Management 435: Service Operations Management

Readings List

All these articles are available on line through our library. Log in to the library, select Find Articles. Select Management as the subject and ABI/INFORM, Emerald and Science Direct as databases. Select Author as the search key and type in the main author’s name. Then search and select the correct article. You may have to go through SFX function on the right of the screen to get the full article.

This list has more articles than we need this semester. We will use only about 35 of these articles. These will be indicated in class.

Readings on Service Encounters

1.Classifying Services to Gain Strategic Marketing Insights
Lovelock, Christopher H.. Journal of Marketing (pre-1986)New York:Summer 1983. Vol. 47, Iss. 000003, p.9(12pp.)

2.Towards a Classification of Service Processes
Silvestro, Rhian, Fitzgerald, Lin, Johnston, Robert, Voss, Christopher. International Journal of Service Industry ManagementBradford:1992. Vol. 3, Iss. 3, p.62(14pp.)

3. The professional service encounter in the age of the Internet: An exploratory study
Gillian Hogg, Angus Laing, Dan Winkelman. The Journal of Services MarketingSanta Barbara:2003. Vol. 17, Iss. 4/5, p.476-494(17pp.)

4. Towards a new approach to understanding service encounters: establishing, Service encounter problems: Which service providers are more likely to be blamed?
Charlene Pleger Bebko. The Journal of Services MarketingSanta Barbara:2001. Vol. 15, Iss. 6/7, p.480-495(16pp.)

5. Toward a core typology of service organizations
Peter K Mills: Newton Margulies.Academy of Management. The Academy of Management Review (pre-1986)Briarcliff Manor:Apr 1980. Vol. 5, Iss. 000002, p.255(11pp.)

Readings on Dimensions of Service Quality

6. Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry " SERVQUAL: a multiple item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality" Journal of Retailing, Vol 64, No. 1 1988

7. Two Approaches to Service Quality Dimensions
Lehtinen, Uolevi, Lehtinen, Jarmo R.. The Service Industries JournalLondon:Jul 1991. Vol. 11, Iss. 3, p.287(17pp.)

8.The dimensions of service quality: The original European perspective revisited
Mels, Gerhard, Boshoff, Christo, Nel, Deon. The Service Industries JournalLondon:Jan 1997. Vol. 17, Iss. 1, p.173-189(17pp.)

9. Patient perceptions of service quality: Combining the dimensions
James M Carman. Journal of Management in MedicineBradford:2000. Vol. 14, Iss. 5/6, p.339-356(19pp.)

10. Services quality dimensions of Internet retailing: An exploratory analysis
Zhilin Yang, Robin T Peterson, Shaohan Cai. The Journal of Services MarketingSanta Barbara:2003. Vol. 17, Iss. 6/7, p.685-700(14pp.)

11. E-service quality: A model of virtual service quality dimensions
Jessica Santos. Managing Service QualityBedford:2003. Vol. 13, Iss. 3, p.233(14pp.)

12. Service Quality Models: A review

Nintin Seth and SG Deshmukh and Prem Vrat, International J of Quality and Reliability Management, 22, 9, 2005

Readings list - Formulating Service Strategy

13. Service strategies within the manufacturing sector: Benefits, costs and partnership
Valerie Mathieu. International Journal of Service Industry ManagementBradford:2001. Vol. 12, Iss. 5, p.451-475(25pp.)

14. New service development: initiation strategies
David Kelly, Chris Storey. International Journal of Service Industry ManagementBradford:2000. Vol. 11, Iss. 1, p.45-62

15. A framework for analysing strategies of Internet Service Providers
Erik Wierstra, Gabriele Kulenkampff, Hans Schaffers. Netnomics : Economic Research and Electronic NetworkingAmsterdam:Jun 2001. Vol. 3, Iss. 1, p.35

16. Volume Flexible Strategies in Health Services: A Research Framework
Eric P Jack, Thomas L Powers. Production and Operations ManagementMuncie:Fall 2004. Vol. 13, Iss. 3, p.230-244(15pp.)

