Permanent AddressS/o. Mr. G.Janakiraman
5/91-15, Sasthapuram
Thiruvarur Dist– 614 001.
Tamil Nadu, India / Present Address
Pharmaceutical Technology
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia-56000
Mobile : 011-23435626
To pursue a challenging career with commitment and dedication where I can explore my skill of experience to grow professionally in the challenging and creative environment.
Total Experience: 7+ Years (Academic and Research)
Published papers in International and National Journals: 13 Nos.
M. Pharm Project Guided : 10 Nos
Attended / Presented papers in International and National Conferences: 15 Nos.
As a reviewer for the Journals
- International Journal of Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Journal of Developmental Biology & Tissue engineering ( External Reviewer)
Degree /Subject(s)
/ University / Period of Study / DivisionPh. D / Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) / PRIST University-Thanjavur / 2010-2013 / Commended
M. Pharm / Pharmaceutics / SASTRA University-Thanjavur / 2006-2008 / First class with Distinction
B. Pharm / Pharmaceutical Sciences / The TN. Dr. M.G.R Medical University, Tamil Nadu / 2001 – 2004 / First class
D. Pharm / Pharmacy / Directorate of Medical Education, Madras / 1997-1999 / First class
Ph.D in Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics):
Research Topic: Design and Evaluation of Sustained Release Formulations of Nano Carvedilol
Research Area: Nanotechnology
Master of Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics):
Research Topic: Formulation and Evaluation of Olmesartan Medoxomil and Hydrochlorothiazide combination as tablets
Research Area: Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy
Bachelor of Pharmacy:
Research Topic: Standardization of Essential oils of Genus “Jasminum”.
Research Area: Pharmacognosy
Working as Lecturer in Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysiafrom April 2015 to till date
Worked as Research Associate in Formulation Research & Development Department in apex laboratories Private Limited, Chennai from March 2013 to April 2015
Worked as Assistant Professor cum Research scholar in Faculty of Pharmacy, PRIST University, Thanjavur, from September 2008 to July 2012
Worked as Lecturer in S.Chaavan College of Pharmacy, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, from May 2008 to September 2008
Sustained release tablets
Topical products (Cream, Ointment and gel)
Transdermal drug delivery system
Drug transport studies
In situ gel eye drops
Analytical method development and validation
Literature Survey, Preformulation studies, Formulation development and stability studies in lab scale batches in coordination with other departments.
Capable in developing formulations in dosage forms like Tablets,Oral liquids, Creams, Ointments Gels and Eye drops etc.
Handling theory classes and conducting practical sessions of Pharmaceutical technology I&II, Physical pharmacy I&II and Dosage form design for B.Pharm
Handling theory classes and conducting practical sessions of Advances in Pharmaceutics for M.Pharm
Handling theory classes and conducting practical sessions of Industrial Pharmacy for M.Pharm
Handling theory classes and conducting practical sessions of Designing of dosage forms for M.Pharm
Handling theory classes of Novel drug delivery system and IPR for M.Pharm
Guiding projects to M.Pharmacy Students
Designing new Practical experiment as per M.Pharmacy syllabus
Pharmaceutics: Campbell electronic 6 basket USP Dissolution apparatus and 9 station rotary tablet punching machine
Analytical Chemistry: UV, HPLC, FT-IR and Particle size analyzer
Phyto-chemistry: Extraction of Active Ingredient
Pharmacy Software: Shelf life prediction (NOVA LIMS)
Acted as a camp Officer for handled PRIST University examination at Pune in 2010
Worked as area sales officer in Modi Mundi Pharma (Delhi) placed at Thanjavur, from December 2004 to April 2006
Participated in various cultural activities at inter and intra college level.
Acted as the Chairman for cultural program at KM college of pharmacy, Madurai in 2003
Attended personality development camp at KM college of pharmacy, Madurai in 2004
Council: Registered Pharmacist with the Tamil Nadu Pharmacy council, India
(Reg. No. 13093 A1)
Association: Association of pharmacy teachers of India (APTI,
Period: Life (Reg. No. TN/LM-432)
Date of Birth : 15.06.1979
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indian
Marital Status : Married with one children
Languages Known : English, Tamil
Passport Number: H7966569
Dr. V. GOPALPrincipal,
College of Pharmacy
Mother Thereasa Insitute of Health Sciences,
Puducherry– 605006.
Mobile : +919894832221
Email: / Dr. N.KANNAPPAN
Associate Professor,
Department of Pharmacy,
Annamalai University
Annamalainagar– 608 602.
Mobile : +919443878647
I hereby declare all the above details are true to best of my knowledge.
(J. Ashok Kumar)
Place: Mannargudi
1. J. Ashok Kumar, A. Sathya, K. Senthil Kumar, Patil Sakar, S.B. Lokesh and V. Gopal Simultaneous Estimation of Olmesartan medoxomil and Hydrochlorothiazide by RP-HPLC method from combined dosage forms. “International Journal of Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences” Volume-1, Issue-1, Page 24-27; 2010. (Scopus Indexed)
2. R. Sathyasundar, I. Carolin Nimila, J. Ashok Kumar, T.M. Vijaya Kumar, G. Poovi, R. Sankar Anand. Analytical method development and validation of different marketed Diadanosine tablet by RP-HPLC. “International Journal of Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences” Volume-1, Issue-2, Page 205-208; 2010.(Scopus Indexed)
3. S. Prathap, S.S. Rajendran, A. Dinakar, G. Srivasa Rao, J. Ashok Kumar, C. Roosewelt. Simultaneous determination of Gatifloxacin and Ambroxol hydrochloride from tablet dosage form using RP-HPLC “International Journal of Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences” Volume-1, Issue-3, Page 325-327; 2010. (Scopus Indexed)
4. J. Ashok Kumar, Nikhila Pullakandam, S. Lakshmana Prabu V. Gopal. Transdermal drug delivery system: An overview “International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research” Volume-3, Issue-2, Page 49-54, July-August 2010. (Scopus Indexed)
5. Kalimuthu Panneer, Janakiraman Ashok Kumar, T.K Pavithra, N.Suresh, S.Ramkanth. Formulation and evaluation of Glyceryl Trinitrate controlled drug delivery system “International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biotechnology” Volume-1, Issue-3, Page 155-160, 2010.
