Notes of Meeting
Athena Network Group
Date: Friday 15th January2016
MOAC Seminar Room
Present: Claire Algar, Sandra Beaufoy (chair), Sue Burrows, Jo Davis, Ann Dixon, Rachel Harrington, Sharon Howard, Serena Johal, Sunita Palmer, Alison Rodger
- Minutes from the meeting held on 15th December 2015
Minutes of the meeting held on 15th October2015 were approved.
2.Online Survey
The proposed questions to be included on the online survey have been sent through to ITS. ITS will look at the best way of hosting the survey to ensureanonymity , but also to enable departments to run the surveys independently so that responses are sent back to individual departments.
The timeframe for the completion of this work is not yet known, but departments will be contacted as soon as possible when the survey is completed. The Pulse results will also be communicated to departments in March 2016, which will allow departments to use the responses in their Athena submissions.
3.International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day event is due to be held on March 9th at WBS. Despite many requests we still do not have any confirmed speakers, could departments please try and secure speakers who would be available to give a short talk at the event.
4.Update on Departmental Action Plans
Physics will be applying for their Juno Champion renewal at Easter. This award, if successful, can be converted to an Athena Silver award.
Sue Burrows recently attended an Institute of Physics ‘Going for Gold’ event, where discussions were held to compile a list of definitions of ‘beacon’ activities, which is a requirement of both Juno and Athena. Once this list is available, it will be circulated to the group for information.
Physics are holding a Science Gala event on 3rd February, inviting school children to come to find out about science and to encourage them to study science into higher education.
Following a restructure in the department last year, and a subsequent change in committee structure the Athena Working group have met on a number of occasions and have committed to applying for a Gold award in April 2016. This is supported by their Head of Department.
Work is being undertaken on a Family Room, which will be joint initiative with Life Sciences.
ACTION: Claire to put together a list of all departments who have a family room/breast feeding facilities, this will then be publicised on E&D webpages. Along with a list of departments who have Gender Neutral Toilets.
An academic lead has been appointed who has been visiting some departments to gain a further understanding of what Athena is and looking at sharing, implementing good practice.
WBS are hosting a visit from Sheffield Hallam University to share good practice and get an understanding of Athena initiatives being carried out by other
WBS are aiming to submit for Silver in November 2016
Jo Davis has recently been appointed as E&D Secretary for the AUA.
Due to submit in April 2016, a request to delay has been submitted to the ECU. Sean McQuinney from Oxford Consultancy will be running focus groups in the department to inform the Chemistry submission.
Chemistry are also setting up a ‘Start and Finish’ Group to work on their Athena submission.
Submitting in November 2016, as the departmental administrator has just returned from Maternity Leave and is required to contribute to the submission. Next meeting in February to look at a good practice schemes.
The Institutional Award is due for renewal in November 2016, and an Athena WorkingGroup has been established to start completing the submission. The group will meet on a monthly basis and report into the Athena Steering Group.
6.Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 18th February 2016, 12:00 hrs, MOAC