Readings list - Global services

17.. McLaughlin, Curtis P. and Fitzimmons, James A. " Strategies for Globalizing Service Operations" International Jornal of Service Industry Management, 7, No. 4 1996, pp. 45-59.
18.Internationalization strategies for services
Christian Gronroos. The Journal of Services MarketingSanta Barbara:1999. Vol. 13, Iss. 4/5, p.290-297
19.A cross-cultural comparison of response to service promotion
Bridges, Eileen,Florsheim, Renee A,John, Claudette.The Service Industries Journal.London: Jul 1996.Vol.16,Iss.3;pg.265,22pgs
20. Global Outsourcing of IT and IT Enabled Services: A Framework for Choosing an (Outsourcee) Country1
Shailendra C Jain Palvia.Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications.Marietta:2004.Vol.6,Iss.3;pg.1,20pgs
21. Developing global strategies for service businesses Lovelock, Christopher H,Yip, George S.California Management Review.Berkeley:Winter 1996.Vol.38,Iss.2;pg.64,23pgs

Reading List - Service Design

22.Allam, I and Perry, C. "A customer oriented new service development process." J. of Service Marketing, 16, 6, 2002. P. 515-

  1. Froshie, C.M., Roth, AV, Chase, RB, and Voss, CA. "Antecedents of new service development effectiveness" J. of Service Research, 3, 1, August 2000 p. 3-
  1. Meuter, M.L., Ostrom, A.L. Roundtree R.I. and Bitner, M.J. "Self service technologies: understanding customer satisfaction with technology based service encounters". J. of Marketing, July 2000, p. 50-
  1. R. H. Walker and L. W. Johnson. “Why consumers use and do not use technology enabled services”, J of Service Marketing, 20, 2, 2006. 125-
  1. Dabholkar, Pratiba A., “Consumer evaluation of new technology based self service options” International J. of Research in Marketing, 13, 1, 1996, 29-
  1. Bitner, Mary Jo, "Servicescapes: the impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees", J. of Marketing, Vol. 56, April 1992, p/ 57-
  1. Sheu, C., McHaney, R. and Babbar, S. "Service process design flexibility and customer waiting time", Int. J. of Operations and Production Management, 23, 8, 2003. P/ 901-
  1. Optimal service design: integrating marketing and operations perspectives
    Pullman, Madeleine E; Moore, William L
    International Journal of Service Industry Management; Volume 10 No. 2; 1999

29. / Convenience store location planning and forecasting - a practical research agenda
Steve Wood, Sue Browne.International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management.Bradford: 2007. Vol. 35, Iss. 4; p. 233
  1. Managing Service Capacity In An Ambulatory Care Clinic
    Antle, David W., Reid, Richard A..Hospital & Health Services Administration. Summer 1988. Vol. 33, Iss. 2; p. 201 (11 pages)
  1. Six sigma in service organisations; Benefits, challenges and difficulties, common myths, empirical observations and success factors
    Jiju Antony, Frenie Jiju Antony, Maneesh Kumar, Byung Rae Cho.The International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management.Bradford: 2007. Vol. 24, Iss. 3; p. 294
  1. Planning for service quality: an integrative approach
    Stuart, F Ian; Tax, Stephen S
    International Journal of Service Industry Management; Volume 7 No. 4; 1996
  1. Waiting time influence on the satisfaction-loyalty relationship in services
    Frédéric Bielen, Nathalie Demoulin.Managing Service Quality.Bedford: 2007. Vol. 17, Iss. 2; p. 174
  1. The Perceived Fairness of Waitlist-management Techniques for Restaurants
    Kelly A McGuire, Sheryl E Kimes.Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly.Ithaca: May 2006. Vol. 47, Iss. 2; p. 121 (15 pages)

35. / How disconfirmation, perception and actual waiting times impact customer satisfaction
Mark M. Davis, Janelle Heineke.International Journal of Service Industry Management.Bradford: 1998. Vol. 9, Iss. 1; p. 64

36.Managing perceptions of waiting times in service queues
Jones, Peter, Peppiatt, Emma.International Journal of Service Industry Management.Bradford: 1996. Vol. 7, Iss. 5; p. 47

37. Sampson, Scott. "Customer-supplier duality and bi-directional supply chains in service organizations". International J. of Service Industry Management, 11, 4, 2000: 348-

38. Effect of service supplier performance on satisfaction and loyalty of store managers in the fast food industry
Stank, Theodore P, Goldsby, Thomas J, Vickery, Shawnee K.Journal of Operations Management.Columbia: Jun 1999. Vol. 17, Iss. 4; p. 429 (19 pages)

39.Janis L. Miller, Christopher W. Craighead and Kirk R. Karwan
"Service recovery: a framework and empirical investigation", Journal of Operations

Management, Vol. 18, 2000: 388- Available in Science Direct database.