6. J. Ashok Kumar, T. Rekha, S. Shyamala devi, M. Kannan, A, Jaswanth, V. Gopal. Insecticidal activity of Ethanolic extract of leaves of Annona squamosa “Jounal of chemical and Pharmaceutical Research” Volume-2, Issue-5, Page 177-180, 2010.
7. I. Carolin Nimila, P. Balan, R. Sathiya Sundar, J. Ashok Kumar and S.Rajasekar. Simultaneous RP-HPLC estimation of Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride and Ornidazole in tablet dosage form “Asian journal of Research and Chemistry” Volume-4, Issue-2, Page 227-230, February 2011.
8. J. Ashok Kumar, M. Rajesh, S. Mythiesh Kumar, T. Gririraj Kulkarni and V. Gopal. Formulation and In vitro evaluation of Araucaria bidwilli gum based Sustain release matrix tablets of Diclofenac sodium “Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care”Volume-3, Issue-1, Page 15-21, 2011.
9. S. Lakshmana Prabu, T.N.K. Suriyaprakash and J. Ashok Kumar. Wastewater Treatment Technologies: A Review “Pharma Times (Indian Pharmaceutical association)” Volume-43, Issue-05, Page 09-13, May-2011. (Scopus indexed).
10. Sharma Vijay, Singh Lalit, saxena Pratiush and Kumar J Ashok. Formulation and Evaluation of Mouth dissolve Tablets of Cefixime. “International Research journal of Pharmacy”. Volume-2, Issue-5, Page 171-174, 2011.
11. Govind K Chandile, J. Ashok Kumar, Suhas M. Kakade, S. Rajasekar, Ravindra T. Jadhav. Development and evaluation of haloperidol orally disintegrating tablets using novel co-processed superdisintegrants. “International Journal of Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences” Volume-2, Issue-3, Page 348-352; 2011.
12. M .Kannan, Anil dasari, M. Karthikeyan, J. Ashok Kumar and S. Rajasekar. Efect of terminalia bellerica fruit roxb on alloxan induced diabetic related atherosclerosis on wistar albino rats. “International Journal of Phytopharmacology”. Volume-3, Issue-1, Page 5-9; 2012.
13. Ashok Kumar. J and V. Gopal. Development and evaluation of sustained release matrix transdermal patches of Nano Carvedilol. “International Journal of Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences” Volume-4, Issue-2, Page 321-327; 2013.(Scopus Indexed)
National Seminar on Nano biogovernance- Pharmaceutical Technical Advances, Research challenges and future direction 18&19 December 2006. Organized by Department of Pharmaceutics, Periyar college of Pharmaceutical Sciences for girls, Tiruchirappalli
Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences 9th June 2007. Organized by KMCH College of Pharmacy, Coimbatore
“National Pharmacy week celebration and 2nd IAPST Annual national convention 2008” on 23rd November 2008 at MMC Chennai
International conference on Photonic Nanotechnology and Computer application Feb 2009, PRIST University, Thanjavur (ICOPNAC-2009)
International Herbal Conference 2009 , February 26th, 27th&28th at Bangalore
60th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress 2008, December 12th to 14th New Delhi
Jomephar 09 ,National Level Symposium on 23rd march 2009 organized by Sri Sarada College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad
International conference on Drug delivery 29th&30th January 2010 organized by PSG College of Pharmacy, Coimbatore
Role of Nanotechnology in the Development of Herbal Medicine-An update, February10th&11th 2010. Organized by Periyar college of Pharmaceutical Sciences for girls, Tiruchirappalli
Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2010(Trips 2010) February15th&16th 2010. Organized by Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar
One day Seminar on advents in Advance Biotechnology September 2010. Organized by Department of Biotechnology, PREC, Vallam, Thanjavur
National Seminar on combating Ozone layer Depletion (COLD-2010) 16 th September 2010. Organized by Centre for Environmental Engineering, PRIST University, Thanjavur & Department Science and Technology (New Delhi)
Seminar cum training on “UPLC” Which was sponsored by WATERS INDIA Pvt.ltd Bangalore (July 2010)
International conference on “Greening food Processing sector for sustainable safe food supply” Conducted at Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, Thanjavur, 30th&31st October 2010
National Seminar on Strategies in New Drug Discovery,3rd December 2010, Organized by Thanthai Rover college of Pharmacy, Perambalur
One day Seminar on New drug invention and Reverse engineering on 22 nd May 2010 at Puducherry Campus, PRIST University
Recent Trends in “ LC” Techniques on 29th September 2010,Thanjavur, East Campus, PRIST University
ICMR Sponsored workshop on “Realization of Biostatistics in Research” on 7& 8 th October 2010 at Puducherry Campus, PRIST University