Guidance 7(iv)EXAMPLE– Annual Monitoring Report
- Overview commentary
- Action tables
- Good practice table
Example Overview commentary
The programme was last sucessfully reviewed fouracademic years ago. All items raised through considering the evidence for this AMR have been noted within the action plan. There are however areas we feel are to be noted here:
Learning facilities
The students have in previous years reported to us through the ‘staff student liaison committee (SSLC)’ that they were unhappy with draughty, overcrowded and noisy lecture theatres and seminar rooms. Early last year a significant refurbishment was completed and the early feedback from students indicates the relocation of the programme has been welcomed. Library stocks have increased and two new electronic journals are now available.There is further work to be completed with regards to the PCs in the laboratories – issues are now being responded to however the PC suite still needs replacing.
Student representation
Following sector initiatives we wish to develop student representation on our internal committees to embed student engagement through our quality policies, processes and practices and to encourage transparency.
Staff recruitment and development
We have recruited one new member of staff to teach a specialist module, and two other members of staff have been welcomed to strengthen the programme team. Staff development activities have taken place including teaching and learning training sessions,attendance at the teaching and learning conference and mini conferenceand other external conferences and workshops.
Changes made
The external examiner suggested that module 1 could be strengthened by having an additional assessment of a multiple choice quiz in week 6 to further underpin students understanding at this early point and to identify which students may be struggling at this early stage. With the Link Tutor’s help and following the appropriate quality mechanisms this change was made to the module and we will monitor the impact of this next year.
Example Action tables
See also Guidance 7(i) – Annual Monitoring Reports Support for Authors.
The action tablesbelow show some example actions. Not all sections will necessarily have actions as actions should be generated from the evidence considered. For progress on actions it is useful to show the date when progress entries are made. When an action is completed either highlight the entire action to show completion or add ‘completed’ at the end of the progress notes.
Actions that are incomplete should be copied, and can be developed further, in the following years’ action table.When the snapshot at the end of the year has been submitted, save the file for future reference.
Actions should be written in a way so that they focus on specific areas to address with clear realistic outcome(s) to be met and they should be clearly achievable within an appropriate timeframe. This is the SMART format:
Specific (i.e. what specifically are you trying to achieve)
Measurable (i.e. must be able to measure achievement of the target/goal)
Relevant and Realistic
3a Update on actions from previous year
Action No. / Identified Issue and Source (evidence of issue) Cross-refer to issues raised in the report / Action plan to be followed (use bulleted list if appropriate) / Measurable outcome (Success criteria for meeting action ) / Person responsible and date for completion / Completed?yes date/ no*
*Carry unclosed actions into new action plan
1 Recruitment and Profiles
1.1 / Gender balance of programme - trend towards significantly less male students over last two years.
Ratio of applicants / enrolled shows conversion rate is less for female applicants.
(Evidence – Admissionsdata) / Investigations to identify how the gender balance could be addressed.
i.Hold focus group meeting with current female students
ii.Consider outcomes to agree way forward. / Gender balance less biased, or evidence that attempts have been made to redress the balance.
Evidence - admissions data / Programme
May 2017 / After focus group discussions, the team agreed to offer focused support tutorials for female students (whilst not excluding male participants) within bridging modules
2 Continuation and Achievement
2.1 / Decrease in number of full time students achieving through the programme
(Evidence – Assessment data) / Investigate module achievement to identify modules that may be bottlenecks for progression. / Attempts made to resolve any identified, resulting in a greater number of students progressing
Evidence - assessment data / Programme
May 2017 / Two modules in year 2 were identified and module enhancements have been put in place for the new cohort.
2.2 / Achievement of one ethnic group significantly poorer.
(Evidence – Assessment data) / Investigate the achievement data to identify where to focus support and implement support as needed. / Improved achievement of this particular ethnic group.
Evidence - assessment data / Programme
June 2017 / June 2017 – Team have identified that written work in particular is much weaker.
3 Employability
3.1 / % of Students gaining appropriate employment. Initial investigations suggeststudents are applying but failing to gain interviews or be offered positions.
(Evidence – Careers data) / Investigate currency of the programme, and consider initiatives to support students gaining employment. / Improved numbers into employment
Evidence - Careers data / Programme
June 2017 / Programme remains current, Team have introduced sessions on interview techniques with guest speakers from industry.
4 Curriculum Development
4.1 / New development in the field, staff research identified new material for embedding into one or more module(s)
(Evidence – Staff research findings) / Team to discuss where this material could be embedded and the effects on Learning Outcomes for the modules/ programme. / Enhanced modules developed and accepted by Faculty quality committee.
Evidence – meeting minutes / Programme
June 2017 / Team discussions held, changes to programme were agreed and permission requested from Faculty quality committee. COMPLETED
5 New Programme(s)
N/A – the programme has been running for four academic years and all validation conditions were met. The next review cycle in two academic years may be an opportunity to add new programmes.
6 Learning, Teaching and Assessment
6.1 / Students perceive that they do not receive enough feedback.
