WEDNESDAY, JANURY 17, 2018, 6:00PM
President Tim Allen called to order the meeting of the Texas Council of Child Welfare Boards, Inc., Full Board Meeting at 6:07pm. The following were in attendance: Anna Rigler 1, Diane Hicks 1, Patsy Baggett 2, Karen Cook 2, David Cory-Immediate Past President, Sandy Hilliard 4, Tim Allen 5, Janet Stansbury 6, Jeanette Elias 6, Marilyn DeMontrond 6, David Williams 7, Carole Foster 8, Misty Standard 9, Catherine Earley-MAL, Joel Levine- CPS, Estella Olguin-CPS, George Ford-ED, Sandra Hair-Administrative Team.
A quorum was established. The minutes from the November 2, 2017 TCCWB Full Board Meeting were read by Misty Standard and were accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: David Williams: David reported that he had a summary of our bank accounts:
Account # 3634$ 8,570.29
Account # 3642$ 3,264.38
Account # 3659$ 1,902.05
Subtotal$ 13,736.72
Licensed Plate$ 9,787,66
Current Total$ 23,524.38
Paypal Account$ 1,884.53 donations from last year
David Williams stated that George Ford’s salary for November and December of 2017, Shannon Ireland’s vacation pay, and Wyndham Garden Hotel’s payment for November still need to be paid. Tim Allen reported that he, George Ford, and David Williams had met with Valinda Bolton and all felt that the new administration transition would go smoothly.
Executive Director’s Remarks - George Ford: George stated that he was pleased to report that the team to support the TCCWB is in place. Sandra Hair will be working with the committees, Louella Steller will be responsible for submitting the invoices and tracking the reimbursements, and Kristi Miranda will be responsible for the TCCWB Website. TCCWB has kept the Austin mailing address that will be directly forwarded to the team in Houston.
Committee Reports:
Resource Development Committee - David Williams: David reported that he was working on getting Paypal to open up another account for Fostering Brighter Futures, and/or change the Paypal account from Shannon Ireland’s name to TCCWB. David Williams asked for clarification in the minutes where something was sent back to the Resource Committee during the last meeting David Williams was not able to attend. Karen Cook reported that in discussing the License Plate money, there were questions about changing how the money could be used. After some discussion, George Ford suggested it go back to the committee it originally came from. Since it came from the Resource Development Committee, it was sent back to Resource. David Williams stated the Resource Committee would get it taken care of.
Education Committee - Anna Rigler: Go Blue Day is Tuesday, April 3rd. Anna reported that the committee was continuing to work on the Training Manuel revision. She said she had added a committee description of Fostering Brighter Futures that Catherine Earley had given her. She stated that there was a statement about the Resource Development Committee she felt needed to be edited, and asked committee members review the statement. Anna asked the council members to review the revision to see if anything needed to be changed. ValindaBolten will update the glossary, acronyms, websites, hotlines, links, and a copy of the Texas Family Code. After discussion, it was decided that Anna would send Valinda the most recent Delegate Roster so she could check the RDs, and CISs, and other DFPS info listed for any needed corrections.
Anna asked if the TCCWB wanted to present at the 2018 TNOYS Conference in June. If we want to present, we need to get the information turned in. Catherine Earley agreed to present on Fostering Brighter Futures. David Williams will get in touch with Jeanne Stamp to see if she will do a presentation on the Homeless Youth Population. Everyone agreed to do the Exhibit Table again this year.
Advocacy Committee - Janet Stansbury: Janet reported that the committee met this week. She stated that the committee does not want to wait until the legislative year starts next year, instead, they want to meet with legislators who will carry our agenda sooner. Janet stated that they want each region to choose a “champion” and to bring that name to the March face to face meeting. The committee wants to educate the legislators on who we are and what we do, and how we can help them be informed and be of help to them. Janet stated that the committee wants to learn how Child Welfare Boards can work more closely with the legislators. Janet reported that the committee wants the TCCWB to have an agenda for the next legislative session, so talking points will be consistent when they meet with legislators.
Janet asked George about Kristi helping to update the Advocacy Page on the website, including Child Prevention Month in April and Foster Care Month in May. Janet stated that they want to explore doing packets like DFPS used to send to CWBs doing Child Prevention Month. She asked everyone be thinking about ideas and bring them to Austin.
Awards Committee - Jeanette Elias: Jeanette thanked everyone for their hard work and for pulling off a successful Awards Luncheon. The committee members are Sandy, Karen, Patsy, and, Jeanette. Jeanette stated that the committee would need to get together before May to discuss sending out notifications to the regions. Jeanette asked that anyone with ideas for the awards luncheon, or who wanted to be on the Awards Committee to contact her.
Fostering Brighter Futures Committee - Catherine Earley:
Catherine reported that everything is continuing to go well, although we are still struggling to get the word out about the FBF website. She thanked everyone who has ”liked” the page and is sharing it on social media.The committee met last week. Carole continues to work on writing grants.
Catherine reported that the committee had a couple of motions to bring forward from the December meeting to the TCCWB:
DavidWilliams made a motionto approve all media release forms for Fostering Brighter Futures. MistyStandard seconded the motion. The motion was brought before the TCCWB and passed.
David Williams made the motionto recommend to allow a funding campaign by all Child Welfare Boards in the state, asking for their support to fund Fostering Bright Futures. The motion was seconded by Carole Foster. The motion was brought before the TCCWB and passed.
Child Protection Roundtable: Tim Allen asked for discussion about the Child Protection Roundtable. He stated that Kate Murphy had asked about the TCCWB’s future participation. There was much discussion. David Cory reported that although the meetings are in Austin, there is a telephone conference option. He stated that the phone conference option was our opportunity to participate and be knowledgeable about the issues, so we can inform CWBs about issues that would be of interest to them. David Cory stated that if we participate by phone, we get written minutes, and hear presentations. He stated that participating in the Roundtable is more than the monthly meeting.There are three committee meetings which can also be attended by phone. David suggested spreading the participation out among members, so we can get consistent attendance. David Cory will email the meeting information for January to the council. David Williams asked about the possibility of Jeanne Stamp participating some since she was so knowledgable. Misty Standard expressed an interest in attending the upcoming meeting, January 24th from 1pm-3pm. She stated that she is in Austin at least once a week and would like to participate in the Roundtable as much as possible.George Ford stated that hewould be able to attend some meetings. Janet Stansbury suggested that this be brought up at the March Meeting for further discussion.
March TCCWB Full Board Meeting Face to Face Meeting: There was discussion about the upcoming March meeting at the Windham Garden Hotel, Austin, TX, Thursday, March 1st, 9am-5pm, and Friday, March 2nd, 9am-1pm.
Reimbursement and Funding Updates: George Ford stated that the reimbursements checks were “in the mail”!
The meeting adjourned at 7:07pm.
Submitted by:
Misty Standard and Karen Cook