AASHTO RAC Region 4 Monthly Teleconference
December 18, 2014
Present / Name / OrganizationCarolyn Morehouse / Alaska DOT
Yes / Jean Nehme / Arizona DOT
Anne Ellis / Arizona DOT
Yes / Coco Briseno – Vice Chair / California DOT
Yes / Pete Zaniewski / California DOT
Yes / Joe Horton / California DOT
Aziz Khan / Colorado DOT
Amanullah Mommandi / Colorado DOT
Wayne Kawahara / Hawaii DOT
Yes / Ned Parrish / Idaho TD
Yes / Sue Sillick / Montana DOT
Mostafa Jamshidi / Nebraska DOR
Yes / Ken Chambers - Secretary / Nevada DOT
Scott McClure / New Mexico DOT
Yes / Robert McCoy / New Mexico DOT
Ron Horner / North Dakota DOT
Yes / Ron Curb / Oklahoma DOT
Yes / Gary Hook / Oklahoma DOT
Yes / Michael Bufalino / Oregon DOT
Dave Huft / South Dakota DOT
Yes / Sonya Badgley for Dana Glover / Texas DOT
Yes / Cameron Kergaye - Chair / Utah DOT
Yes / David Stevens / Utah DOT
Yes / Leni Oman / Washington DOT
Yes / Rhonda Brooks / Washington DOT
Yes / Tim McDowell / Wyoming DOT
Agenda Items
1. Cameron Kergaye reminded us that the minutes from the November 20, 2014RAC teleconference were reviewed by two members and posted on the AASHTO SCOR/RAC web page This month the reviewers will be Ned Parrish and David Stevens.
2. SPR Subpart B Research Program National Review - Michael Bufalino
Michael shared the final report of a 2014 review of five randomly chosen states’ research programs. Due to unclear definitions and guidance, no state had complete awareness of what constituted full compliance with the regulations examined. Oregon will be actively demonstrating compliance by working closely with their FHWA division office; this will include making SPR Work Program more explicit – allowable expenditures will be identified. He also talked about requirements that research reports be approved by the FHWA Division Office (unless a formal waiver of that requirement has been granted) and the state provide annual written assurance that all program requirements are met. Overall, Michael suggests that we review work programs carefully and work with division offices to verify compliance.
3. Washington State Peer Exchange Results - Leni Oman
Leni summarized the peer exchange hosted in May, 2014. Focus areas were 1) program activities for which state DOT research offices are responsible, and 2) research project management practices.
Research offices are involved in a myriad of programs, but focus is on SPR, NCHRP, pooled-fund and UTC activities. Many Research sections were not involved in STIC, OST, or other FHWA initiatives. Relationship building is important in all programs. Discussions of program benefits and participation/leadership would be beneficial.
Research project management holds many parallels to construction project management, but often training is lacking within research; however Project Management Body of Knowledge can be utilized – Utah DOT has incorporated this approach – a strong resource that can be readily adapted to any program/project.
The final report will be posted on SCOR/RAC website when it is ready.
4. LTRC Peer Exchange - Sue Sillick
Sue recently attended the Louisiana Transportation Research Center peer exchange. Visiting team members were:
J. Darryll Dockstader, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
John Kirby, North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)
Sue Sillick, Montana Department of Transportation (MDT)
Brandon Buckner,Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Kenneth McManis, Ph.D., P.E., University of Louisiana, Lafayette (ULL)
Louisiana Transportation Research Center team members were:
Harold Paul
Mark Morvant
V.J. Gopu
Zhongjie “Doc” Zhang
Members met to discuss:
Sue confirmed that the focus areas generated many good discussions, and that the final report is in draft form and will be posted on the SCOR/RAC website after review.
5. OMB “Super Circular” for State DOTs and Subrecipients – Ned Parrish
Ned participated in a webinar hosted by FHWA yesterday regarding 2 CFR 200; recent guidance replacing numerous Office of Management and Budget circulars with the intent of increasing administrative oversight and transparency. There is an overall focus on funding, auditing, stewardship and oversight (“internal controls”). Some specifics include
The incorporation of end dates in FMIS - changes approved through division office
Award/sub-award guidelines
Performance measures
Revised definition of Modified Total Direct Cost
Review of indirect cost rates
Effective December 26, 2014 (yes, next week).
Changes are expected to be published in the federal register December 19, 2014.
Updates may be found at
Ned downloaded the slides from yesterday, and will share if requested.
6. RAC4 Meeting/Dinner at TRB – Coco Briseno
Our Region 4 will meet Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at Clyde’s. Coco has made a tentative reservation for 14-16 bodies. More information will be shared as needed.
7. 2015 RAC Summer Meeting - Ken Chambers/Michael Bufalino
Ken and Michael reported they had teleconferenced with David Stevens, Pete Zaniewski, and Joe Horton yesterday to discuss the 2015 Summer Meeting. A TRB representative will be invited to participate. Michael has addressed many of the site logistics and has even compared the 2014 agenda to the 2015 facility; the primary focus now is development of the 2015 agenda. Joe and Ken are collecting feedback and previous agendas to determine what earlier topics or sessions should be included, and holes will be filled after prioritization. Meanwhile, please forward any agenda items to Ken or the group. Ned suggested utilizing the RAC listserv to solicit agenda ideas.
9. Topics for Next Month
If anyone has suggestions for topics for next month, please send those to Cameron at
Our next meeting will be in real life at TRB – see agenda item #6 above.