Dobbins Middle School
School Improvement Plan
2016 -2017
Dr. Cartess Ross, Principal
Cliff Cole, Superintendent
SMART Goal 1: 85% of students at DMS will perform on or above their grade level Lexile Band by the end of the 2016-2017 school year. 80% of students will perform on or above their Quantile grade level by the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
Teachers will differentiate lesson plans based on data analysis through PLC’s.
District Goal & GSPS / Action Steps / Cost/ Resources & Funding Source / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Evaluation of Implementation and Impact on Student Learning /
Artifacts / Evidence /
District Goal: 1,2,4
Professional Learning Standards: 3,4,6 / Professional Learning: DMS: Building PLC’s that Foster a Focus on Student Learning: Teachers will engage in meaningful professional learning at the local school. PL will be job embedded and will focus on creating meaningful, engaging and rigorous plans that meet the needs of the students in their classes and pushing them to the highest level of the standard. This will be delivered by the EAC as well as the administrative team at DMS. The primary focus will be the continuation of the development of functional PLC’s that are focused on student formative data. Teachers will be re-introduced to the different types/forms of differentiation, manageable data collection and data analysis, the use of reading strategies that are beneficial to specific content areas as well as student goal setting. Teachers will meet Wed. for Professional Learning. This will be delivered by the EAC as well as other members of the administrative team.
DMS: Dobbins Middle School Data Team: The Data Team Process will also be introduced to the faculty in hopes of implementing parts of the process to PLC discussions. DMS Data Team members will deliver this portion of PL, however it will be monitored and mentored by the EAC, Wendy Mace, as well as Gina King.
DMS: Vertical Content Professional Learning: Teachers will meet with their content area Department Heads monthly to be introduced to new differentiation strategies that are appropriate for their specific content areas. Department Heads will use PD 360 as well as the Teaching Channel to select strategies that will be useful to the current units. / Professional Learning Budget
Title II Budget / Wendy Mace
Joey McCord
Shree Lykens
Elizabeth Cairnes
Kim Vinson
Donna Broyles
Cartess Ross / Aug. 2016-May 2017 / PL Agendas,
Peer Observation forms,
Universal Screener Data,
Vertical Department Meetings Agendas, DMS Content Area Collaboration Form / School Leaders Demonstrate:
Will develop an understanding of differentiation and how differentiated lesson will be incorporated into daily lessons when appropriate.
Teachers Demonstrate: An understanding of differentiated formative common assessments and their analysis of the data collected.
Students Demonstrate: Will be engaged and participate in the differentiated lesson plans.
District Goal: 1,2,4
GSPS: Planning: 1,2,5 / Planning:
All teachers will have two protected PLC times weekly. Every Wednesday the grade level PLC will meet in the Data Room to collaborate and learn new strategies to apply to their daily plans regarding assessment data and analysis. Every Thursday the grade level content areas will meet together as a PLC to collaborate and plan for the week accordingly. Each PLC will complete a Content Area Collaboration form to ensure that student work and data analysis has occurred. The administrative team will be present in each of the meetings (Ross-Math, Broyles-Science, Thomas-Social Studies, and Mace-ELA) to ensure that professional dialog and PLC protocols are being used regularly. / N/A / All Teachers
Wendy Mace
Donna Broyles
Cartess Ross
Jonathan Thomas / Aug. 2016-May 2017 / DMS-Content Area Collaboration Form
Vertical Team Agendas
Student Formative Work Samples
Universal screening Results
Common Formative Assessments by Content area and Grade Level
USA Test Prep Data / School Leaders Demonstrate:
An understanding of PLC and professional collaboration as applied to specific content areas.
Teachers Demonstrate: An understanding and willingness to collaborate professionally to meet the needs of their students and to set a high academic standard.
Students Demonstrate: and participate in meaningful lessons that have high academic standards set by all of the teachers of that content area.
District Goal: 1,2,4
Planning: 2, 5 / Implementation:
The teachers at DMS will implement varied lesson plans that incorporate the content specific strategies, discussed during professional learning and the vertical meeting sessions, into their weekly lesson plans to ensure that their plans are meeting the needs of their students. The varied plans will incorporate the use of the 3 part lesson, I can statements, data based instruction and center based instruction. Teachers will implement the use of Anchor Charts and word walls to facilitate student growth. Teachers will implement the use of common formative assessments to monitor learning and student growth and they will create these during PLC time. The Data Team protocols and processes will be implemented during their content area PLC’s to help focus on student data collection.
