Presents an

Integrated Care Management Model

4-Part Webinar Series

February 17th, March 1st, 15th & 29th, 2016

The Integrated Care Management (ICM) model is a person-centered, evidence-based care delivery model that provides care coordination and support across providers, settings, and time. Building on Wagner’s Care Model, ICM further defines the requisite practices and competencies needed to engage patients through the provision of person-centered, health literate care. ICM values highly functional teams, with the person at the center, in order to actualize genuine collaboration and facilitate superior health outcomes.

Course content focuses on practices that can be implemented immediately to ensure patient values, needs and preferences are identified, care options are presented, shared decision making occurs, self-management and self-care techniques are taught, and active collaboration and partnership with the patient is fostered.

ICM training provides care coordinators, care navigators, and case managers across a variety of provider specialties (RN’s, PT’s, OT’s, ST’s, SW) with the practices and tools to support person-centered care and uniquely position your organization as one of value for collaboration with stakeholder partners.

This web-based learning, ICM model training prepares providers to achieve the healthcare reform goals of improved quality, outcomes and lower cost through the development of competencies around:

·  Partnering with individuals, families and caregivers to promote informed, health literate, activated and engaged self-management.

·  Developing healthcare provider competencies and practices to support functioning as a prepared, proactive, health literate care team.

·  Demonstrating innovative leadership in transformational change, hardwiring excellence, and creating a learning environment that values multi-disciplinary teams.

Webinar Content:

·  In-depth overview of patient engagement best practices, including Wagner’s Care Model, healthcare policy research findings, and our Integrated Care Model (ICM)

·  Motivational interviewing and health coaching

·  Improving health literacy assessment and interventions for patients with low health literacy

·  An overview of the Transitions of Care (TOC) Program based on current best practices

·  Role of technology and remote patient monitoring in chronic care management and reducing avoidable re-hospitalizations

·  Pivotal role of the integrated care manager in the future healthcare environment

Please take note of the scheduled call times: Per agreement with the presenters this program will not be recorded.

February 17th & March 15th - (11:30 am to 1:30 pm – Eastern Time)

March 1st & March 29th - (11:30 am to 1:00 pm – Eastern Time)

Faculty: Beth Hennessey, RN, BSN, MSN, is Executive Director at Sutter Center for Integrated Care. She has more than 30 years of health care experience in clinical and leadership positions in a variety of settings including home care, acute care, case management, medical practice management and higher education. Prior to joining Sutter, Beth and co-presenter Paula Suter developed the Home-Based Chronic Care Model™, which received national awards for excellence from the National Association of Homecare and Hospice (NAHC) and Modern Healthcare.

Paula Suter, RN, BSN, MA, is the Clinical Director of Integrated Care Management (ICM) at the Sutter Center for Integrated Care. She has more than 30 years of health care clinical and leadership experience in a variety of settings including home care, acute care, intensive care, cardiac rehab, education, and research.

Integrated Care Management Model

4-Part Webinar Series

February 17th, March 1st, 15th & 29th, 2016

Continuing Education: The presenters and program planners have no conflict of interest in regard to this webinar. RNs and LPNs must participate in the entire presentation in order for contact hours to be awarded. To apply for contact hours, please mail or fax an evaluation form and a $10 processing fee for each individual requesting hours (one-time fee for the full series). Also send in a completed sign-in sheet, listing the individuals at your facility that participated and noting those requesting contact hours. Individuals requesting contact hours will receive a certificate of contact hours earned. Sponsorship has been provided for this program by Axxess.

The Ohio Council for Home Care & Hospice (OH-157, 4/1/16) is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Ohio Nurses Association (OBN-001-91), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.


1.  Use a separate form for each registration. Photocopy of original is acceptable. Each registration is for one (1) phone connection only. SHARING OF REGISTRATION OR FEES WITH OTHER AGENCIES AND/OR INDIVIDUALS IS PROHIBITED.

2.  No registration will be accepted without payment in full by either a credit card or business check (Personal checks cannot be accepted). Visa and MasterCard are acceptable forms of credit card payments. The webinar fee must be paid in full before the registrant will be allowed to participate in the program. A confirmation will be sent via email to verify site registration, as will the handouts, Internet link and 800 number for entering the webinar, and instructions for participation. If your Contact Person does not receive the E-mail confirmation two (2) business days prior to the webinar, please contact our office to verify your status.

3.  Faxed registrations will be accepted only with payment by a credit card (Visa or MasterCard). Credit card information must be complete and contain the authorized signature. Send completed forms to 2140 University Park Drive, Suite 220, Okemos, MI 48864 or FAX 517/349-8090. Mail and/or faxed registrations represent your commitment to attend and cancellation policies will apply.

4.  Please note our cancellation policy: If you cancel your registration prior to five business days before the program, you will receive a refund less 25% for administrative costs. All cancellations must be made in writing. No refunds for cancellations or exchanges within five business days of the program. If due to unforeseen circumstances we must cancel this event, registrants will receive a full refund.

5.  Payments are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, payments may be deductible under other provisions of the IRS.

Please complete the following information and mail or fax (a Visa or MasterCard must be used to provide payment at the time of faxing a registration) with payment to:


Michigan Association for Home Care, 2140 University Park Drive, Suite 220, Okemos, MI 48864

Fax: 517/349-8090 Ph: 517/349-8089

Contact Person: E-mail:




Phone: Fax:

REGISTRATION FEE PER SITE/PHONE CONNECTION: Registration fees are for one (1) phone connection. For additional sites, please copy this registration form and send in with proper payment amount. Indicate if you will be calling into the live webinar or purchasing the audio recording (fee is the same). The live webinar includes the opportunity to ask questions of the presenter.


 $525.00  $800.00

Payment Information:  Visa  MasterCard  Check

Name on Card: Card Number:

Exp Date: Amount: Date:
