A Select Sample of German-related Sites on the Web
German Language
www.dict.cc G to E and E to G translations of words and expressions
http://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/ Good source of idiomatic expressions in German
http://german.about.com/ Random observations on and strategies for learning German
www.aatg.org/grow Links to hundreds of German grammar exercises
www.nthuleen.com/teach/grammar.html A German teacher shares her grammar/vocabulary lessons
German culture
www.meinestadt.de Detailed information about individual German cities
www.thelocal.de German news in English
www.focus.de Website of the German news magazine Focus
www.stern.de Website of the popular German illustrated magazine
www.germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/ 500 years of German history in documents and texts
State-sponsored websites
www.facts-about-germany.de A comprehensive handbook of data and facts about Germany
www.dw-world.de Deutsche Welle: general news and information on Germany
www.destatis.de Website of Federal Statistics Office
www.stepintogerman.org German music and videos with German and English texts
www.dw-world.de/dw/0,,8030,00.html Current news read slowly in German
www.dzt.de Information and advice on planning a trip to Germany