40.The Effects of Severity of Failure and Customer Loyalty on Service Recovery Strategies
Christopher W Craighead, Kirk R Karwan, Janis L Miller.Production and Operations Management.Muncie: Winter 2004. Vol. 13, Iss. 4; p. 307 (15 pages)

Readings list: Services Marketing

41. Strategic challenges for the marketing of services internationally
Rajshekhar G Javalgi,D Steven White.International Marketing Review.London: 2002.Vol.19,Iss.6;pg.563,19pgs
42.Foreign market entry mode choice of service firms: A contingency perspective
Ikechi Ekeledo,K Sivakumar.Academy of Marketing Science. Journal.Greenvale:Fall 1998.Vol.26,Iss.4;pg.274,19pgs
43. An exploratory study of services marketing in global markets: Major areas of inquiry for the health care services industry
Young, Sandy,Erdem, S Altan.Health Marketing Quarterly.New York:1996.Vol.14,Iss.1;pg.85,14pgs
44. . Comparing the Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Markets: How Different Are They?
Minor, Michael.The Journal of Services Marketing.Santa Barbara: Spring 1992.Vol.6,Iss.2;pg.29,4pgs
45. Selling services: A contingency model
Buttle, Francis A.The Journal of Services Marketing.Santa Barbara: 1993.Vol.7,Iss.3;pg.36,13pgs
46. Consumer Buying Behaviour in Financial Services: An Overview
McKechnie, Sally.The International Journal of Bank Marketing.Bradford: 1992.Vol.10,Iss.5;pg.4,9pgs

47.. . Relationship marketing can mitigate product and service failures
Randi Priluck. The Journal of Services Marketing. Santa Barbara: 2003. Vol. 17, Iss. 1; p. 37 (14 pages

  1. Brady, M.K and Bourdeau, BL "The importance of brand cues in intangible service industries" " J. of Service Marketing 19, 6, 2005: 401-
  1. Avlonitis, GJ and Indounas, KA. "Pricing objectives and pricing methods in the service sector" " J. of Service Marketing 19, 1, 2005: 47-
  2. Torres, IM and Briggs, E. "Does Hispanic-targeted advertising work for services ?" J. of Service Marketing 19, 3, 2005: 150-
  1. Lagrosen, S. "Effects of the internet on the marketing communication of service companies" J. of Service Marketing 19, 2, 2005: 63-

Management 435: Readings - HRM in Services

52. RJ Burke, J Graham and FJ Smith, “Putting the customer second”, The TQM Magazine, 17, 1, 2005, 85-

53. Employee development: an examination of service strategy in a high-contact service environment* Susan Meyer Goldstein. Production and Operations ManagementMuncie:Summer 2003. Vol. 12, Iss. 2, p.186-203

54.A customer-oriented framework for empowering service employees
Rafiq, Mohammed; Ahmed, Pervaiz K
Journal of Services Marketing; Volume 12 No. 5; 1998

55.Hartline, M.D., Ferrell, O.C., 1996, "The management of customer-contact service employees: an empirical investigation", Journal of Marketing, 60, 4, 52-69.

56.The relative influence of organisational commitment and job satisfaction on service quality of customer-contact employees in banking call centres
Malhotra, Neeru; Mukherjee, Avinandan. Journal of Services Marketing; Volume 18 No. 3; 2004

57.Enhancing service personnel effectiveness through the use of behavioral repertoires
Dobni, Dawn; Zerbe, Wilf; Ritchie, J.R. Brent Journal of Services Marketing; Volume 11 No. 6; 1997

58.The antecedents of customer-contact employees' empowerment
Melhem, Yahya Employee Relations; Volume 26 No. 1; 2004

59.Customer contact personnel: using interviewing techniques to select for adaptability in service employees. Alicia Thompson. The Journal of Service Marketing. Winter 1989, 3, 1. Pp 57-65
Cook, L.S., Bowen, DE et al. "Human issues in service design" J. of Operations Management, 20, 2, April 2002. P. 159-