WMJR AI 05 January 2012
MEMORANDOM FOR: JROTC Cadet Commanders and Faculty Advisors
SUBJECT: Wentworth Military Academy, Red Dragon Raider Challenge Memorandum of Instruction (MOI)
Welcome to the Red Dragon Raider Challenge, hosted by Wentworth Military Academy, in Lexington, MO on Saturday, 5 May 2012. The Red Dragon Raider Challenge is a seven event, “head to head”, team competition. The seven events included in the Red Dragon Raider Challenge are:
a. APFT-M (Army Physical Fittess Test Modified)( First Event)
b. 10K Road March and Poncho Raft Swim (Final Event)
c. One-rope Bridge
d. Land Navigation (Compass Course)
e. Cross Country Litter Rescue
f. Raider Onslaught
g. Dirty Name
Because every meet is slightly different in one or more respects, please read this MOI throughly.
General Procedural Information:
There will be directional signs posted along common approaches to the school. Upon arrival at Wentworth, schools arriving the day of the meet should enter the west entrance (18th Street)and proceed to the parking lot vicinity of the Fied House. Guides will then escort advisors and team commanders to their respective areas.
(SAT 0530005May11) –Team Commander/Advisors’ Meeting. Location: Field House Chute, Wikoff Athletic Center. Purpose of this meeting is to provide additional coordination and to make any necessary adjustments to the master schedule. Final registration processing will also occur, accounts will be settled, meal arrangements will be coordinated, and information packets will be provided.
Event Timeline:
TIME / EVENT / LOCATION0530-0550 / Commanders Meeting / Field House
0600-0715 / ARMY PT Test / Field House
0720-0800 / Breakfast / Dining Hall
0800-1500 / Competition Events / WMA Campus
1530-1600 / Awards Ceremony / Field House
Teams/Size/Time Requirements:
Each team will consist of 8 team members. Schools may enter up to two teams for competition. Additional teams may be accepted if there is a slot avaiable, decision is 21 April 2012. Teams for this Raider Challenge meet may include a combination of both male and female cadets.
a. Each team must consist of 8 competing members and one alternate. Teams may consist of a mix of genders.
b. The one alternate can be utilized as an “event stand in” prior to the start of any event. An alternate may be utilized for any event as many times as the team desires so long as the 8 team members that start an event complete the event. No substitutions are allowed after an event begins. Alternate substitution must be declared verbally to the Event Grader prior to the start of the event in which a substitution occurs.
c. In the case where a team does not complete an event with ALL 8 team members that started the event the team will forfeit that event. The event time and scores will not be computed for the overall team scores. It is the Team Commander’s responsibility to declare forfeiture for his or her team.
d. Any team found to have substituted an alternate AFTER an event begins or does not declare forfeiture when it applies will be disqualified entirely from the competition.
Event locations:
Refer to the campus map included in this packet or the map provided at the commander’s meeting. Additionally each team will be assigned a Wentworth Military Academy cadet who will serve as the unit guide. The Operations Center will be located in the racquet ball court located in the field house.
a. The Army Physical Fitness Test will be conducted in the vicinity of Wikoff Athletic Center and the outdoor running track at the soccer field/north parade field.
b. 10K Road March and Ponch Raft event will be conducted thru the streets of Lexington. The poncho raft will be incorporated into the road march route using a crossing point on the Lexington Lions Club Lake.
c. The One-Rope Bridge will be conducted on the Wentworth campus.
d. The Landnavigation Course will be conducted in the local Lexington-Lafayette County area (Battle of Lexington State Park).
e. The Raider Onslaught will be conducted on the WMA Campus.
f. The Cross Country litter carry will conducted on the WMA Campus.
g. The Dirty Name will be conducted on the WMA Campus.
