Job Title:GP/Clinical Lead – Cancer Clinical Lead
Responsible to:Clinical Network Lead and GB Planned Care Lead
Remuneration: The Cancer Clinical Lead would be required to work for the equivalent of four sessions per month @ £92 per hour.
Specific Objectives:To be agreed with the clinical network and service redesign leads
Commitment:To be included in the specification and agreed before appointment.
Tenure: initially 12 months, dependent on workplan
Accountability:To the Clinical Network lead and the Adult Integrated Programme Board (where applicable)
The Clinical Cancer Lead will provide clinical leadership for the CCGin relation to cancer pathways and services, providing clinical guidance to Lambeth CCG Governing body as required. The Clinical Lead will work collaboratively with a number of Provider, Commissioner and Network organisations in relation to Cancer to facilitate and influence change and enable learning and development, encouraging innovation and providing advice and leadership which supports decision making and strategic planning.
- To provide clinical leadership for the development and implementation of the Lambeth CCG Strategy pertaining to cancer and provide professional advice from a clinical perspective to the project workstream
- To work with the CCG Board Elective Lead and CCG AD for Elective care to develop and agree priorities for cancer as part of the annual planning process
- To provide clinical leadership for CCG workplan for cancer and, with the Assistant Director (AD) lead ensure appropriate links with other local CCGs, sector organisations, Transforming Cancer team and the LCA.
- To provide clinical leadership and inputon behalf of the CCG tosupport acute Trust cancerperformance (waiting time targets, implementation of best practice commissioning pathways etc.)
- To work across organisational boundaries to improve communication and the interface between CCG and Acute Trust cancer services, Community services and services provided in voluntary support services.
- To build and maintain relationships with local Acute Trusts (clinical directors and lead cancer nurses) and London Cancer Alliance
- To ensure that views of Lambeth primary care are represented in appropriate provider fora in particular with respect to change and development of services
- Develop strong partnerships with Sector organisations, networks and other key stakeholders to ensure that coherent and coordinated local cancer strategies can be developed
- Work with the Macmillan GP to:
- support the development and maintenance of a skilled, knowledgeable primary care workforce, able to meet the needs of cancer patients
- coordinate and disseminate best practice across primary care in Lambeth and provide insight from local GPs and practices to influence local processes and transformation
- improve the knowledge and skills needed for GPs to be able to make high quality referrals for suspected cancer
- ensure consistency of messages and use of the most up to date evidence base for activities
- Contribute to the vision for improvingcancer pathways by challenging processes and existing practices where these could be improved or where best practice can be applied.
- Act as a conduit between the project workstream, clinical network lead, programme board and clinical board
- Provide the required clinical guidance to Lambeth CCG Governing Bodies as needed.
- Provide clinical leadership for cancer in meetings and events with other GPs, health care professionals and Commissioners
- Ensuring the programme board members are aware of best practice guidance and of issues raised by clinical colleagues
- Lead specific programmes of workacross the network and using outputs of these programmes to inform commissioners and provider organisations
- Liaise with national groups/organisations e.g. London Cancer Network, Transforming Cancer Programme as required.
- Report to and be managed by the clinical network lead
- Ensure project workstream is progressing as expected and report on achievement of milestones or where additional support may be required
- Carry out additional work as and when required, and agreed with, the Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) and managerial/clinical leads
- Attend the majority (at least 80%) of the scheduled meetings, as required. There will be recognition of clinical availability in setting meeting times and these may on some occasions be provided via teleconference or other suitable media forms.
1. Information about the role:
- Clarity on time commitments for effective forward planning
- Clear expectations and ‘rules of engagement’ agreed from the start.
- A clear work plan and set dates to review progress and monitor against work plan
- Feedback about individual performance and contribution.
- Appropriate background support on relationship between project workstream and programme board and the forms of governance structure appropriate to the role
2. Training and Information:
- Access to clinical data and information and resource to investigate
- Development and leadership trainingas identified withclinical network lead together with appropriate support
3. Organisational and structural support:
- Management lead to project workstream will work with the clinical lead to ensure completion of work programme using appropriate milestones to ensure delivery.
Essential / DesirableEducation & qualifications / Qualified primary care clinician / Working in Lambeth
Experience & Abilities / Good understanding of local issues, both clinical and administrative, relating to cancer pathways
Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships within and across organisations, e.g. colleagues in Lambeth, Southwark and consultants in Guy’s and St Thomas’ and King’s College Hospital and across sector organisations
Ability to work to deadlines / Good understanding of local health economy
A good understanding and experience of GP commissioning
Knowledge / Sound understanding of local and national clinical guidance e.g. NICE guidance, 2 week wait criteria, etc.
Sound understanding of performance related targets relating to Cancer and local delivery of these
Knowledge and understanding of mechanisms for effective patient and public involvement / An understanding of the NHS commissioning cycle
Information Resources / Ability to interpret data and information to identify significant trends and to inform clinical decision-making (review pathways and redesign where applicable)
Ability to communicate with other individuals and organisations to portray complex matters, ideas and issues in an appropriate way. Willing to listen to, question and challenge ideas when appropriate
Excellent interpersonal skills, to facilitate collaborative working with a wide range of stakeholders, and to develop good working relationships with key partners
Knowledge of GP practice clinical system (e.g. EMIS), and how clinical pathways would need to be developed to support referral processes on these systems / Experience of pathway review / redesign
Personal Qualities / Ability to tolerate ambiguity and be flexible in response to change
Commitment to improving quality and efficiency of patient care inCancer in a way that is cost-effective
Physical and Mental Requirements / To demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the factors that contribute to good health and the importance of promoting these in line with Commissioning:
Travel to meetings in various locations across Lambeth or Southwark
For further information regarding this role, please contact Sara
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