Curriculum Vitae Samia EL Gizawy

Samia Mahmoud El-Gizawy (Ph.D)

Curriculum Vitae @ 2010

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Samia Mahmoud El-Gizawy

Professor Pharm. Anal. Chem.

Education / Doctorate of Philosophy(Ph.D.)
Assiut University channel system with University of Florida,JHMHC,USA.
Assiut –Egypt Gainsville-Florida, USA.
Master of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)
Faculty of Pharmacy
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Assiut University
Assiut- Egypt.
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (very good, with degree of Honor)
Faculty of Pharmacy, Assuit university, Assiut- Egypt.
Career Experience Professional
(Cont.) / Sept. 2006-Till now
October University of Modern Sciences & Arts (MSA)
Faculty of Pharmacy
Job Title: Professor& Head Dept. of Analytical Chemistry
Sept. 2005-2006
October University For Modern Sciences & Arts (MSA)
Faculty of Pharmacy
Job Title: Professor. of Analytical Chemistry
Teaching and assisting in the delivery of academic education courses for Under graduates, the courses include:
§  Course Title: PC 121 [Qualitative Analytical chemistry]
§  Course Title: PC 122 [Quantitative Analytical chemistry, volumetric]
§  Course Title: PC 221 [Quantitative Analytical chemistry, volumetric]
Course Title : PC 222 [Instrumental Analysis]
Course Title: PC 421 [ Quality Control]
Course Title: PC 501 [research Project, for graduation]
In addition, I’m involved in several administrative, academic, and cultural Activities in the University, include:
§  Member in the faculty Committee
§  Academic Advisor
§  Family leader for first year students
§  Preparation of website course materials and the handouts of PC121, PC 122, PC 221 & PC 222.
Sept. 2007-2008
Professor& Head Dept. of Analytical Chemistry
Dept. of Pharm. Chem.
Faculty of Pharmacy
King Khaled University, Abha, Saudia Arabia
May 2000- Sep. 2005
Professor of Pharm. Anal. Chem.
Dept. of Pharm. Anal. Chem.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Assiut University
Assiut – Egypt
Main Responsibilities include:
§  Membership of Pharm. Anal. Chem. Dept. board
§  Membership in the faculty of Pharmacy Committee
§  Supervisor of Master & Ph.D. Thesis (Channel system with Japanees University)
§  Teaching Pharm. Anal. Chem. For Undergraduate students
§  Teaching special courses (Drug analysis, Chromatography,HPLC, Electrophoresis, Drug delivery system) for postgraduate students.
§  Chairing with the staff members of faculty of Pharmacy ,Assiut University in preparing the “ Assiut University Pharm. Sciences Conferences”
Sept. 1995-1997
Ass. Professor of Analytical Chemistry
Dept. of Pharm. Chem.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Jan.1992-April 2000
Associated Prof. Pharm. Anal. Chem.
Dept. of Pharm. Anal. Chem.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Assiut University
Assiut- Egypt
Main responsibilities include:
§  Membership of Pharm. Anal. Chem. Board.
§  Supervisor of M.Sc. &Ph.D. thesis
§  Working as Associated Professor of Pharm. Anal. Chem. In Faculty of Pharmacy in King Saud University, Saudia Arabia.(Nov.1994-Jan.1997)
§  Postdoctoral fellowship in Dept. of pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery
Research, Faculty of Pharmacy ,University of Rhode-Island, Kingston, Rhode-Island, USA
Lecturer of Pharm. Chem.(Anal. Chem)
Dept. of Pharm. Chem.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Assiut University
Main Responsibilities include:
§  Member of Pharm. Chem. Dept. board
§  Lecturing of academic courses of Analytical Chemistry
Assistant lecturer
Dept. Pharm. Chem.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Assiut University
Assiut- Egypt
Main Responsibilities include:
§  Teaching of practical courses of Anal. Chem. For undergraduate student
§  Preparation of Ph.D.
§  Passing TOEFL exam.
§  Prepared the Ph.D. practical research in University of Florida,JHMHC,
Gainsville,Florida,USA.( March1984-Aug.1985)
Dept. Pharm. Chem.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Assiut University
Assiut -Egypt
Main Responsibilities include:
§  Teaching of practical courses of anal. Chem.
§  Passing general courses exam.
§  Preparation of Master Thesis.
Ph.D. Study / Dissertation title was:
“Effect of Cyclodextrins on analysis of some Pharmaceutical Pyridine Derivatives”
