Rotary Club of Newark
Club CouncilMinutes of meeting on
20thSeptember 2010 at The Deincourt Hotel
Status note: These minutes are draft until approved at the next meeting. If amendments are made they will be referred to at the next meeting. The minutes on the web site will always be the draft minutes and may exclude attachments that make the file size too large. If necessary the reader should therefore refer to the following meetings minutes or speak to the chairman. The Chair will sign as record the amended (if there are amendments) minutes with this note removed.
Action1 & 2 / Present: Jenny Gadsby, Peter Heard, Nigel Holt, Malcolm Humphries, , David Pattinson, Denis Power-Neads (Chair), David Shannon.
Apologies:John Marshall, Michael Ross Sergeant, Ivor Walker, Mike Wright / N/A
3 / Previous minutes. Approved / N/A
4 / Matters arising.
- Singen. Matching grant will take time but worthwhile. We expect to be able to transfer funds to DavidSchool in Nov 2010.
- Marquees. Most has already happened and proved a great improvement. Rest will be completed shortly.
- Noted that Steve Lawes not successful in DG election but he will try again next year.
5 /
- District Meeting 16th Sept
- Ambassadorial Scholarship in hand with Int’l
- Int’l projects to be advised to District
- RIBI protection policy. Community and Vocational need to stay close to protection officer (S Shaw) to make sure we comply.
6 / Treasurers Report
- Charter night points (see AOB below)
- Flintham costs. It is believed Castle have received similar invoice.
7 / Committee Reports
Membership and Services
- Agreed 5th Mondays should be evening events in future
- Rotary day. Not yet agreed what and if we would do something. This includes shop window display. DPN to consider.
- Business meeting agenda. Agreed to make more relevant vs. recap of what is known. E Mail to committee chairmen and club.
- Cost of Xmas lunch guests to be covered by Lunch fund. MW to be made aware.
- Minutes of meetings to be e mailed to all. NH to advise.
- Polio Plus. Request made by District for £4,000 (£100 a head). This has not yet been agreed. Int’l to make proposal on whether or not we go forward and if not how/what to communicate.
Concern on financial exposure on Musical Showcase as indications are that fewer than previously anticipated parents will support. Given overall fund raising shortfall this is an issue of concern.
- At present Kids out to be left as separate event
- (Subsequent) NH agreed to help on budget etc for event.
- New initiative on Rainbow Hospice welcomed and approved. Whilst nearest hospice is Leicestershire is does strongly serve Newark. JG has £250 from her budget to cover part of £500 target. With funding situation not comfortable JG will look to cover balance from elsewhere.
- Xmas support for lonely. Noted that members have no appetite to do this.
- Donations approved for:
- 4 A’s - £150
- Mr. and Mrs. P. White (trike for daughter)- £50
- Framework - £150
- Homestart Newark (for Christine Kent) - £75
Fund Raising
No discussion / N/A
8 / Other Standard Items
- Health & Safety. Hog Roast done; Flintham in progress.
- Equality and Diversity. No action.
- Vulnerable persons. See 5 above.
9 / AOB
- Charter. Treasurer’s points noted. It appears that the Club has never picked up guests costs in recent past despite the belief of some PP’s. It remains necessary to formally approve:
- That Club Guests are paid for by the Club and not by attendees (albeit including non club attendees).
- How we fund this. Suggestion to be discussed is that funds previously ear marked for Enkhuisen be allocated to charter.
- DPN to look to see if we can reduce number of guests.
- Records retention and Response to disasters deferred to next meeting.
10 / Next Meetings
- 25th October, 7 pm at The Forge
Monday, September 20, 2010