Ask these questions… if you have to add "truth" before each one of them. Use these questions to open to new awareness You are just looking for expanding viewpoints… What if as an infinite being you have infinite viewpoints? (avoid creating new stories of limitation :)
==> What percentage of you is a follower?
==> What percentage of you is a trailblazer, doing new things (your own things)?
==> Did you blaze a trail that other beings have followed?
==> Are they watching & studying your actions closely?
==> Do you feel responsible for their following you?
==> Are you making yourself wrong for other beings not being prepared to follow your trail (not knowing how to avoid the pitfalls you already knew- which made the shortcut you chose viable for you?)
==> Are you holding yourself back because there are others following you and you are concerned for them?
==> Did you blaze a trail in interacting with multi-dimensional beings?
==> Did you blaze a trail in interacting with extra-dimensional beings?
==> Did you blaze a trail in interacting with extra terrestrial beings?
==> Were you part of a government program?
==> Were you part of a secret organization's program?
==> Were you part of a off-world organization's program?
==> Truth, is there a version of you that is currently in a craft above this planet right now?
==> Truth, is there a version of you that is a leader or commander of a craft or a fleet?
== Truth, is there a version of you that is a leader of an organization of beings who protects or guards this planet?
==> How many lifetimes on this planet, did you have experience with multi-dimensional or extra-terrestrial beings?
==> What percentage of your lifetimes on this planet, did you have experience with multi-dimensional or extra-terrestrial beings?
In those experiences,
==> What percentage of them were with beings who were operating outside of linear time?
So those beings were outside of time, while you were in time, diversified across multiple expressions having multiple interactions…
==> What percentage of these experiences did you interact with the SAME beings across multiple lifetimes?
==> How did you experience them? As the same being or as multiple beings?
==> How did those beings experience YOU? As the same being or as multiple beings?
What if as you begin to bring together all the different aspects of yourself and become aware of the celestial being you are, those fragmented experiences would merge to form a more coherent image from outside of space & time?
==> What if this is what is happening to you now?
==> Are remembering across the different timelines/parallels/lifetimes?
==> Are you merging multiple time streams into one time stream?
==> Is this time stream the "master" time stream where you are bringing all of you together?
==> During THIS lifetime were you taken up/down into a space ship or alien vessel or laboratory?
==> During a PREVIOUS lifetime were you taken up/down into a space ship or alien vessel or laboratory?
==> How many times were you taken up/down into a space craft?
==> How many times were you taken to another planet?
==> How many times were you taken to a completely different dimension?
==> How many times were you taken to something you think of as your "home planet?"
==> Can you travel now without the use of technology?
During any lifetime...
==> Do you have a memory of being experimented on, seemingly without your consent?
==> Can you be a victim in a free-will reality?
(Recognize that the energy of "victim" locks density and illusion in place and doesn't allow you to experience the greater truth of you as an infinite being. Also if it's heavy… it's not true :)
==> So, are there other explanations that would explain that experience?
==> Are those implanted false memories?
==> Was being experimented on something you had planned?
==> Were there multiple versions of you that showed up for this (because you were curious?)
==> Did the aliens know that the other versions of YOU were present?
==> Were the ET's prepared for having multiple versions of you show up?
==> Had they prepared for that?
Commonly the ET's will prepare a being to interact with them, so it's not a shock...
==> Were the uninvited versions of you, prepared in advance by the ET's for this experience?
==> Was this experience pre-planned or agreed upon, by you, in advance? Or a last minute decision on your part?
==> Were YOU related or connected to the alien whom you were interacting with?
==> Were YOU the multidimensional, extra-dimensional or ET being that you were interacting with?
==> Were you interacting with another version of you?
==> Was the whole program an excuse to get you to connect to or embody an expanded version of you?
1 Be the Magic – 8wk Course