CourseSchool NameTeacher Name
How Small are Atoms?
Date / Time Frame / minute class periodUnit / Matter and Energy / Unit Theme / Matter and Its Interactions
Enduring Understanding / By the end of middle school, students will be able to apply an understanding that pure substances have characteristic physical and chemical properties and are made from a single type of atom or molecule. Students are expected to develop proficiency in developing and using models, analyzing and interpreting data, designing solutions, and obtaining, evaluating and communicating information.
Essential Question / How do atomic and molecular interactions explain the properties of matter that we see and feel?
N.G.S.S PE / MS-PS1. Develop models to describe the atomic composition of simple molecules and extended structures.
C.L.G. / 4.0 Chemistry- Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the composition, structure, and interactions of matter in order to support the predictability of structure and energy transformations.
Indicator / A. Structure of Matter
1. Cite evidence to support the fact that all matter is made up of atoms, which are far too small to see directly through a microscope.
a. Recognize and describe that the atoms of each element are alike but different from
atoms of other elements.
Objective / Students will develop and use models in order to determine the structure and properties of atoms.
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts.
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented
C.C.S.S. Math / CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP4 Model with mathematics
STEM Standards / 1. Learn and Apply Rigorous Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
2. Integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Content
3. Interpret and Communicate Information from Science, Technology, Engineering, and
5. Engage in Logical Reasoning
6. Collaborate as a STEM Team
7. Apply Technology Strategically
Transdisciplinary Connections
Career Connections / Students investigate materials scientists as well as engineers from IBM in their investigation of atoms.
Warm-Up/Probe(pre-assess student understanding): / Time: min
Teacher will administer the probe (below) to elicit students’ ideas about the properties of atoms. Have students share their responses to the probe in small groups. Groups reach consensus and compile their list of items that make up the atoms on chart paper. Groups post charts around the room and the students conduct a gallery walk to share responses. All responses are accepted at this time with explanation.
Teacher Explanation: The five items from the probe that make up the best response are: very small, has mass, always moving, made of smaller particles, and contains mostly empty space. The concept of atoms may be difficult for students because it is abstract. We cannot see individual atoms with our eyes; therefore, scientists must use models in order to understand their structure and function. Atoms are the smallest particles of matter that make up the substances zinc and copper (elements) in the penny. Most pennies in circulation today are made up of 97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper. If a penny were made of pure copper, it would contain about 2.4 X 1024 copper atoms. A penny has a mass of 2 g. With over 1024 atoms in a single penny, it is clear that the mass of an individual atom is very small, yet it still has a mass. Atoms and molecules are in motion. Since the penny is a solid, the atoms that make up the penny are in a fixed position and can only vibrate in place. Atoms are mostly empty space. They consist of a small, dense nucleus surrounded by electrons that move in an area of space around the nucleus. Properties such as hard, solid, copper-colored, shiny, cold (warm) describe the macroscopic properties of the substances but are not properties of the atoms.
Probe: Probe: A Penny for Your Thoughts
A shiny new penny is made up of atoms. Place an X next to all the things on the list below that describe the atoms that make up the penny.
_____ hard_____ soft
_____ solid_____ copper-colored
_____ very small_____ has mass
_____ always moving_____ do not move
_____ warm_____ shiny
_____ made of smaller particles_____ mostly empty space
Describe your thinking about the atoms that make up the penny. Make a drawing of what you think an atom looks like. Be sure to label any parts you know and include a scale or object for reference of size.
During the introduction, explain to students that models are important to scientists because models help them make predictions. Explain that models are used when the scientists cannot view the actual object being studied due to its size. Just how small are atoms?
Engagement(set up the purpose for learning): / Time:min
__Captures students’ attention?
__Activates students’ prior knowledge?
__Connects to a complex question, global issue, or real world problem? / The World’s Smallest Movie:
Ask students if they are interested in seeing the world’s smallest movie. Provide access to the article, “SOLVING HUGE PROBLEMS, ONE ATOM AT A TIME: THE PURPOSE AND POWER OF IBM'S "WORLD'S SMALLEST MOVIE" at the link below:
Students should view the movie, “A Boy and His Atom: The World’s Smallest Movie,”and read the associated article.
Discussion Questions:
- Who made the movie?
- How were atoms involved in making the moving?
- Why were atoms used to make the “World’s Smallest Movie?”
- How will this technology benefit society?
So how do we know so much about atoms if we can’t really see inside them? Let’s try some activities to help us understand how we can use models to explain things we can’t really see.
Exploration (think labs, hands-on, student driven): / Time: min
__Analyzes other disciplines to answer a complex question, global issue, or real world problem?
__Applies a systematic approach to address the real world connection?
__Selects and employs relevant technological tools? / Use one of the following strategies to introduce students to the concept of using models to describe things we cannot see.
- To help students understand how scientists can make models of objects they can’t see, do the following: Have students work in small groups of 3-4. Give each group a small sealed box inside of which you have placed an object. Objects might include a marble, a wooden block, a cotton ball, a piece of chalk, or any other item that will fit in the box. Have students shake the box, lift the box, or observe it in any way to determine what is in the box. Have each group make a prediction about the shape of the object in the box and tell what evidence the group used to make its prediction. Allow groups to open their boxes to check their predictions.
- Use Obscertainer kits to have students predict the patterns within the containers. Click on the picture to get more details on ordering Obscertainer kits.
