Regular Monthly Meeting
April 08, 2014
The Washington Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 08, 2014. Supervisors present: Chairman Robert Hrin, Vice-Chairman Harold Wilson, Mike McClintick, Steve McCelland and Robert Hetrick. Also present: Colleen Pifer, Secretary/Treasurer and Daniel Whaling, Roadmaster and Solicitor Greg Kruk. Visitor: Shawn Ward, Midland Asphalt, Fred Barfield, COG President, Larry Bowers, Gaskill Township and Cathy Moore, Courier Express newspaper.
Chairman Robert Hrin called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Shawn Ward with Midland Asphalt came to answer any questions the Supervisors had about the grinding.
On a MOTION by Harold Wilson, a SECOND by Mike McClintick, all the board voting in favor, the minutes of the March 11, 2014, meetings were approved as presented.
On a MOTION by Mike McClintick, a SECOND by Harold Wilson, all the board voting in favor, the vouchers due for payment and the payroll for the employees from March 12, 2014 thru April 08, 2014 were approved.
On a MOTION by Steve McClelland, a SECOND by Harold Wilson, all the board voting in favor, the monthly Treasurer’s report was approved as presented. A copy the Treasurer’s report will be on file. The
1) Jefferson County Claim Bureau submitted a bid from Robert Hovanec to purchase the Greg Veltri property for $100. Mr. Veltri’s property was reverted back to the County for unpaid taxes; 2) Jefferson County Sewage Association approved an Eljen GSF system for Brad Fleming; 3) Jefferson County Solid Waste announced National Take Back Drug Day.
On a MOTION by Harold Wilson, a SECOND by Steve McClelland, all the board voting in favor, no action was taken on the bid for the former Greg Veltri property until further information was obtained.
Regular Monthly Meeting
April 08, 2014
Greg Kruk said he made some changes to volunteer waiver form for the Rails to Trails and emailed them of the changes.
Greg said he spoke to Dave Tinker about repairing a septic system for a Township resident that lived within the flood plain zone. According to the Township’s ordinance, repairing the septic is not permitted without requesting a variance from the Township’s Planning Board and they must meet the criteria.
Health Insurance Quotes…
The secretary informed the Supervisors that the health insurance rates had increased 111%. The current rate is $2569.69 per month. This covers 3 employees and spouse and 1 family. The 111% increase would make the rate $5433.29 per month.
Quotes were also received from Health America and Highmark and they were higher yet. The Township has also been paying the $1500 deductible for the employees.
The Supervisors will have a special meeting to discuss alternative options for the health insurance.
On a MOTION by Robert Hetrick, a SECOND by Mike McClintick, all the board voting in favor, a special meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 7:30 PM to discuss health insurance and or any other business that comes before the board.
Contribution to the Fire Department for Fire Truck…
The First Commonwealth Bank requested a letter from the Township stating how much they would be contributing to the Fire Department. Harold Wilson suggested giving the Fire Department the $50,000 all at one time so that the Fire Department didn’t have to borrow it.
On a MOTION by Robert Hrin, a SECOND by Steve McClelland, all the board voting in favor, the Township will contribute $50,000 to the Fire Department in one lump sum.
Regular Monthly Meeting
April 08, 2014
Code Enforcement…
Steve McClelland announced that he was very disappointed that the COG did not open the contract up for bid for the building code enforcement. He said he had nothing against the COG but he didn’t like the way it was handle. He said he would like to see Pennsafe have the contract. He said if the Township went with Pennsafe and the SEO they use we could save $1000 by not having to pay for dues to the JCSA. Steve said the Township could stay in the COG and use that $1,000 for dues to be in the COG. Pennsafe will keep their fees the same with no increase. He also said he felt the contractor from the Township spoke as to who they wanted by signing the petition urging the Township to change the code enforcement agency to Pennsafe. Steve said the contractors complained about the service and the inspectors at the Bureau of Veritas. Supervisors discussed the rates and services.
Pennsafe - .40 /sq ft Bureau of Veritas - .42/sq ft
20% to the Twp. 30% to the Twp.
SEO – Kersey - $650 SEO – Brookville - $850
Harold Wilson backed his stand for the Bureau of Veritas. He said the COG called every contractor on the petition and all they said was that they liked working with Bill Kulbacki better. They had no complaints. Harold asked Steve why you would want an inspector that all the contractors wanted and liked.
Robert Hetrick suggested trying Pennsafe for a year. Harold said what about the permits that are open? Harold said he’s been involved in the COG for 8 years; the COG works as a whole. The bigger Townships help carry the smaller Townships. The COG keeps the permit revenue to keep the COG running and to provide all the benefits that it provides for the Townships.
On a MOTION by Steve McClelland, a SECOND by Robert Hetrick, with McClelland, Hetrick and McClintick voting yes and Wilson and Hrin voting No, the Township will use Pennsafe for the building code agency.
Greg Kruk asked where the contract was. If there is no contract in hand, then how do you know what you are voting for?
Robert Hrin MOTIONED and Harold Wilson SECONDED to rescind the motion to appoint Pennsafe the building code enforcement agency, all voting in favor except Steve McClelland and Robert Hetrick who voted No, the motion carried.
The Supervisors will review the contract from Pennsafe before voting.
Meeting updates:
TCC – Nothing to report.
COG - Harold Wilson resigned as the Township representative for the COG.
On a MOTION by Robert Hetrick, a SECOND by Mike McClelland, all the board voting in favor, after accepting Harold Wilson’s resignation as representative on the COG, Steve McClelland was appointed to replace Harold Wilson on the COG.
Regular Monthly Meeting
April 08, 2014
Bids for Road materials…
On a MOTION by Mike McClintick, a SECOND by Robert Hetrick, all the board voting in favor, the Township will advertise for road material bids to be opened at the May meeting
On a MOTION by Mike McClintick a SECOND by Robert Hetrick, all the board voting in favor, the Township will advertise for fuel bids to be opened at the May meeting
On a MOTION by Mike McClintick, a SECOND by Robert Hetrick, all the board voting in favor, the Township will advertise for a part-time road worker.
Grader Quotes…
Dan Whaling presented four quotes for a new grader.
John Deere - $193,064; Volvo - $218,192; Cat - $214,111; Case - $202,000. Bob Hrin said to keep looking for some used ones.
Fred Barfield, Chairman of the COG, gave the history on the COG. He said he met Mr. Kulbacki when he worked for the Bureau of Veritas and things worked well. The change is Bill’s not there and things are still working well. The COG covers $26,000 residents and 23 municipalities. This is a community effort.
Larry Bowers irritated what Mr. Barfield said.
On a MOTION by Steve McClelland, a SECOND by Mike McClintick, all the board voting in favor, as there was no other business or discussion, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Colleen Pifer,