The study included the interaction between cyclodextrins(α , β, γ )as a guest and drugs(carrying pyridine ring)as host using microcalorimetric measuring the binding constants between cyclodextrins and the drug using potentiometry, chromatographic techniques.Using β- Cyclodextrin column for analysis of pharm. pyridine drugs in pure forms and in pharmaceutical preparation using High Performance Liquid Chromatog.
Master Study / Dissertation title was:
Non-aqueous Titration of some Basic Pharmaceutical Compounds using Potentiometric Technique
Published Papers / 1-Quantitative Fluorescence Intensity-Structure Relationships of certain Quinolone-
Metal Chelates.
Michael E. EL-Kommos, Gamal A. Saleh, Samia M EL-Gizawy Mohamed A. Abou-ELwafa
Assiut University Fourth Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference. March 6-7, 2004, Assiut-Egypt.
2- Novel HPLC Method for the Determination of Histamine and Histidine Using CROWNPAK CR(+) Column,
Samia M. EL-Gizawy
2nd Inemational Conference on Chemistry and its Applications, Dec. 6-9, 2003, Doha, Qatar.
3- Spectrofluorometric Determination of Certain Quinolone Antibacterials Using Metal Chelation.
M.E. EI-Kommos, G.A. Saleh, S.M. El-Gizawy, and M.A. Abou-Elwafa.
Talanta, 60, 1033 (2003).
4- Frontal Analysis of Drug-plasma Lipoprotein Binding Using Capillary
Ohnishi T., Mohamed N.A., Shibukawa A., Kuroda Y., Nakagawa T., El-Gizawy
S.M., Askal H.F., EI-Kommos M.E.
J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 27 (3-4), 607 (2002).
5- Enantioselective Binding Analysis of Verapamil to Plasma Lipoprotiens by
Capillary Electrphoresis-Frontal Analysis.
N.A. Mohamed, Y. Kuroda,A. Shbukawa, T. Nakagawa,
Samia EI-Gizawy, H.F. Askal and M.E.EI-Kommos.
J. Chromatography, 875, (2000).
6- Effect of Cydodextrins on the Stability of Adriamycinol , Adriamycinone and
S. Emara, 1. Morta, K. Tamura, S. Razee, T. Masujima, H.A. Mohamed S.M.EI-
Gizawy, and N.A EI-Rabbat.
Talanta, 51, (2000).
7- Simultaneous Determination of Diazepam, Oxazepam and Temazepam in
Spiked Urine by HPLC.
Analytical letters, 33, 4, (2000).”
8- Binding Analysis of Nilvadipine to. Plasma Lipoprotiens by Capillary Electrophoresis - Frontal Analysis.
N.A. Mohamed, Y. Kuroda, A. Shibukawa, T. Nakagawa,
Samia EI-Gizawy, H.F. Askal and M.E.EI- Kommos.
J. Pharm. And Biomed. Anal., 21, (1999).
9- Utility. of Ion-Pair Chromatography for Analysis of Some Anthracyclines in
Plasma and Urine.
S. Emara, 1. Morta, K.Tamura, S. Razee, T. Masujima, H.A. Mohamed, Samia
EI-Gizawy and N.A. EI- Rabbat.
J.Liq. Chromatog. And Related Technologies, 21, 5, (1998).
10- High Performance Liquid Chromatography Assay of Azteronam and in Presence
of its Degradations Products Using Metal Cation as Additive.A.M. Khedr, Samia EI-Gizawy; H.A. EI-Sherif and H.M Abbas
Assiut University 1st Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference, Assiut. Egypt.
March 4-5, (1998).
11- HPLC Determination of Certain Amino Acids Using CROWNPAK (+) Column.
Samia EI-Gizawy,
Accepted in " The First Scientific Conference for the Arab Colleges of Pharmacy"
Jordan, 13-15 October, (1997).
12- High Performance Liquide Chromatographic Analysis of Metronidazole
and Dioxanlide Furoate in Its Dosage forms.
Samia EI-Gizawy
Analytical Letters,28, 1 ,(1995).
13- Simultaneous Determination of Free. and Bound Adrimycin, Adriamycinol,
and Duanonrubicin in Plasma Using Column-Switching Technique and Protein -
S. Emara, I.Morta, K. Tamura; .S. Razee, T. Masujima,
H.A. Mohamed, Samia EI Gizawy and N.A. EI-Rabbat.
Talanta, 41, II (1994).
14- Different forms of Oral Ketamine for Premedication in Children:
Clinical and Pharmacokinetic Study.
K.A. Abdelsalam, M.A. Mohamed, G.M. Fathy, S.M. Omar, S.M. Safwat and
Samia EI-Gizawy.
Egypt. J. Anaesth., 10, 2 (supp1.), (1994).
15- Influence of Y-Cyclodextrin on the Nystatine Release From Ointments and Its
Antifungal Effect.
S.M Sawfwat, S.M. EI-Gizawy and E.A. EI-Sabour.
Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut University, vol. 17, Part 1 (1994).
16- The Effect of Cyclodextrins and. β -Cyclodextrins Derivatives on the Solubility
and Skin Penetration of Nifedipine.
A.N. Ahmed, Samia EI-Gizawy, E,Squillante, H.Zia and T.E.Needham
Accepted in the Putsburgh'Conference: Atlanta, Georiga, U.S.A., (1993).
17- Spectrophotometric Determination of Isoniazid Using Ethyl-8- Quinolinoxy
A.N. Ahmed, S.M. EI-Gizawy and H.I. EI-Subbagh.