Security of Team Eqipment:
Each visiting team will be assigned a “Equipment Zone” located in Wikoff Athletic Center. As in passed years wrestling mats are available to sleep on for units is arriving Friday Night. Locker Rooms may be used for changing/dressing room It is each school’s responsibility to secure possessions left in changing rooms. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN CHANGING ROOMS. If you have specific need to secure high-dollar items, request assistance at the Operations Center
a. Guests, family members, and visitors are welcome and encouraged to attend the Raider Challenge Meet.
b. While welcome on campus, guests, family members and visitors are reminded the Academy is in full operation and the Corps of Cadets is in residence. Guests or visiting cadets are allowed NO access to barracks rooms at any time for any reason.
c. If and when competition times may allow, unit guides may escort interested visiting cadets on a general tour of campus. Competition times will not be assigned to facilitate non- meet events (tours, etc). It is the visiting team’s responsibility to ensure its personnel are at the right place and time as required by the competition schedule. All other activities are secondary to the meet’s operational requirements.
d. In addition to host cadet guides and Wentworth JROTC cadre personnel, are available if needed, to answer questions, resolve situations or assist in a general way.
e. Advisors/guests are also encouraged to take close-up photographs during the award ceremony to commemorate their team’s achievements.
Safety precautions are required at all times during the meet. Team advisors are requested to enforce safety rules and use general caution at all times. Please report any accidents or incidents to the Coordination Center in case emergency medical assistance is needed. IAW routine JROTC procedures, schools will have a Covenant Not to Sue for each of their participating cadets. Wentworth Military Academy will not be responsible for accidents or injuries. Team advisors will bring all release forms, properly completed, and turned into the event Coordination Center prior to visiting cadets participating in this Raider Challenge event. There can be NO exceptions to this liability waiver issue.
The following is equipment required by the attending teams.
a. ACU/BDU Uniform with boots and ACU/BDU cap
b. Athletic/Running/Tennis shoes for P.T. Test. PT Test will be taken in ACU pants, with T-shirt and running shoes.
c. Team Guidon. (Any type of flag is acceptable- Company, Raider...Etc)
d. Web Belt with canteen and poncho or camel back water system. (note poncho is required)
e. Bathing Suit, Female cadets may only use a one pice with T-shirt worn over it.
f. Signed Release of Liability & Statement of Health (Form A); JROTC Cadet release of Liability Form (Form B) and Agreement to participate at my own risk in rappelling with Army JROTC (Form C)
Missouri Army National Guard (MOARNG) , USAREC and WMA Senior ROTC personnel will provide judging of the meet. The decision of the judges is final. The judges will do their best to provide fair evaluations of all schools; please do not bring complaints to individual judges. Complaints or protests should be brought to the attention of the meet coordinator who will attempt to resolve issues with the event’s Senior Judge.
Schools may enter a maximum of two, 8 -member teams in the Red Dragon Raider Challenge. At the conclusion of the meet, trophies/awards will be presented as follows:
First to Third Place Overall Team Trophy
First to Third Place Team PT
First to Third Place High Physical Fitness Individual Award male and female
First to Third Place One Rope Bridge
First to Third Place Cross Country Litter Rescue
First to Third Place Land Navigation
First to Third Place Red Dragon Raider Gauntlet
First to Third Place Dirty Name
15. Entry Fees:
A basic fee of $100.00 per 8-member team is required to partially offset the costs of event trophies and awards. Fees must be paid in full either by pre-registration or at registration upon arrival. Advance payment with pre-registration is encouraged to facilitate better meet planning and smoother registration on the day of the Raider Challenge event.
Lunch on 5 May 11 is included in the entry fee. If you are arriving on Friday the Corps eats supper at 1730 hours. We can include your teams in this meal if desired. Cost for supper is $5.00 per person. Breakfast 5 May 11 following the PT test is in Dining Hall at $3.00 per person. Best of luck to each school. Have a safe trip to and from Lexington. POCs for this event are the undersigned or 1SG (Ret) Timothy Dougherty (Direct Line 660-259-6081 or 660-259-2221, Ext. 1343).
Matthew Wyman Edward L. Fiora
C/LTC, Wentworth Military Academy MAJ (RET), FA
US Army JROTC Battalion Commander SAI, WMA JROTC
(660-259-2221, Ext. 1342)
a. Army Physical Fitness Test
b. 10K Road March & Poncho Raft Swim
c. One-Rope Bridge
d. Land Navigation
e. Cross Country Rescue
f. Raider Onslaught
g. Dirty Name
h. Schedule of events
i. Pre-Registration Form
j. Release Forms: A, B and C
k. Map with driving directions
l. WMA Campus Footprint
Encl: A
Each team member will be evaluated physically by taking the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT).