Have students describe the techniques they used and the difficulty they had predicting what was inside without being able to see. Make this comparison to the difficulty scientists have in describing atoms.
OB-SCERTAINER Predictions Sharespace:
The modern understanding of the structure of atoms was developed over centuries. Scientists performed numerous experiments to determine the behavior and infer the structure of atoms. Use any/all of the resources you need to learn more about what atoms look like in order to improve your original atom model. Record your findings.
Explanation (multi-sensory): / Time:
__Analyzes data and draws conclusions?
__Communicates understandings and possible solutions? / Students should be grouped based on their responses to the warm-up/probe. The resources are basically in a progression from the more basic concept development (#1) to more enrichment/enhancement (#4).
- This resource provides basic structure of atoms information:
- BrainPop: “Atomic Models”
- If scientists can’t see atoms, then how do they know what they look like?
- How did the contributions of many scientists develop our understanding of the atom?
- How did scientists determine that the atom was mostly empty space?
- What are the names of the subatomic particles that make up the atom?
- Draw a brief diagram of an atom showing the subatomic particles. How does this drawing compare with your drawing at the beginning of class?
- What are the limitations of using models (such as the 2-dimensional atom drawings) to represent atoms?
- Use any of these resources to modify your original atom drawing in the probe:
- The multimedia Web link provides interesting facts about the aluminum and atoms in general. It may help you understand the scale and size of atoms by comparing familiar items:
Follow-up questions:
- What is a material scientist?
- How has our understanding of the atom changed with improvements in technology?
- What new things did you learn about atoms?
Now that we have a better understanding of the structure of an atom, let’s hear more about how the world’s smallest movie was made.
Extension/Elaboration (building complexity, real world application, frequent review) / Time: min
__Modifies experimental procedures, prototypes, models, or solutions?
__Analyzes related STEM careers? / Return to the link for the article, “SOLVING HUGE PROBLEMS, ONE ATOM AT A TIME: THE PURPOSE AND POWER OF IBM'S "WORLD'S SMALLEST MOVIE" :
Have students review the other video, “Moving Atoms: Making the World’s Smallest Movie,” towards the bottom of the page.
Ask students to use their knowledge of atoms to provide more detail on how the movie was made and its significance to society.
Make sure students have adequately engaged in the activities Explanation activities. Conduct a brief Agree/Disagree using whiteboards, thumbs up/thumbs down, clickers with the following statements:
- Atoms are mostly made up of space.
- Neutrons and protons make up the dense center of the atom.
- The overall charge of an atom is negative.
- Atoms are the smallest unit of matter.
- Understanding about atoms can change society.
Evaluation (multiple modalities): / Time: minutes
__Demonstrates understanding of concepts through rubric-based performance assessments?
__Participates in peer reviews? / Students revisit their original atom model drawings. They use their new learning about atoms to improve their drawing. Students should share their revised atom models with their peers for feedback.
Students respond to the following question:
How did you use models in this investigation to improve your understanding of atoms?
Sample Assessment Item
Which of the following illustrations best represents a model of an atom? Use evidence from the investigation with appropriate reasoning to support your claim.
Summary: / Time: minutes
The study of atoms will lead to a further investigation of molecules and interactions. The teacher may display a Periodic Table of Elements and ask students to identify several elements. Teacher reinforces that each element is made of atoms of the same type. As they further their investigation in subsequent lessons, students will learn about how these elements join and react in predictable patterns.
IEP Goals / Modifications / Accommodations
AVID Strategies
Writing to Learn / Inquiry / Collaboration / Reading to Learn
__Cornell Notes
__Notes (Right Hand)
__Other ______/ __Analyze
__Seek Clarification
__Other ______/ __Problem Solve
__Work together
__Other ______/ __Pre-Reading Activities
__Other ______
Teacher’s Post Lesson Implementation Reflection:
(Include evaluation results and suggestions for next year.)
Learner-Centered Environments: Professional Learning Tool
Focus Area / Guiding Questions / Teaching and Learning Framework Connection / Evidence/ What teacher behaviors contribute to a learner-centered environment? / Domain I-Preparation and Planning
- Teacher understanding of individual learners’ strengths, needs, and interests promotes personalization and customization.
- Teacher understanding of available resources promotes student choice.
- Teacher design of on-going assessment/feedback promotes responsive, smallgroup instruction.
- Both teacher and student initiate communication.
- Questioning is high level and promotes multiple ways to respond, including further questioning.
- Learning activities and selected pedagogical strategies promote cognitive engagement.
- Formative assessment is used to monitor individual progress and make responsive decisions.
- Timely feedback is provided so students can make decisions about their learning.
/ How does the physical space reflect student input and facilitate a learner-centered environment? / Domain II-Classroom Environment
- Displayed student work is current and evinces choice and pride.
- Furniture is strategically arranged and supports instructional outcomes.
- Resources and materials are organized and available based on student needs.
- Visual resources support students’ independent thinking and learning.
/ How are students acquiring, developing, using, or producing knowledge, information and skills? / P21
- Students are actively acquiring core disciplinary knowledge.
- Students use collaboration and communication to facilitate their learning.
- Students have choice with regard to process and product.
- Students use critical thinking and problem solving.
- Students engage in tasks that require adaptability and flexibility.
- Students have opportunities to create and innovate.
- Students are exposed to authentic, real-world contexts.
- Student use of digital tools and content allow them to acquire, develop, and demonstrate knowledge and skills.