City of Red Bud
Planning Commission Meeting
June 16, 2015
Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Roehrkasse at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Jared Heller, Dan McCarthy, John Holzum, Albert Gregson, Jeff Hicks, and Richard Roehrkasse
Other City Representatives: David Friess, Aldermanic Liaison
There was no hearing scheduled for the June 16 meeting.
A motion to approve the minutes from the May 19, 2015 was first given by John Holzum and seconded by Jared Heller. Motion was carried by voice vote.
Discussion on Update of City Website:
A handout was given that show’s what tabs will be available on the Planning Commission website. Information was forwarded to Pam to get her input.
Handouts were also given to show what the Breese, Bloomington and Red Bud, IL Planning Commission websites look like for their respective planning commission sites.
John Holzum was raised the question: Would the other Red Bud City department heads and city leaders have an input on what to include on the Planning Commission website? Richard said that we would want Planning Commission site to be a guide for other departments to follow.
Other Items:
The Planning Commission is looking to set up by-laws for operation procedures. By-Laws that have been set up by the Kasson Township Planning Commission were handed out to review as a guide.
A “Transition Issues” handout was presented for review to be followed during transition period for commission members and officers.
Future hearings:
In future hearings there will be handouts on past decisions with similar applications to determine if any precedence was set and to stay consistent with past decisions. These will also be included in the advisory reports given to the City Council.
Hearing next month:
There will be a hearing in July. Amy Minneman will be applying for a Special Use Permit to open a beauty shop at 426 Madison. The location was formerly used by Millers Meat Market and Church Veterinary Service.
With no other items a motion to adjourn the meeting of the Planning Commission was first given by Jeff Hicks and seconded by Jared Heller. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan McCarthy
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