For Official Use Only (FOUO)
2011 IED Attack
Tabletop Exercise
March 10, 2011
After Action Report
Among the many potential disasters we face toady, terrorists have become an increasing concern. The bombing of the AlfredP.MurrahFederalBuilding in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, dispelled the myth that domestic terrorism could not occur in America. The events on September 11, 2001, brought national attention to the threat of international terrorism. Since then, communities have improved their preparedness for an array of terrorist scenarios, including chemical release, biological and agricultural events, and bombings of every size. Although no events on U.S. soil have occurred since September 11, 2001, events in Spain and England, as well as throughout the Middle East, are stark reminders of the need to remain vigilant in the fight against terrorism.
The purpose of this exercise is to provide participants with an opportunity to evaluate current response concepts, plans, and capabilities for a response to an IED event in a Tabletop format. The exercise will focus on local emergency responder command and control coordination, critical decisions, notifications and integrated local, State and Federal assets necessary to save lives and protect public health and safety. The role of communications and public information strategies will be critical to the overall response effort.
This exercise emphasizes the role of local first responders along with State and Federal Agencies in response to an IED incident.
Participants in the exercise will become more knowledgeable and comfortable with:
1)Their personal and agency roles and responsibilities in an event;
2)The roles and responsibilities of other agencies in an event;
3)Establishing Command and setting up unified command;
4)How communications will work most effectively between agencies;
5)Their Emergency Response Plan.
It is Thursday, May 12th, 2011.
It is just another day at the City of Flint Water Plant, with the exception of a class field trip of GeneseeCounty students visiting the facility today. The weather has begun to warm up and it is sunny today with SW winds 10-15 mph and a temperature of 56 degrees. Around 8:30 a.m. the students have just arrived. By 8:45 a.m. the students have been divided into the smaller groups and assigned to group leaders and chaperons. Each group begins in a different part of the facility to accommodate the large number of students.
Exercise Facilitator: Jenifier Boyer, P.E.M.
Exercise Evaluator: Gail Novak-Phelps, P.E.M.
Overall the table top exercise went well. There was good participation and representation from those agencies involved. As the group of participants discussed the response to such an incident gaps in emergency planning and limitations with communications surfaced.
City of Flint Water Plant
The scenario proposed challenged the Water Plant and their internal emergency operations plan. A few items that were identified included an accountability system, warning system and predetermined shelters and evacuation areas.
City of Flint 911 and GeneseeCounty 911
Due to the City of Flint being on a different radio system then the rest of the county, there will be issues with communications. There is a patch available between City and County 911 centershowever it may not be capable of handling the amount of radio traffic an incident like this may have. At this time, if the City of Flint switches over to county 800 mhz system using their supply of radios, then the City of Flint 911 center would be excluded from all communications.
GeneseeCounty Emergency Management
After the exercise had concluded, during participant comment, it was mentioned that there was little discussion focused on the public information and public warning. There will need to be a large coordination of information both from the city and the county. When “media arriving on scene” was mentioned during the exercise there was very little discussion on where they would be sent or what information would be released and who would be releasing the information.
Also, with a release of chemicals that would affect the community and cause a health risk, the Genesee County Health Department would need to be notified and brought into the incident to assist with emergency health information.
The table top exercise definitely challenged the participants and helped identify issues in a response and coordination of a large incident.
Exercise Participants/Attendees:
Annita SwainAmerican Red Cross
Jim GarrisonAmerican Red Cross
Robert GrieveARES
Jan MessenbergCity of Flint 911
Collin BirnieCity of FlintBomb Squad
Andy GravesCity of Flint Fire
Carrie EdwardsCity of Flint Fire (EMS)
Marcus BrownCity of Flint Fire
Raymond BartonCity of Flint Fire
Robert HaleCity of Flint Fire
Al LockCity of Flint Public Safety
James MitchumCity of Flint Risk Management
Mike GlasgowCity of Flint Water Plant
Robert DubyCity of Flint Water Plant
Mark TromblyDepartment of Justice – ATF
Becky DawsonGeneseeCounty 911
Peggy NoldeGeneseeCounty Equalization
Ed BlightGeneseeCounty Hazmat
Ann GoldmanGenesee County Health Department
Mark ValacakGenesee County Health Department
James MuraskiGeneseeCounty LEPC Intern
Dave SchreiberGenesee CountyMedical Control Authority
Leslie TurnbullGenesee County Medical Examiner’s Office
Michael ChattersonGeneseeCounty Paramedics
Terence GreenGeneseeCounty Paramedics
Felicia IveyGenesee County Road Commission
Fred JacksonGenesee County Road Commission
David ThibeaultGenesee CountyWater Waste Services
Scott CruzenGenesys
Zachery LandersGenesys
Steve NokovichHurleyMedicalCenter
Steve SitarHurleyMedicalCenter
Donna SeelyMcLarenMedicalCenter
Philip HartMichiganState Police
Lisa SpearyMichiganState Police – EMHSD
Scott HillermanMt.Morris Twp Fire Station #1
Sheriff PickellOffice of GeneseeCounty Sheriff
Mike LaneUM-Flint
Participant Feedback:
Was the overall goal and objectives of the exercise accomplished?
90% Yes 1% No 9% No Response
Was the exercise scenario realistic?
86% Yes 2% Not Sure 12% No Response
Was the exercise well structured and organized?
86% Yes 10% No 4% No Response
Were the roles and responsibilities for the agencies properly identified?
90% Yes 1% No 9% No Response
Need for more training on critical infrastructures and emergency planning.
Do you feel that you have increased your knowledge and understanding of agency coordination and the importance of using ICS during large events?
96% Yes 4% No Response
Overall, how would you rate this exercise?
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
15% 50% 35%
What can we do to make this table top exercise better?
Exercise went very well.
Well organized.
Good participation.
Scenario needs more detail.
Provide a printout of defined roles and available resources.
More realistic time frame.
More sequential event timeline.
Larger role for Incident Commander, Emergency Management and Public Information.
Would like to see some time spent on discussing improvement strategies.
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