(Evidence – Feedback forms / SSLC minutes) /
- Team to discuss methods to improve this perception
- Ensure students are aware of all forms of feedback provided to them
- Ensure feedback provided is timely and beneficial
Evidence – feedback forms / SSLC minutes / Programme
June 2017 / Student Handbooks revised to include more on feedback mechanisms and s standardized feedback form has been developed to be used to support the marking process. COMPLETED
7 Learning and IT Resources and Student Support
7.1 / Library resources identified to be poor in a specific area (Evidence – SSLC minutes) / Identify required library materials and work with Library to ensure provision is supplemented / Library stock improved. / Programme
June 2017 / Librarian has sourced required books/journals
7.2 / Students identify poor maintenance of PCs in lab rooms.
(Evidence – SSLC minutes) / Team to inform technical support department (CCSS) of the issues.
Team to ask that students report maintenance issues as they occur. / Maintenance levels improved – SSLC / Programme
Team / LR
June 2017 / CCSS have managed reported issues on a case by case basis however have informed us the PCs and associated equipment will be completely replaced during the next year. NOT COMPLETED - CARRIED FORWARD
8 Quality Management Process
8.1 / Statistics are not readily available / easy to access / Team to work with Faculty / local data provider to agree suitable access arrangements / Data availability improved / Programme
Team / HoD/ Faculty
Oct 2016 / Format and resource area for data has been agreed with guidance from University on requirements.
9 Operation and Management of Collaborative Links
9.1 / Improve communications with the University Link tutor by arranging formal meetings. (Evidence – Team identified they do not have regular contact.) / Team to work with Faculty / link tutor to agree formal meetings. / Programme
Team / University Link tutor Dec 2016 / Meetings are now held every two months where the Link tutor visits our site and meets with staff and students.
3b New and carried over actions for 2017-18
Action No. / Identified Issue and Source (evidence of issue) Cross-refer to issues raised in the report / Action plan to be followed (use bulleted list if appropriate) / Measurable Outcome (Success criteria for meeting action) / Person(s) responsible and date for completion / Completed?yes date/ no*
*Carry unclosed actions into new action plan
1 Recruitment and Profiles
1.1 / Improve programme marketing materials with a focus on attracting female students
(Evidence – advertising materials / admissions data) / Concentrate on increasing the visibility of female students’ through the advertising materials. / Revised advertising materials, gender balance less biased in the Sept 18 cohort / Programme
January 2018
2 Continuation and Achievement
2.1 / Carried forward: Achievement of one ethnic group significantly poorer.
After investigation it has become clear that written work in particular is much weaker. (Evidence – Assessmentdata) / Work with Language and Learning Support office to provide support to the students. Embed this additional support for future cohorts. / Improved achievement of this particular ethnic group. / Programme
February 2018
3 Employability
N/A changes were implemented last year so we do not feel changes are needed this year.
4 Curriculum Development
4.1 / Develop the student guidance for choosing their second year optional module selections.
(Evidence – SSLC minutes / feedback from students) / Explain the impact that choosing certain modules in the second year will have on their final year module choices within the programme handbook. / Students make informed decisions on option modules – SSLC feedback / Programme
February 2018
5 New Programme(s)
5.1 / The programme is due for review in the following academic year. Preparations for this will begin this year. / Initial considerations indicate a postgraduate programme may be well received. Programme team to investigate this with current undergraduate students and marketing department. / Decision made as to creating a postgraduate programme. / Programme Team / Marketing Department May 2018
6 Learning, Teaching and Assessment
6.1 / External examiner suggested strengthening module 1
(Evidence – EE report) / Consider implementation of additional assessment of multiple-choice quiz to underpin students understanding and identify struggling students. Appropriate quality mechanisms to be followed to approve this. / Creation of new assessment and approval of this through appropriate University Quality mechanisms. / Programme Team
December 2017
7 Learning and IT Resources and Student Support
7.1 / Carried forward: After students identified poor maintenance of PCs in lab rooms, the technical support department (CCSS)have confirmed the budget is in place to replace all Lab PCs and equipment during this academic year. / CCSS to work with programme team’s technical support to ensure the replacement of all Lab PCs and equipment including all necessary software. / Replaced PCs with necessary software. / Programme
Team / CCSS
July 2018
8 Quality Management Process
8.1 / Students are currently involved with curriculum development through the staff student liaison committee. We wish to further this to have student representatives on more internal committees. (Evidence – industry sources) / Partner to implement institution-wide representation from students on internal committees.
- Consider where student representation is appropriate
- Communicate purpose of having student representatives to students.
- Introduce student representative selection method
- Produce training resources for student representatives
January 2018
9 Operation and Management of Collaborative Links
9.1 / Assessment Boards are currently arranged last minute creating problems with attendance and staff planning their workload.
(comments made at Assessment Boards) / Work with University to implement a new process to ensure Assessment Boards are scheduled at the beginning of the academic year. / Scheduled Assessment Boards / Programme
Team / University
November 2018
Example Good Practice identified as suitable for dissemination
Good Practice / Originator / Proposed method of disseminationCollaboration with external partners and stakeholders to ensure provision is appropriate to need and employability
Summer School (Year 11 pupils)
Membership of pan-London health profession. / Programme team / Teaching and learning committee.
Widening participating activities: sixth form conference (Sociology and Criminology), / Partner Careers service / Teaching and learning committee.
recruitment operation group.