Analytical letters, 25, 73 (1992).
18- The Use of HPLC-Cyclobond Column for Quantitative Determination of
Anticatarrhal Tablets.
S.M. EI-Gizawy, A.N. Ahmed -and M.A. Makboul.
Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut University, 14, 142 (1991).
19- Anion Exchange Column for Chromatographic Study of some Sulphonylureas
Using β-Cyclodextrin as Mobil Phase
S.M. EI-Gizawy.
Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut University, 20, 65 (1991).
20-- Cyclodextrin Bonded Phase for Liquid Chromatographic Separation and
Analysis of some Oral Contraceptives.
S.M. El-Gizawy, A .N. Ahmed and N.M. Omar.
Analytical Letters, 24, 2207 (1991).
21- High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Multivitamin
Preparations Using a Chemically Bonded Cyclodextrin Stationary Phase.
S.M. El-Gizawy. A.N. Ahmed and N.A. EI-Rabbat.
Analytical Letters, 24, 1173 (1991).
22- Formulation and Evaluation of Midazolam Suppositories, 1- Formulation of
Midazolam Suppositories Adopting HPLC Technique for Analysis.
E. Hafez and S.M. El-Gizawy,
Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut University, Vo. 13, Part 2 (1990).
23- Chemically Bonded Stationary Phase for High Performance Liquid Chromato-
graphic Separation and Analysis of Sulphonamides.
A.N. Ahmed and S.M. El-Gizawy.
Analyst, 114,571 (1989).
24-1H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (H1-NMR) Spectroscopy of Piroxicam Cyclodextrins Inclusion Complexes.
N.M. Omar, A.N. Ahmed, H. Ueda and S.M. El-Gizawy.
Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut University, 12, 298 (1989).
25-- Microcalorimetric and Chromatographic Investigations of the Binding of Some
Pyridine Derivatives to Cyclodextrins.
S.M. El-Gizawy, N. Omar,N. EI-Rabbat, H. Ueda and J.H. Perrin
J. Pharm. & Biom. Analysis, 6, 399. (198&).
26- Analysis of Some Dosage Forms Containing Pyridine Derivatives Using
A Cyclodextrin Bonded Stationary Phase in HPLC.
S.M. El-Gizawy, N.M. Omar, N.EI-Rabbat and J.H. Perrin
J. Pharm. & Biom. Analysis, 6, 393 (1988).
27- Use of Chemically Bonded Cyclodextrin Stationary Phase for HPLC
Determiriation of Feldene Capsule.
A.N Ahmed and S.M. El-Gizawy.
J. Chromatographic Sci., 25, 424(1987).
28- Thermodynamics of Binding of Aromatic Amino Acids to α-, β- and γ-
K. Matsuyama, S.M. El-Gizawy and J .H. Perrin.
J. Drug Development and Industry Pharmacy. 13, 2687 (1987).
29-- High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Mepyramine
Maleat, Pheniramine Maleate and Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride in Tables
and Drops.
S.M. El-Gizawy and A.N Ahmed. Analyst, 112,867 (1987).
30- Analysis of Nasal Solution Containing Phenylephrine Hydrochloride and
Pheniramine Maleate by High Performance Liquid Chromatography on
Cyclodextrin Bonded Stationary Phase and Diode Array Spectrophotometry
R.Pereire Rosario, S.M., El-Gizawy, J.H. Perrin and C.M. Riley.
J. of Drug Development and Industry Pharmacy, 12, 2443 (1986).
31- Potentiometric Titration of Organic Bases in Methyl Isobutyl Ketone with
Perchloric Acid.
I.M.Isa, N.A. EI-Rabbat, S.R, EL-Shabouri and S.M. El-Gizawy.
Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 19, 223 (1978).
Attended Conferences & Meeting / 1-American Chemical Society, Pennselvania, USA, 1984.
2-World Chromatography & Spectro scopy,Desseldorf, West Germany, 1987.
3-American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, LasVeggas, USA, 1990.
4-Sympoium on Child Welfare,King Saud University,Rhiyad, Saudia
5- First Conference of Development of Pharmacy in Arab Country, Jurdan, 1997.
6 -8th Conference of Development of Idustry in Arab Country, Syria, 1998.
7- 2 nd International Conference of Chemistry and its Applications, Qatar, 2003.
8- 9th Ibn Sina International Conference on Pure and Applied Heterocyclic
Chemistry, Sharm-El-Shaikh, Egypt, 2004.
9- All the Egyption Pharmaceutical Sciences Conferences
Awards / Prize of Assiut University of Special Science in field of Pharmaceutical Science 2004-2005.
Special Skills / Computer Skills
§  Efficiency in using Windows 2000
§  Efficiency in using Power Point
§  Efficiency in using Internet
§  Native speaker of Arabic
§  Fluent in English
§  Fair in French
Personal Data / Date of Birth June, 8th, 1952.
Place of Birth Assiut, Egypt.
Nationality Egyptian.
References / Furnished upon request

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