2921 Briarpark Drive

Apt 223, Houston, TX.77042 (806)-392-3431

Objective Proactive and Ambitious professionalseeking afull-time career in civil engineering or related fields proving the opportunity to make a strong contribution, where I can learn through continued development of my skills.


Water Resources Center, Texas Tech University May 2010 –December 2011

Research Assistant

  • The work involved analysis of temperature, water quality and precipitation data for southern high plains in Texas.
  • A latest stochastic technique ‘Copula’ is used for studying and comparing the weather parameters thereby describing and managing the available water resources in the region.
  • Considering various GCMs and emission scenarios, a risk assessment procedure is proposed, which explains the exceedance probabilities, of the set water quality standards in the future, for southern high plains region.

Student Assistant August 2009 –May 2010

  • Data managementfor Climate Change Project, Texas Water Development Board(TWDB). The duties involved collecting and organizing climate data for 254 counties in Texas.
  • Preparing assignments, proctoring exams, and grading papers for Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology.
  • Collecting water samples from nearby lakes to test the water quality parameters using equipment such as ADCP,YSI650, ADV and MicroADV

SV Constructions, Warangal, India April 2008- June 2009

Junior Engineer

  • Conducted concrete air tests and concrete slump tests
  • Performed field exploration, layout of borings, testing and classification of soil samples, preparation of geotechnical engineering reports
  • Reviewed final roadway designs and developed project quantities
  • Performed topographic surveys, construction staking, construction surveys, and level loops

WINTER IISc National Training for Entry to Research December 2008

  • The training involved research sessions in various fields of civil engineering
  • Collaborated with other groups in using GIS and other hydraulic and hydrologic modeling.

Industrial Consultancy Cell, Kakatiya University May2007–December 2007

Field Technology Intern

  • Assisted Engineers with calculations, schematics for planning and design at field locations
  • Surveyed the site locations using Total Station, GPS and presented an estimate for the project.
  • Performed duties pertaining to drainage systems and flood control.



Title: Analysis of High Strength Concrete Beams in Shear by strengthening Shear Predominantregions with fibers.

  • Different shear failure patterns were studied by introducing steel fibers in the shear predominant regions for the casted beams. Considering different aspect ratios the beams were casted. Varying the shear reinforcement and introducing the steel fibers for each beam improved the strength and also enhanced the durability of the beam. This design is cost effective when compared to using only the shear reinforcement.


  • Open channel hydraulics: The project involved the application of concepts learned in the class to a real world problem which utilizes the software HEC-RAS. This software helped in the one- dimensional river analysis by the application of concepts such as, steady flow water surface profile computations fordifferent flow regimes, unsteady flow simulations, sediment transport/movable boundary computations and water quality analysis.
  • Groundwater Hydrology: The duties involved in this project were to install groundwater wells in the given region and then analyze the total drawdown from these wells with some natural constraints. The software MODFLOW was used here. The cost calculations for pumping the water from the wells were also presented.
  • Advanced work in water resources: Analysis and management of environmental and water resources data by using the programming language R. Computing the summary statistics, and performing various tests on the data for risk assessment and better management of the resources.
  • Geographic Information Systems:“The Buffalo Commons” project involved the selection of the best location which facilitates in the reestablishment of the native grasslands and serve as a habitat for the reinvigorated population of American bison. Using the software ArcGIS the suitable region required for the project was mapped also considering the budget allocations.
  • Surface water quality Modeling: A conceptual model and a mathematical model of Total Suspended Solids(TSS) were developed using Clear Creek Bacteria TMDL data. Using the flow data, TSS data the settling velocity for the model was calculated assuming a steady state system. The work was supported with literature review.
  • Surface Water Modeling: Three different projects involving the application of programs R, HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, MD-SWMS were implemented. One dimensional and two dimensional river analyses were performed for various rivers. The modeling process includes tasks such as building the grid, applying boundary conditions, simulation run and the evaluation of results. Features like Particle tracking and streamlines generation at a location were used.
  • Air pollution control and Design: Designedvarious air pollution control systems such as Cyclones, Fabric Filters, Wet Scrubbers, Electrostatic Precipitators. The duties were not limited to calculating the collection efficiency and evaluating the various other parameters such as the cost of the system, controlling the emissions from the mobile sources and indoor air pollutants. Air dispersion modeling techniques were also used.

Skills Languages: VBA,C, R

Design Tools: MS Office suite, Auto CAD, HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, MODFLOW, ArcGIS, Primavera

MD-SWMS, SToRM, MicroStation,GEOPAK,@RISK, Six Sigma, EPA SWMM

Education Texas Tech University(TTU), Lubbock, Texas. December2011

Master of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering GPA 3.6/4.0

Kakatiya University, Warangal, India. May 2009

Bachelor of Technology, Civil Engineering GPA 3.8/4.0

Relevant Courses

Environmental Water Resources

Microbial Application in Environmental Engineering Groundwater Hydrology

Advanced Water Treatment Surface water modeling

Advanced Physical Chemical Wastewater Treatment Open Channel Hydraulics

Biological Municipal Wastewater Treatment Surface Water Quality Modeling

Microbial Application in Environmental Engineering Lab Geographic Information Systems

Advanced Water Treatment Lab Physical Chemical WWT Lab

Design of Air Pollution Control Systems Advanced work in Water Resources

Solid and Hazardous Waste Treatment

Sustainable Development and Green Construction(LEED Certification)

Technical Papers

  • Presented a paper titled “Solid waste management practices” at Andhra University, Vizag, India
  • Presented a paper titled “Air pollution control methods” at Revelation’08, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India.

Awards and Honors

  • Graduate stipend at Texas Tech University (May 2010 to December 2011)
  • Secured First place in the Quiz competitions at Vasavi College of Engineering
  • Won several prizes at Inter college cultural competitions.


Undergraduate Project, Kakatiya University, group leader June 2008 –April 2009

Civil Engineering Association, Kakatiya University May 2005 -May 2009

Cultural and Co-curricular Activities, executive member June 2007-May 2009

American Society of Civil Engineers (A.S.C.E.) student chapter Aug 2009 - Dec2011

Texas Society of Professional Engineers (T.S.P.E.) student chapter Aug 2009 - Dec 2011

Engineers Without Borders (E.W.B.) student chapter Aug 2009 - Dec 2011

Society of Environmental Professionals (S.E.P.) student chapter Aug 2009 - Dec 2011

Availability : Immediate Willing to relocate