for the upcoming SGA elections. Everyone must run if they wish to have a senate seat for the Fall 2014 semester. Attendance has improved.

Student Speakers

This Thursday at 7pm is the Vagina Monologues at FAC.

Bill 4-14-S passed.