Garden Role Description
The aim of the Kitchen Garden Program at SKiPPS is to introduce students to the wonderful world of good food, via a productive food garden and an exciting kitchen, as an integral part of the school curriculum.
The Garden Specialist will work together with the classroom teachers and Kitchen Specialist to deliver a high quality kitchen garden program that excites and engages the Year 3 and 4 students at the school.
Our community is committed to this Kitchen Garden Program and a wonderful garden and kitchen/dining room has been established to facilitate the program.
The main responsibility is to maintain a productive garden and engage students in those tasks involved in growing, caring and harvesting produce, working with the support of the classroom teacher and kitchen specialist.
Education Support Role Description
Undertakes routine tasks that are usually carried out under close supervision and direction. Work that carries some degree of independence will generally involve a limited number of tasks performed on a regular basis where priorities are clear, procedures are well established and direction is readily available.
Work has little scope for deviation. Problems can usually be solved by reference to well documented procedures and instructions and clearly established practices. Deviation from established procedures will require reference to others for guidance and direction. Assistance is readily available when problems arise. An experienced employee at range 1 will exercise limited judgement within clearly defined guidelines and well established practices that relate specifically to the tasks performed.
Does not carry responsibility for the work of others. More experienced employees will provide basic guidance and advice to others relating to tasks within the work area.
An education support class position supports the educational services being provided to students, but must not include duties of teaching as defined in clause 2.6.1 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic) or its successor. Supervision of students cannot be required except where it is an integral part of the employee's position or involves supervision of students individually or in small groups, in controlled circumstances, where the responsibility for students remains clearly with a teacher.
Qualification requirements do not operate at range 1. Certification requirements may be required to legally perform specific tasks - e.g. driver's licence, first aid, safe food handling.
Selection Criteria
SC1 Capacity to undertake routine support tasks across a range of functions in one or more work areas within a school environment.
SC2 Demonstrated capacity to communicate effectively with members of the school community including students and the capacity to provide support and/or attendant care to students where necessary.
SC3 Demonstrated proficiency in the use of office systems, software or technical equipment as relevant to the position.
SC4 Capacity to work cooperatively with a range of people including teachers, education support, students and parents.
SC5 A commitment to professional learning and growth.
School profile
St Kilda Park Primary School, founded in 1882, is a beautiful inner suburban bayside school nestled in the southern tip of Albert Park electorate with a population of 358 children as of October 2017. We have a Student Family Occupation (SFO) Index of 0.1877, which is way below state Median of 0.4543.
St Kilda is a diverse neighbourhood. It has the highest population density of any Victorian Municipality; extensive parkland with highly developed sporting facilities and active sports clubs; a busy commercial/retail/entertainment strip; and a number of welfare agencies. The proximity to Albert Park has enabled the school to encourage high levels of participation in sport/physical activity both within and outside school hours. The school community has a commitment to Visual and Performing Arts and an enriching Italian program that extends into the school’s curriculum. Our Year Three and Four students are involved in an extensive Kitchen Garden Program. Our Library services the whole school through the implementation of all curriculum areas as well as encouraging students to borrow on a regular basis.
Our Foundation students are drawn from approximately 15 pre-schools. Our classes are organised to link with the Victorian Curriculum structure, meaning that our classes are organised across four learning levels:
• Foundation
• Year 1 and Year 2
• Year 3 and Year 4 and
• Year 5 and Year 6
All staff members operate with a strong emphasis on collaborative planning and teaching to maximise personalisation in learning and share expertise. The school’s staffing profile consists of 15 classroom teaching positions and four specialist positions. We have an additional teacher who supports our Literacy Program with Reading Recovery intervention. There are also two Principal Class Officers, an Assistant Principal and a Principal. There is a Business Manager and an Office Manager. There are five Integration Aides.
St Kilda Park Primary School community seeks to develop an inclusive, creative and reflective learning culture. This culture connects children to their world by engaging and equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to become valued members of the community.
We aim to create a secure, stimulating and happy environment which:
• encourages children to take responsibility for their own behaviour and to respect the rights and needs of others
• supports children to consistently strive for improvement and celebrates all worthwhile pursuits and achievements
• promotes a sense of belonging and wellbeing in all students
• fosters a strong sense of community and mutual respect between all members of our community.
The following core values are reflected in all aspects of school life and contribute to a sense of common purpose within the school community:
Respect, Creativity, Enthusiasm and Resilience.
Amongst a range of ideals we value student voice, teachers being addressed by first names, leadership opportunities for all students and no school uniform. Efforts are made to ensure that the school’s wider community is actively involved to enrich school life and ensure that individual backgrounds and experiences are acknowledged and affirmed. Parent participation is encouraged and welcomed by assisting with the implementation of the daily curriculum and the long term strategic planning of the school.
Our focus is to develop the teaching practices and learning environment that reflect this culture. Our model of professional learning has at its core the essential elements for learning: constructivism, inquiry, collaboration, co-operation, self-responsibility and personal development in an environment of challenge and support. Relationships in the school community underpin everything and enable us to build a community of continuous learners. The School Council and leadership team regularly consult with students, parents/carers, support organisations and community groups to ensure we are responsive to students’ social, emotional, cognitive and cultural needs.
A key component of St Kilda Park’s approach to building a positive culture through a primary prevention focus that underpins student wellbeing. The framework teaches positive behaviours, Restorative Justice Practices and the use of logical consequences to address appropriate and inappropriate behaviour. The use of Risk Assessment and Management Process (RAMP) builds capacity for pastoral care for early intervention of students at risk. Our positive school culture is predicated on student engagement being the basis for learning.
A professional learning community of life-long learners facilitates the building of respectful relationships, a deep understanding of pedagogy and improved teaching and learning practice. An inclusive and engaging curriculum incorporating the various teaching models incorporating the Victorian Curriculum to ensure that teaching and learning practice is in line with the needs of 21st-Century learners.