NHTSA Guidelines for Agency Grant Applications
List the following criteria for your selected projects:
· Explain the need for the project.
· Explain the purpose of the project and intended accomplishments
· Specify the target audience (High-risk drivers, teenagers, elderly drivers, etc.) and their relationship to high risk groups in Alaska.
· Specify the project’s location and the relationship to the identified high risk areas in Alaska.
· Explain the potential impact of the project and how it will be measured.
· Provide a timeline listing the project activities.
· Provide reasonable and allowable proposed costs.
· Provide how you will obtain the local match, if the funding requires a match.
· Provide a plan for the project’s sustainability. Explain how the project will continue to operate after the grant year is completed.
Examples of clearly defined project proposals:
· Have a clearly defined problem statement that uses available crash or other data and relates to problems identified by the AHSO in its Highway Safety Plan.
· Relate to the State annual and long-term highway safety goal
· Establish quantifiable, measurable objectives
o Use action words
o Use clear, understandable language
o Establish a framework to evaluate project success
· Clearly define the scope of the project and the specific activities to be undertaken
· Include project milestones and deliverables (plans, report, etc.)
· Make a funding request in proportion to the size of the highway safety problem
· Include a detailed project budget
· Plan for evaluating the project success
· Plan for achieving self-sufficiency
-IMPORTANT!- NHTSA Guidelines for Data:
· Three to five years worth of current statistics
· National, Regional and local or similar states statistics
· Related to target audience
· List data source and year
Tips and Tactics for success - Partnering with State Highway Safety Offices is also a good tool to use at www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/outreach/tipsandtactics/index.htm
Additional information can be found at the NHTSA Website http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov
Other useful information on grant writing and obtaining self sufficiency:
Information for Non-Profit Organizations:
Information for Law Enforcement:
Safe Community Information:
Media Information: