Educ 427 –Spring 2014 Student Syllabus
Teaching Students with High Incidence Disabilities in Inclusive Settings
Dr. Joyce Tait Email: Mon: 4:30-8:20 Room:EDB7500B BLOG:
A.Setting the Foundations
1) Jan 6 : Effective Inclusionary Practice
-Course Overview; objectives; syllabus; format; strategies; logistics; calendar; courseware; readings, grading; attendance; course website
-Deconstruct course title: Teaching What is effective teaching?
Students with High Incidence Disabilities Min. of Ed.
definitions of “ high incidence” and “low incidence”
disabilities; funding Special Ed; 1701 forms;
what’s in a label ?; people first language;
in Inclusive Setting -B.C. context:
-Inclusion: as a philosophy; history; related terms;
some contemporary issues and tensions ; some legal
frameworks for students with disabilities; service
delivery options;
-continuum of services; least restrictive environment/
most enabling environment ;down the hall services,
full inclusion, model of school delivery at school
transition planning
- “adapting and modifying”, in relation to PLO
-3RS of effective inclusionary teaching practice: Respecting/Responding/Reflecting
-Reflecting: Learning Log Assignment: use principles
of Assessment for Learning to develop criteria
Readings for Next Week: Textbook Chapters:
2) Jan. 13 – 3RS of effective Inclusionary Practice: Respecting Diversity
-In what ways are our students diverse?
-Getting to Know your Learners; formal and informal ways to know your learners
-Start Where They Are by Karen Hume
-Gardiner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences; VAKT;
-data collection, observation, inventories,
-categories of assessments (A,B,C)
-referral process for identification; Response to Intervention ( RTI)
-IEP writing: Ministry requirements; writing objectives/goals; BCEIS
-Handout-Developing a Learning Profile- holistic approach, focus on strengths -
( Assignment #1 Learner Profile: due date: Feb. 3)
Readings for Next week:
3)Jan. 20: 3Rs of Effective Inclusionary Practice: Responding to Diversity in the Classroom
-Struggle of implementation; (‘personalized learning’) accommodations; leads to paradigm shift; mission statement.
- dilemmas of practice; challenges; issue of “fairness”;
-Assessment For Learning- four Critical Questions for Educators
-Universal Designs for Learning; (UDL)
-Differentiated Instruction – (Carol Tomlison)
-variety of content, process and product ( andcurriculum, instruction, and
assessment )
-way of thinking and planning intentional efforts to improve learning for
students in mixed- ability classrooms by using a variety of learning strategies
- Continue working on Learning Profile /Iep
- Readings for Next Week:
B. Taking a Closer Look at our Learners with High Incidence Disabilities
- Jan 27 ; Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities;
Teaching Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
-Intelligence Testing –brief history; related terms;
-LD and ADHD; common characteristics, theory, prevalence, identification,
-definitions- DSM V; Ministry of Ed; planning tool, case study,
challenges; instructional strategies; possible implications for practice
-“ 6 hour a day disabilities”
Readings for Next week: Textbook Chapters:
5) Feb. 3- Teaching Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities;
Teaching Students with FASD
-common characteristics, theory, prevalence, identification,
-definition according to Ministry of Ed; planning tool, case study,
- challenges; instructional strategies; possible implications for practice
- assignment # 1 Student Profile/IEP is due.
-Readings for Next Week: Chapters:
Feb. 10: Family Day : no class Readings: Roles/Responsibilities Booklet
6) Feb. 17- Teaching Students with Moderate Behavioural Disabilities/
Mental Illness; (DSM V)
-common characteristics, theory, prevalence, identification,
-definition according to Ministry of Ed; planning tool, case study,
-instructional strategies; possible implications for practice
- Groupings for Assignment : Differentiated Unit Plans
Readings for Next week: Chapters:
7) Feb. 24 Teaching Advanced Learners; Dual Diagnosis
- common characteristics, case studies, challenges, strategies; possible
implications for practice
Readings for Next week: Chapters:
8) Mar. 3 Collab Partnerships / Assistive Technology/; Review for next week’s
-roles/responsibilities, working with SEA, parents, paraprofessionals
-continuum of assistive technology: SET-BC
No Readings for Next week:
9) Mar. 10: Midterm Test ( on readings, lectures, classwork) ; Creative
-Assignment # 2 Due: Reflective Learning Log (based on weeks #1-8)
C) Application In Our Teaching Practice
10) March 17: Unit Planning for Diversity – Backward Design; E-smart; UDL
and DI
11) March 24: Groupwork session – separate meeting times- (no sign in) Unit
Planning for Diversity
12) March 31 Unit Planning for Diversity;
13) April 7 Presentations of Instructional Lessons for Diversity ;
Unit assignment Due / Course Recap/Evaluation
10% Class attendance and participation. Due to the fact that this is in large part an interactive seminar approach, grade will be based on class attendance and participation. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure he/she signs in each half of class. Mark will be calculated on your participation in discussion, activities, as well as your attendance. (-1% for each absence, -.5 % for each .5 class missed; instructor discretion for full participation marks ) Scheduled Weeks 2-12. (excluding week 11)
10% Assignment #1:Student Profile. Develop a student profile including a learning inventory and an IEP for one student. Due Feb. 3.
20% Assignment #2:Learning Log/ Reflective Practice Journal. Reflections on: topics presented class lectures, reading assignments and class activities. Weeks 1-8 Due : Mar. 10
20% Mid-term Test based on readings/lectures/class: March 10.
(matching, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, short-essay answer)
40% Assignment #3 Unit Overview/Presentation of Lesson. Preparation of a comprehensive unit overview incorporating differentiated instruction strategies that support learning for students with high-incidence disabilities. (25%) Presentation of one lesson from unit. (15%) Assignment and Presentations : April 7
Grading Scale:
Letter Percentage Definition Grade*
A+95 - 100 Excellent
A 90 - 94 Performance
A- 85 - 89
B+ 80 - 84 Good
B 75 - 79 Performance
B- 70 - 74
C+ 65- 69
C 60 -64 Satisfactory
C- 55 -59 Performance
D50- 54
F 0 - 50 Unsatisfactory