Teachers will introduce and implement the Universal Screener data and student book interest lists to encourage Lexile and Quantile band growth. / Professional Learning Budget
Title II Day Budget / All Teachers
Wendy Mace
Donna Broyles
Cartess Ross
Jonathan Thomas / Aug. 2016-May 2017 / DMS-Content Area Collaboration Form
TKES observation Data and Feedback
Universal Screener Data Common Formative Assessments by Content area and Grade Level
USA Test Prep Data / School Leaders Demonstrate:
Will understand how to implement and best support teachers as they implement new strategies for differentiation. Leaders will have an understanding of the Lexile and Quantile bands that will help indicate student abilities and deficits.
Teachers Demonstrate:
Will understand how to implement and plan varied lessons that focus on student learning and needs. Teachers will also have an understanding of student Lexile and Quantile band growth.
Students Demonstrate:
Student will participate actively in the varied lesson plans that will result in student growth and achievement. Students will have an understanding of their own Lexile and Quantile band growth levels.
District Goal 1,2,4
Planning: 3,4 / Monitoring:
The EAC will create and collect data via a DMS Teacher Climate survey through Survey Monkey. The survey will be given each nine weeks to monitor teacher perception of professional learning, staff morale, Data Teams, and differentiate lessons and their impact on student learning.
The PSCD Climate survey as well as the Title II Professional Learning Survey will be administered once this year and their results will be compared with the previous year to see that we are meeting the needed pf our students and staff.
The School Improvement Plan will be monitored and adjusted in December 2016 to ensure that DMS is meeting their goals as outlined in the plan.
Differentiated lessons plans will be implemented in classes as needed via the use of lesson plan review, focus walks and classroom observations. / Professional Learning Budget / All Teachers
Wendy Mace
Donna Broyles
Cartess Ross
Jonathan Thomas / Aug. 2016-May 2017 / Universal Screener Data
Survey Monkey Results
PCSD Climate Survey Results
Title II Professional Learning Survey Results
USA Test Prep Data
Common Formative Assessment by Content and Grade Level / School Leaders Demonstrate:
Will understand and administer the different monitoring strategies and be able to discuss their results professionally with the staff.
Teachers Demonstrate:
Will participate in the various surveys and supply their opinions on the topics covered. They will also be able to review the responses and data in order
To have professional conversations regarding the responses collected.
Students Demonstrate:
Students will participate in various activities planned in a school in which the culture is focused on student learning.
Dobbins Middle School Improvement Action Plan
SMART Goal 2: J.A. Dobbins Middle School will reduce the number of student office referrals by 15% (from 625 to 531) for the 2016-2017 school year.
Strategy/Initiative: Teachers will continue to implement a Positive Behavior System (Ross Bucks) across all grade levels for the 2016-2017 school year.
District Goal and GSPS / Action Steps / Cost/ Resources & Funding Source / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Evaluation of Implementation and Impact on Student Learning /
Artifacts / Evidence /
District Goal: 3
School Culture Standard 1,2 / Professional Learning:
During Professional Learning teachers will undergo training in different positive classroom management skills in order to reward positive behaviors to help decrease negative behaviors.
Videos from the teaching as well as peer observations will be used for teachers to see classroom management in action. This will be led by Wendy Mace, the EAC as well as other members of the administrative team as needed. / Monies Allotted via the General School Fund, Copies of "Ross Bucks" for every teacher to utilize and some PTSA funds / Principal, AP, All Teachers, Local School Discipline Team, / Sept. / Student Referrals in Infinite Campus, Detention Slips, Discipline Boards,
Student Behavior Reflections / School Leaders Demonstrate:
Understanding classroom management techniques and impact on school behavior.
Demonstrate: Understanding of meaningful and positive classroom management skills.
Students Demonstrate: Good Classroom behavior and are aware of consequences.
District Goal 3
GSPS: School Culture Standard 1,2 / Planning:
DMS Discipline team plans to meet with once a 9-week to "tweak" the behavior plan as the year continues. And to share these changes with the staff as they occur. / Monies Allotted via the General School Fund, Copies of "Ross Bucks" for every teacher to utilize and some PTSA funds / Principal, AP, All Teachers, Local School Discipline Team, PTSA / August 2016-May 2017 / Student Referrals in Infinite Campus, Detention Slips, Discipline Boards
Student Behavior Reflections / School Leaders Demonstrate:
Understanding classroom management techniques and impact on school behavior.
