Personal introductions, roles, relationships and responsibilities
Partnering Overview
Project Overview
a. Project objectives (i.e. what problems are to be solved?)
b. Project design (i.e. what are the engineering solutions?)
c. Construction contract
1. Parties to the contract
2. Contractual responsibilities and limitations
3. Project vs contract responsibilities (what are the differences?)
Develop Problem Resolution/Escalation Process
a. Identify authority levels
b. Utilize four (4) rules
1. Resolve problem at lowest level
2. Unresolved problems should be escalated upward by both parties in a timely manner, to avoid delays
3. No jumping levels of authority
4. Ignoring the problem, or no decision, is not acceptable
Identify Potential Problems, Issues, or Opportunities.
a. Prioritize issues
b. Discuss and resolve : or
c. Develop action plan
1. Issue
2. Responsibility for solution
3. Date solution needed
d. Develop an Evaluation Process (Engineer-In-Charge (EIC) and Contractor=s Superintendent)
Evaluations should be completed by the stakeholders, who should be candid with comments, mention specific items such as supply problems, slow review process, schedule delays, personality clashes, etc., which may be affecting progress. Evaluations should be reviewed by the Engineer-in-Charge and Superintendent and corrective action taken as required.
Exercise # 1
$ What problems are anticipated ? (constructability, permits, materials, utilities, submittal approval)
Solutions ?
Which problems cannot be resolved at the project level, and need to be elevated immediately ?
Who is going to be responsible for resolution, how and when ?
Are there any opportunities to complete project ahead of schedule ? (e.g. Value Engineering)
What needs to be done to maximize opportunities ?
Who needs to take action, how and when ?
Exercise # 2 Issue Resolution and Evaluation
How should the issue resolution process work ?
What are the roles and responsibilities for all levels of the partnership in issue resolution?
How can we evaluate the progress of partnering in achieving our goals and objectives?
Who initiates the evaluation, who has input, and who sees the evaluation? Schedule of submittals?
What actions should the evaluation cause ?
FACTORS / SCORE1. Effective Maintenance & protection of Traffic.
2. Work has been free of safety violations and/or accidents.
3. Communications have been clear and concise and therefore no delays/problems.
4. Progress is on schedule.
5. Submittals are on schedule.
6. Construction has caused minimal impact on community and work is in
compliance with oversight agencies and environmental requirements.
7. A professional atmosphere and mutual respect has been maintained.
8. All parties have been cooperative and have actively participated in innovative
and creative ideas to make the project an efficient and enjoyable work place.
9. Disputes are being resolved at the lowest level.
10. Value Engineering and alternative proposals are being given due consideration.
Rating scale :
0- Not applicable.
1- Improvement is required immediately. *
2- Improvement is required, short run. *
3- Meets minimum requirements but improvement is possible and desired.
4- Exceeds normal requirements but some improvement is possible.
5- Excellence has been achieved at this time.
* Comments