Title: Living the Treaty / Year group:8-13
Level/s:4-8 / Duration:
There are a number of themes that emerge from the selected achievement objectives that teachers could use within the context of exploring Health and Physical Education and The Treaty of Waitangi. Exploring Relationships is one theme and has been chosen as the focus for this resource.
Exploring Relationships underpins the learning activities listed below. The activities are deliberately broad to allow teachers to ‘tune-up or tune-down’ the level of expectation as appropriate to the age and level of the students in the class.
The Treaty of Waitangi offers a backdrop for students to explore the notion of partnership and demonstrate features or characteristics of ‘partnership’ in the way they respond and interact with each other, with the teacher and how they engage with the learning content.
Teachers should use their professional judgment in determining how best to manage the content in the activities in relation to the students they teach. Thought should be given to ensure all students have equal opportunity to participate and engage with the learning in a context of care and with regard to their emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
Some of the activities listed below could be used as stand-alone activities to initiate discussion with students. Others follow a general sequence but could be easily adapted to fit into a typical 45 – 60 minute time duration. Alternatively, a number of activities could be selected to contribute to the development of a unit of work over an extended timeframe.
Links to the New Zealand Curriculum
Level / Strand / Curriculum objective
4 / Relationships with Other People / Relationships
Identify the effects of changing situations, roles, and responsibilities on relationships and describe appropriate responses.
Interpersonal skills
Describe and demonstrate a range of assertive communication skills and processes that enable them to interact appropriately with other people.
5 / Relationships with Other People / Interpersonal skills
Demonstrate a range of interpersonal skills and processes that help them to make safe choices for themselves and other people in a variety of settings.

Produced as part of a Ministry of Education project.

© New Zealand Ministry of Education 2009 – copying restricted to use by New Zealand education sector.

5 / Healthy Communities and Environments / Societal attitudes and values
Investigate societal influences on the well-being of student communities.
6 / Relationships with Other People / Identify, sensitivity, and respect
Plan and evaluate strategies recognising their own and other people’s rights and responsibilities to avoid or minimise risks in social situations.
6 / Personal Health and Physical Development / Personal Identity
Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to personal identify and celebrate individuality and affirm diversity.
7 / Relationships with Other People / Identity, sensitivity, and respect
Analyse the beliefs, attitudes, and practices that reinforce stereotypes and role expectations, identifying ways in which these shape people’s choices at individual, group, and societal levels.
Interpersonal skills
Evaluate information, make informed decisions, and use interpersonal skills effectively to manage conflict, competition, and change in relationships.
8 / Relationships with Other People / Relationships
Critically analyse the dynamics of effective relationships in a range of social contexts.
8 / Personal Health and Physical Development / Safety management
Critically analyse dilemmas and contemporary ethical issues that influences their own health and safety and that of other people.
Learning experiences
Living the Treaty – a culture of understanding
  • Use the students’ ideas from the two preceding activities as a spring-board to explore past and present ‘treaty events’ with a view to examining how values and attitudes affect the way people respond to different situations and how they interact with one another. Possible ‘treaty events’ could include:
1843 Wairau Incident
1863 New Zealand Settlements Act
Māori Language Week
Ngā Tahu Claim
Waikato-Tainui Claim
CNI Deal
Celebrating Waitangi Day
  • This could be undertaken in small groups or in pairs. This activity could be more appropriate for students at senior secondary levels. Depending on the age and level of the students, time may need to be spent on developing or strengthening students’ research skills and knowledge (see the links below)
  • Based on their research, the students could:
take a position e.g., Crown or Iwi and write a speech in preparation for a debate
explore concepts such as guardianship or taonga and identify and explain the values and attitudes which underpin these concepts
prepare a list with explanations (and references) of instances where these concepts (guardianship, taonga ) formed the basis of treaty claims.
Useful websites and other resources


Produced as part of a Ministry of Education project.

© New Zealand Ministry of Education 2009 – copying restricted to use by New Zealand education sector.