Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Directors of
West Orange Montessori Charter School
Date: Thursday, May 12th, 2011
Location: West Orange Chamber of Commerce
Chairperson Mary-Catherine Segota
Secretary Michelle Wood
The meeting was called to order at 5:40pm
Board Members Present: Jeff Earnshaw, Jennifer Olsen, Michelle Dulany, Jae IM, Jeff Badgley, Robert Olszewski, Danielle Cagle, Nasly Lopez, Carrie Wilson, and April Boykin
Board Members not present: Anya Kaleshefski, Thom Palmer, and Beth Palmer
Others Present: Ken Spindle, George Miarecki, Cynthia Schaefer, and Markita Rina
1.Call to Order
2.Established Quorum
3.Motion by Mary-Catherine to Approve the previous meeting minutes. Seconded by Danielle. Vote: Approval (unanimous).
4.Public Comments (no comments)
5.OCPS Board Requirements
a.Fingerprints due for all Board Members. Can fill out the form on the computer and take with you to your appointment.
6.OCPS Deadlines of June 1st (General Monitoring List distributed)
a.Updated Budget, Governance section, Insurance, School Calendar, Master list of all Board Meetings (2011)
b.Lease and Certificate of Occupancy. June 6th is the Special Exception Meeting and June 9th is the ratification of the commission.
7.Enrollment Update
a.Currently 29 K registered with 7 slots for students on the waitlist (32). 29 first graders and 30 second graders registered. Currently need 13 more students for complete the second Lower EL class.
b.Motion by April (seconded by Danielle) to create a policy of two weeks to submit their forms once notified via email. Vote: passed (unanimous)
c.Danielle will create a Master List of students, waitlist (with Names, Addresses, and phone numbers) and will take training for registering students in the OCPS system.
i.Update of current balance $4,300 approx.
ii.Pending bills
1. West Orange Times $337.50
2.Alaire Design remaining balance $4,102.48 (includes website, programming, placement, and management of website, Logos, Business cards, brochures) have already paid $2,000 previously. Carrie to be webmaster for Charter will be updating Parent Information, Teachers Information, Updates, Handbooks, etc. Need to verify if we can print our brochures and business cards (electronic version).
iii.Start Up Grant
1.We did not get the grant and will need to go to our alternative budget (in charter application). We can re-apply next year. Will be getting feedback regarding our application.
iv.Updated Budget
1.Get first payment on July 1st, should be about $55,000. Start Payroll on August 1st. Will need to order supplies for payment in July. Removed Transportation (bus, driver, etc.) and will have a parent pick-up system if needed. Saves $7,000 yearly. Rent is reduced from the originally budget to $4,000/mo. Due to location selection. No secretary for the first 2 years or FL Retirement for the first year. Cut Custodial services. Also originally, removed Health Benefits; however the Board was able to cut in other places to put the Health Benefits back into the budget. School supplies usually cost about $30,000 per classroom. We need 3 sets. Could build shelves instead of purchasing.
i.Trailside Center – on Plant Street next to the Winter Garden Library.
1.Advertising period for the zoning special exception for Winter Garden. City request possible staggered drop off times or an off-duty officer for traffic.
2.Jeff E. is working on the lease, we have agreed to the terms of the letter of intent. Fire alarm estimate at $5,000 will use the other $5,000 to seal the floor and fix the duct work.
3.After school Program has been planned, will be working on the details during the next four weeks. Possible teacher, YMCA program or ASP option. Parents pay for additional time on a weekly basis usually.
ii.Church of Christ – On Daniel’s north of the Turnpike. Still a backup plan.
i.Playground Equipment
1.Contacted Design group to potentially donate (or assist to build) partial or all of the cost of the equipment.
2.Researching Playground Equipment a few companies have non-anchored pieces that can be build on the future deck over the retention pond. Potential costs are about $25,000. An additional cost will be for canopy(s) and under ground cover. Can start with a smaller section of the playground and expand as we grow.
ii.Meet and Greet for Parents and Students at the Lodge.
1.Saturday, June 11th (usually deposit of $120.00 fully refundable) recommend a $100.00 donation to the Lodge.
2.Theme will be similar of a Birthday Party with a potential Bounce House, Games, and Food. Can have a Grill, use of the Kitchen, Coolers and Freezer. Money should be collected in one spot with tickets distributed; the tickets can be collets in shoe boxes at each station. Can sell merchandise, picked three items to have available: T-shirts, Magnets, and Water Bottles. One activity the children can do is design their own Orange to go on the Orange Tree at the school in the main entrance.
iii.Barbara Roper would like to come to our Board Meeting to assist with Fundraising information. Recommend a date in June.
d.Human Resources
i.Recruiting for Saturday’s Meet and Greet/Interviews of potential Teachers (8-12) and Executive Directors (6). Will have snacks and coffee. Still need plates, napkins, cups (available at the Chamber), and cold drinks (Jeff B.)
Other Business: Next Meeting will need to be on Wednesday, June 8th due to a conflict at the Chamber. Motion by Jeff B (seconded by Danielle) to have the section in the by-laws to publish all meetings in the West Orange Times removed. Vote: approved (unanimous)
Future Business:
Public Comments:
There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm
Michelle Wood, Secretary