Knights of Columbus
Richland Council 3307
PO Box 486
Richland, WA 99352
(for those planning to attend college in the fall.)
If you are receiving a scholarship from a school and you also receive a Knights of Columbus scholarship for that same school, you should be aware that there might not be a net gain in finance from the K of C scholarship. The policy of some educational institutions is to deduct additional outside scholarship moneys from the original internal scholarship. Please contact the admissions department of your school and find out what their policy is on additional outside scholarships.
You must attend College this fall as a freshman or a first-time transfer student AND you must meet the following conditions:
a. You must be a practicing member of your Catholic church.
b. You did not receive the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #3307 COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP in any prior year.
1. Read the eligibility rules. Complete the entire application, get a current official transcript, and write the essay. Responses may be typed or legibly handwritten. If you have any questions please call the Scholarship Chairman at 438-4231.
2. Return the completed application along with your transcript and essay to the Scholarship Chairman:
Ben Harlow
K of C Scholarship Chairman
76 Hodges Ct.
Richland WA 99352
3. Applications must be received / postmarked no later than June 30, 2017. Applications postmarked after this date are not eligible. Winners will be notified by the July 31, 2017.
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- on a separate sheet of paper answer each of the following, in order.
1. Give your name, address, and telephone number. Identify which Catholic Parish you belong to.
2. If you are a member or a child or grandchild of a living or deceased member of the Knights of Columbus Council #3307, give the member's name.
3. State what school you are transferring from and whether you will be entering Tri-Cities Prep as a freshman or a first-time sophomore, junior, or senior.
4. What is your current year Grade Point Average? Attach a copy of your grades (a school transcript).
5. What is your family's total W-2 income for the past tax year?
6. What is the total cost of schooling for the upcoming academic year?
7. What portion of this cost do you anticipate will be covered by parents, your savings, loans, scholarships and grants, employment and work/study, etc?
8. Are family members attending any private school or any college? If yes, who and when?
9. Tell us about your education and describe your scholastic achievements.
10. Tell us about your extracurricular activities such as athletics, clubs, community and church service groups, your own endeavors, etc.
11. Tell us why you are applying for this scholarship. Do you have any personal or family circumstances or needs, which you believe the Scholarship Committee, should consider? What are the ages of your brothers and sisters?
12. Name two references and provide their addresses and telephone numbers.
ESSAY QUESTION - Write an essay of 200-250 words on this topic:
Describe How Your Faith Has Been and Will Continue To Be A Part Of Your Personal and Academic Life During High School.