1. Scored Task:
a. Push-Ups
b. Sit-Ups
c. 1-Mile Cross Country run in boots
2. Uniform:
I. ACU/BDU bottoms, T-Shirt, boots.
1. The standards and instructions in FM 21-20 will be adhered to.
2. The event supervisor is the timer. For Push-Ups and Sit-ups, the supervisor will call out the time remaining every 30 seconds and every second for the last 10 seconds of the two minutes. The event ends after two minutes by the command "Halt” or “Stop”!
3. SAI’s/AI’s may assist scorers in identifying team members during the APFT 1 mile run.
4. Scoring will be used on the 17-21 year old age group. Extended Scale will be used for individual scores only. The standard scale will be used to determine team averages.
5. Trophies will be awarded to the top male and top female overall in the APFT score.
6. It is the team advisor’s responsibility to ensure that all team members are familiar with and understand the standards for this event. Abbreviated instructions will be given at the event. A copy of the standards and instructions are contained within FM 21-20 for the push-up and sit-up the run event will use a modified time scale.
Encl: B
TASK: Each team must complete the 10K Road March with all team members. During the road march there will be a water obstacle that must be crossed using a poncho raft. The overall event is timed.
1. Uniform:
a. ACU/BDU Uniform (Blouse, Bottoms, Boots)
b. Pistol Belt and Canteen completely full of water. Hydration systems are authorized for use as long as the entire team uses the same equipment. Either all are using canteens or hydration systems.
2. Equipment:
a. One rucksack containing the team’s rope bridge equipment (Team provided)
b. Three rucksacks, 4 ponchos and 550 cord provided by WMA JROTC.
1. The start and finish will be on the WMA Campus.
2. All eight team members must finish together within a 10 meter mark on the ground.
3. A five 5-minute penalty will be assessed for every team member outside the 10 meter mark.
4. If any team member is unable to finish, the team will be disqualified from that event only.
5. Team will supply and carry one rucksack. The rucksack must include all the team’s rope bridging equipment. Team members have the option of carrying their individual Swiss/Aussie seats and distributing the contents of the rucksack amongst team members.
6. The teams will break down into two four person teams. Each team will be required to build a poncho raft and successfully swim the raft across the designated route.
7. The four person team will place their boots inside the poncho raft.
8. Each member of the team must wear a personal flotation device.
9. Once your team has crossed the water obstacle. You can immediately disassemble your poncho raft and put your boots back on your feet.
10. Your entire Raider Squad must be across the water obstacle and back in the proper uniform before the team can continue with the road march.
NOTE: SAIs/AIs/Chaperones and non-competing cadets are allowed on the road march course. No helping the participating team only in the event of an emergency. It is recommended that one member of the team carries a cellular phone in case of an emergency.
Encl: C
A team must move from point A to point B by constructing and deconstructing a one-rope bridge across a simulated river using proper knots and equipment.
1. Uniform:
a. ACU/BDU Uniform
b. Pistol Belt and Canteen or Hydration system
2. Equipment:
a. 150 foot Rope
b. 8 sections of rope for the Swiss/Aussie seats.
c. 10 snap links
d. One rucksack (Team Provided)
e. Each team is required to bring their rope bridge equipment
1. Time will begin when the command “GO” is given. Time will end when all knots are untied and all team members are across. Seats DO NOT have to be removed.
2. Cadets will arrive at the rope bridging site with their seats already tied and in place. Teams are ready for seat inspection when the commander reports to the head evaluators. DO NOT report to the evaluator until the team is prepared to negotiate this event. Evaluators will inspect team members and assess penalties for incorrectly tied knots.
3. After the evaluators inspect and correct seats the team will be given a one minute preparation time to lay out rope. No knots in the rope are allowed during prep and no snap links can be on the rope. Hint – come to the bridge site with your rope out of the rucksack.