Demonstrate: Understanding of meaningful and positive classroom management skills.
Students Demonstrate: Good Classroom behavior and are aware of consequences
District Goal 3
GSPS: School Culture Standard 1,2 / Implementation:
Teachers will be asked to utilize positive classroom management skills that result in teachers rewarding positive behaviors that they see within their classrooms that are consistent across the school grades and content areas. Students will be asked to complete a Behavior Reflection before a discipline board is sent to an administrator as a referral. / Monies Allotted via the General School Fund, Copies of "Ross Bucks" for every teacher to utilize and some PTSA funds / Principal, AP, All Teachers, Local School Discipline Team, PTSA / August 2016-May 2017 / Student Referrals in Infinite Campus, Detention Slips, Discipline Boards,
Student Behavior Reflections / School Leaders Demonstrate:
Understanding classroom management techniques and impact on school behavior.
Demonstrate: Understanding of meaningful and positive classroom management skills.
Students Demonstrate: Good Classroom behavior and are aware of consequences
District Goal 3
GSPS: School Culture Standard 1,2 / Monitoring:
Teachers will monitor the amount of "Ross Bucks" that are distributed to their students by 9 weeks. / Monies Allotted via the General School Fund, Copies of "Ross Bucks" for every teacher to utilize and some PTSA funds / Principal, AP, All Teachers, Local School Discipline Team, PTSA / August 2016-May 2017 / Student Referrals in Infinite Campus, Detention Slips, Discipline Boards / School Leaders Demonstrate:
Understanding classroom management techniques and impact on school behavior.
Demonstrate: Understanding of meaningful and positive classroom management skills.
Students Demonstrate: Good Classroom behavior and are aware of consequences
______DMS______Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Strategy/Support / Cost/ Resources & Funding Source / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Evaluation of Implementation and Impact on Student Learning /Artifacts / Evidence /
Creating SMART Goals:
Professional Learning concerning the correct way to develop SMART goals to be used as part of teacher and para pro PLG’s will be offered to give teachers the opportunity to design meaningful goals to guide their decisions and instruction for the year. The EAC will guide this course. / N/A / Wendy Mace / Aug.24, 2016 / Agenda, SMART Goals Power Point and handouts, PLG in TKES Platform, Course Registration in PD Express / School Leaders Demonstrate: The understanding of creating and developing SMART Goals with their staff.
Teachers Demonstrate: The ability to create their own SMART PLP goals.
Students Demonstrate: Will participate in the activities designed by the staff in order to meet their professional goals.
Data Teams:
Dobbins Middle School Data Team: The Data Team Process will also be introduced to the faculty in hopes of implementing parts of the process to PLC discussions. DMS Data Team members will deliver this portion of PL, however it will be monitored and mentored by the EAC, Wendy Mace, as well as Gina King.
Currently we have 10 teachers that have been to the Title II Data Teams Training and we have 3 other teachers that will be trained in October. (Kim Vinson, Jeremy Adomnik, Tony Chisman) / Professional Learning Budget
Title II Budget / Mike Ussery
Rebecca Chandler
Shree Lykens
Lemiell McGarity
Rob McKelvey
Susan Merchant
Joey McCord
Wendy Mace
Donna Broyles
Cartess Ross / Aug. 30
Sept. 20
Oct. 25
Nov. 29
Jan. 4
March 7
April 25
May 16
Oct. 3 and 4 2016 / PL Agenda, Data Team Agendas, Common Formative Assessment Data Course Registration in PD Express, USA Test Prep Data / School Leaders Demonstrate: Will understand the Data Teams process and participate in the data team meetings.
Teachers Demonstrate:
Data Team members will provide guidance to other teachers that have been to the training through the Data Teams Process.
Students Demonstrate:
Will participate in lessons that have been created and monitored via the Data Team process.
Content Area Differentiation- Vertical Alignment Meetings:
Teachers will meet with their content area Department Heads monthly to be introduced to new differentiation strategies that are appropriate for their specific content areas. Department Heads will use PD 360 as well as the Teaching Channel to select strategies that will be useful to the current units. / Professional Learning Budget / Wendy Mace
Joey McCord
Shree Lykens
Kim Vinson
Elizabeth Cairnes / Aug. 24
Sept. 14
Sept. 24
Oct. 26
Nov. 9
Nov. 8 (possibly if not a County Level PL Day)
Dec. 7